Unlikely Friends. (Alija)

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Unlikely Friends. (Alija)

Postby Nixie on July 3rd, 2016, 9:32 am

20th of summer, 516 AV. Late morning.

Gray wool drifted unhurriedly above the people of Nyka. Petrichor filled the air and soothed the spirits of those that lived there. Small drops fell from the sky, playing their music against tiled roofs, glass windows, and stone paths. On occasion, when sunlight was able to peek down through the clouds, everything in its gaze would glimmer. This gentile summer rain was exactly the respite needed during this hot season.

Drops collected on windows, distorting what was seen through them. Little streams trickled down toward the port. People spoke quietly, listening to the melody that resonated through the area from under the cover of buildings eaves. The children squealed in delight. Jumping in puddles and seeing who could make the biggest splash. One child jumped into a puddle with all their might just as Nixie was walking past. Drenching one of her boots. If she was paying attention she would have moved out of splashing range, but her thoughts were preoccupied looking for a blacksmith.

The feeling of dampness drew Nixies gaze down and then over to the children. They were already looking at her, holding their breath, expecting her to scold or yell at them. She tried to give them a warm smile but without thought her lips twisted into a kind of scowl. Effectively, yet unintentionally, scarring the children away. An audible gasp escaped her lips and wide open eyes blinked in surprise before drooping her shoulders in defeat and running thin fingers through the damp and tangled mop atop her head. With furrowed brow and closed eyes Nixie scoffed before hurrying away from the scene. Already feeling people staring daggers at her. Thinking as she turned out of site that she needed to work on looking friendlier. Although the longsword she wore across her back probably didn’t help...

Once she was out of sight, but still somewhat upset about what had just happened, Nixie took cover under a nearby eave. Finding a spot against the wooden door frame of some unknown building, she tapped the toe of her wet boot against the floor and retrieved a worn tobacco pipe from the hidden confines of her water speckled attire. With her free hand she took out a dry match, struck it against the wall, and lit the loosely packed tobacco. Puffing on it until a thin tendril of smoke trailed up and it’s aroma surrounded her. With a tired expression Nixie tilted her head back against the wall but damp strands stuck in place against her skin.

Without realizing it Nixie stood leaning against the very place she sought after. The blacksmith shop.


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Unlikely Friends. (Alija)

Postby Alija on July 8th, 2016, 5:24 pm



Through the small hole near the ceiling, Alija could see the drizzle, trickling down against the misty glass. Her hand moved to her brow, wiping the drops of sweat from herself. Outside, people were dressed for the damp, with light summer coats, but here, under the sweltering heat of the flames that danced behind her, Alija wore only a light shirt, coated in soot. Despite all her pretences and fancy attire, this was her true self. Covered in sweat, soot and working the work she loved best.

She wiped her hands against her apron, tightening her grip on the hammer. Taking the tool, she flattened the edge, taking quick, sharp blows rather than heavy ones. The more she kept her hand moving, the less fatigue would take it from her. Occasionally, she would flip her hand over to hit the metal with the peen, watching the metal form valleys and ridges, almost a little world in her hands. Then she would use the head again and flatten the ridges to one side, drawing the metal out, and reset it all.

Smaug moved to take over, having learned from her example. He wasn't necessarily a quick learner, but he put time and effort in his work to make sure it resembled her own. Soon enough, it would be near impossible to distinguish her work from his, but she wanted it like that. If all their goods were the same quality as she could make them, it would be perfect. Then she could look to hiring even more workers.

"Take a break, I'll cover," Smaug grinned once more, aware that Alija was still clutching her hammer and pounding the metal. She did need a break - her limbs were sore, the ache from deep within. She always had this problem - when smithing, time would seem to stop and she would spend forever in the forge until someone actually took the hammer from her. Smiling, Alija stepped back, waiting a few chimes as she listening to the noise of his blows. They always seemed different to hers.

Still smiling, Alija left the forge itself, nodding to Ciara who sat doodling in the back room. Her hands lingered on the metal railing - made by her father - and then she saw someone, out of the corner of one eye. Moving towards the door, the smith pulled it open, trying not to startle the woman waiting there. A tendril of smoke, putrid smelling, drifted towards her, and Alija had to waft it away, stifling a cough, to see the visitor clearly. An average woman, slightly muscular. "Hello, welcome to the Ocean's Forge. My name is Alija, and you are?" Alija started, not expecting this woman to want something from her. Probably the type to cause trouble. Why else would she be waiting around in random doorways?

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Unlikely Friends. (Alija)

Postby Nixie on July 28th, 2016, 8:45 am

Standing out of rains reach, trying to dry off a little, Nixies' thoughts wandered. Just like so many times before, she sought out a place where nobody knew her. This city was her temporary solution, but she worried that she was already ruining her chances at a good first impression when those kids ran away in fear. She hoped none of the onlookers would remember her; maybe if she stayed out of sight for a while. The subtle sweet taste of tobacco lingered on her tongue and the smell of nuts and spice surrounded her, manifested in the dark smoke that drifted away. The familiarity calmed her nerves and helped awareness slowly returned.

