81st of Summer, 516 AV
The sun shone down brightly on the Symenestra's pale skin when he finally exited his home on a hot summer day. Dex covered his face for a moment, the sun's gaze blinding him for a few moments as his extra sensitive eyes took longer to adjust to the new lighting. He merely sighed to himself, it had been more than a few bells since he rose from what little slumber his body would allow him. "Probably close to mid day already...and just getting out now, way to go Dex, way to go." The ashen skinned humanoid murmured to himself, a commonplace habit to any who got to know him.
Before heading off, he remembered but barely, to lock the door of his still newly acquired home. It had been quite a few days since he had arrived in Alvadas, more than a few in fact it was close to an entire season at this point. While returning the necklace to it's place around his neck he decided to begin moving forward at his fairly meager speed. Left? Right? He shrugged and turned left down the street intersection towards whatever destination the city had in mind for him today. After pulling his long jet black hair through the chain of the necklace his hands returned to their practiced locations on his body. Left hand resting on the scabbard of his basket rapier, nonsensically fidgeting the blade up and down slightly. His right hand was simply resting inside the pocket of his cloth pants while fiddling with a miza or two.
What was he going to do today, or rather, what was the city going to do with him? Shuffling forward he began to think about what he had learned since arriving in the strange city. Alvadas was going to do with you what it wanted, nothing less and nothing more. Continuing on though, the street looked as thought it was a calm stream. A funny thing about the illusions in the city, they usually matched the feeling of the city itself. Apparently, the people of the city might be drowning perhaps in fear, or maybe this one was just for him. After all, it could be said that he was mentally drowning in his own dreams.
But that was why he was out on this abnormally sunny day. He had to distract himself from the things that scratched at his head. Those monsters could not be fought with sword in hand while asleep but during the daylight hours he would be more than happen to challenge them to a duel. Now approaching the end of the stream-road he found his battleground. A small grassy meadow was tucked in between two fairly large buildings, their shadows cast down to cover the small park. Settling on a spot near the center of the green landscape he decided this is where practice would be today. A family of rabbits, assumably illusions leap away as the pale skinned warrior neared their spot in the grass.
Exhaling, Dex settled down into a basic combat stance for fighting with a rapier such as his. Foot of his sword arm planted in front of him facing straight ahead towards his invisible opponent. Swiveling his torso to the left he took his other foot and placed it so that it was perpendicular to the other. Looking forward in the direction of his leading leg, his right shoulder lined up perfectly above it. Any onlooker may think this a ridiculous looking dance of some sort but Dex knew that form was everything to a swordsman. This stance allowed a wide range of mobility, which in turn would allow a wide range of strategic movement and striking locations. Flicking the basket hilt of his rapier up and out of it's scabbard slightly with his left thumb allowed a slightly quicker draw time. Luckily for him this action was now second nature from his daily walks around the city. Quickly bringing his right hand around he drew his weapon out in a little more than a tick. Now he was prepared to begin his usual training regiment.