Description "Alex Common" Alex thoughts "Myrian" "Fratava" "Others"
Alex just sank slowly a little further beneath the water the line of the slowly steaming scented liquid rising too just beneath his nose. The calm atmosphere something he’d longed for, and wished for weeks. However he couldn’t let that show he couldn’t allow himself to fully relax to fully calm. At least that was what he kept telling himself. He tended to tune things out whilst submerged, however what garland was saying caught his attention lightly there was no archery contests nor a hunting one for the shield games? Why not test out the efficacy of your archers?! Why just rely on brute force when a well-placed arrow could be possibly even deadlier than a knight? Alex slightly shook his head in the water before garland sank to much the same placement.
The slow roll of the water as people clamoured in and out the slight ripples. And what felt like weeks of aches being pulled from his muscles and bones. Only was his full focus snapped to attention when he heard a soft female voice crawling through the blissful silence. Masseur? Alex glanced over and beheld the quite lovely visage before him snapping his eyes back to focus at the moment he caught himself marginally staring. He heard a rush of water as Garland emerged from the swathe of it next to him. Offer the “more intimate services?” Alex simply shot him a glance and rose out of the water behind him.
“There’s a difference between timidity and restraint Garland. Because I’m substantially more reserved with my proclivities it paints me in a bad light. I simply like to keep my hands out of the cookie jar, unless I know exactly what the cookies are.” Alex sighed, however instead of his usual soft sigh the air shot out of his nose, a slight aggravated edge to it. Less towards garland more towards the general comments that were bandied about regarding him.
A short walk and a short hop up onto a table and Alex crossed his arms in front of him waiting. His usual calm and collected demeanour edged marginally with a feeling of irritation. Almost like the calm before the storm.