47th of Spring, 514 AV
Seventeen. He was seventeen with this endeavor. How long had he had traveled to reach this point! Now that he had, it seemed that his work had paid off. Standing before the Amaranthine gate, his eyes traveled its height, marveling at the simplistic beauty of the arch. It's wide columns and shimmering adornments glittered in the fresh sunlight, and the cool mist surrounding the travelers gave a unique addition to an already mystifying architecture. For the first time, the naturally droopy eyes seemed to liven with this majestic discovery.
His excitement of seeing it in the distance caused him to run a ways from the caravan he joined. Up the steep hill he climbed, his weary legs going against the grain of the pebbled walkway. It wasn't until he leveled the top towards the gate that his leaning frame reclined, his body heaving with the drained anticipation. His caravan joined him up not long after, and the leader of the group gave him a good pat on the shoulder. It startled the young man, and the Isur that came up behind him edged a smile.
"We're here, as you've revealed. Do you believe what I've told you now?" The men locked eyes; the younger was thoroughly impressed, and the older's laugh lines became prominent. "What else did you expect, Orrinade? Did you think I'd lie to you?"
"Of course not," Orrinade replied. " I merely had a different perspective than your trained eye. What you knew in your head I had to imagine for myself."
The Isur agreed, "True that is. But now that we're here, allow me the talking, will you? I'm the caravan's leader, after all." Orrinade nodded, allowing him to walk ahead. The others joined him up, and they lead the donkey with their cargo towards the Shinya guards. One beckoned respectively.
"Hail, travelers. What brings you to Lhavit?"
"Hail!" the Isur called. "We've come to do trade, mostly. However, one of our's plans to remain here. We'll go on without him."
"Is that so?" the guard replied. "And whom would that be among you?"
"The Inarta here, Julla Orrinade." With the mention of his name, Julla nodded respectfully.
"As is my duty to ask, what sort of trade will commence among you?"
"Only the selling of leathers: bags, satchels, belts, what have you," the Leader clarified. The guard's head nodded in understanding, a smile crossing his face.
"Then I wish you luck, sirs and madam (as there was a single woman among them)." With his signal, they opened the entrance for the six to enter, and he was thanked for his courtesy.
The young Julla never knew of the lifestyle of Lhavitians. Considering it was his first time journeying anywhere beyond his home, he was unaware of many things. However, his poor skills with the bow greatly sharpened with his aid of hunting during the journey. He'd assisted in taking down anything small, from squirrels and rabbits, to larger prey, such as deer. Their presence in the town of Sartu was listless, as the caravan had made way there many times before. The addition of young Orrinade added curiosity, but only to the extent of speech with the Isur. He insisted that nothing harmful came of his being there.
As the caravan took the time to set up and sell what they had, they would often find Julla playing with the children. Fascinated by the archer's hawk, the Inarta would often put on a theatrical conversation, widening the children's eyes and making them laugh. He'd ask his hawk (first with hushed whisper and click and then with speech) to do him a favor. In joking manner, the hawk would often retaliate, either nipping Julla's ear or tightening his claws upon his sontav. He would pretend to be affected by the avian's prodding, scolding him with sarcastic manner. At times, the Inarta's hawk would take to the skies, and the children would look up with awe and wonder.
As Orrinade would entertain the children, their parents would be enticed to visit an often seen caravan, and perhaps buy something from the leatherworkers that they admired from afar. While being thankful for extra sales, the Isur was glad to see Orrinade meld quickly with the people he would soon live alongside.