Earlier, she had been so focused on her own thoughts and irritation that she hadn't even noticed when the blacksmith opened the door. Nor the violent and rhythmic claing of iron on iron. The first sound Nixie really noticed was the stern voice of a girl. It was unexpected and just a little unnerving, the tone bringing to mind the memories of an unloving mother. The unpleasant thought twisted Nixies face into an irritated scowl, driving her back on her heels to pivot towards the girl. When she realized it was a stranger, she cleared her throat and tried to soften her features. She didn't want to scare this person too.

Listening to the stranger speak it was obvious that the tone she thought she had heard earlier was nothing more than her memories trying to intrude on the present. The information the stranger gave was a surprise, but it helped to refocus her attention. Finally, she noticed the sounds that surrounded her. While she was taking in the sounds of hammering and muffled voices in the background, she realized the girl had paused.´Oh yeah, she asked me a question,´ she thought. Stumbling for words, she took a deep breath, slouched her shoulders with the exhale, and closed her eyes. Then puffed a couple of times on her pipe in an effort to regain composure.

She was still surprised she had made it to her destination by accident though; it was reminding her of the time she spent in Alvadis.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but could you take a look at this?" With the pipe in one hand, she reached her other up and over her shoulder. Pulling a long sword quickly from the sheath she wore across her back and sliced, audibly, through the air. The metal was unbelievably dull, in both sheen and edge. Scores of knicks and gashes covered its surface. Some sections were even warped. If the blacksmith was willing to take on this project, Nixie was ready to hand the blade over and follow her inside the shop. However, there was no way she would let the blade out of her sight. It was too precious to her.


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Unlikely Friends. (Alija)

Postby Alija on August 21st, 2016, 9:19 pm



The woman met her with an unpleasant scowl, but at least she attempted to hide it. She stood silently as she listened, and after too, deep in thought. Finally, she moved into a more relaxed position, puffing into her pipe. Alija scowled at it, trying to hold her breath as casually as she could. Didn't the woman find the stench horrible? Alija made a mental note to change out of her clothes as soon as this business was done - this stench also clung to the fabric like normal smoke did.

Then the woman spoke, pulling a long sword quickly through the air. Alija stepped back, worried that this woman was worse than she seemed, but then realised what she wanted. The sword was warped, and had a dullness to the blade, where it wasn't nicked or gashed. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone with that. Alija's eyes widened at distorted metal, unsure how anything could ever become like that. She didn't know much about weapons, but she knew that this was bad.

"How... how did you do that?" she finally exclaimed, leading the woman into the shop. She could fix some of it, she hoped, despite her little practice and low skill with weapons. It was better to try, or so she believed. It wasn't like she could make it any worse. "You know, fixing it seems pointless. It would be easier to simply make you a new one." That would test her skill a lot more. She felt like a challenge.

Although she was sore, she moved to the forge, leaving the door open for Nixie to enter and reply, to something at least. Pulling her apron back on, she nodded at Smaug, who was just finishing up. "Thanks for the help, I'll take the forge now." He shrugged, taking the finished work out as she settled the sword on the anvil, looking up.

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Unlikely Friends. (Alija)

Postby Nixie on September 14th, 2016, 6:43 am

Listening to the blacksmith stammer in wonder of how Nixie could have managed to damage a sword so badly, her gaze shifted to the side and down at nothing in particular. Even in all the years that she pretended to practice with that sword, she mostly used it in ways she shouldn’t have. Using it in her travels to roast fish, or whatever she managed to scrounge up, in her travels. It made a great spit when she couldn’t bother to find anything more suitable. When she wasn’t using it to cook, she used it to push burning wood around in its pit. Generally she considered it an all purpose tool more than an actual weapon to defend herself with. If the edges were dull enough, she could even use it as a makeshift fishing pole!

Nixie was silent at first, unable to find what she thought would be an acceptable reply.
“Uh... Not many know this, I guess, but you can use a sword for more than just fighting.” She wouldn’t say too much more about how she abused the sword, a bit embarrassed at her lack of formal skill.

Before following the girl inside, Nixie puffed on her pipe once more before suffocating the burning embers. Even with how oblivious she could be, it was easy enough to tell the girl was uncomfortable with her smoking. She had no idea why though. If somebody was a blacksmith, didn’t smoke kinda come with the territory? At least, thinking as she stepped inside the building, her tobacco smelt better than whatever was burning inside that building.

A new sword? Unacceptable. “No!” Nixies voice was louder and more angry than it should have been toward the well intentioned suggestion. Practically jumping toward the blacksmith at her anvil, she stood on the opposite side with one hand on the anvil and one on the blades hilt. “No,” she repeated more calmly this time. Taking a deep breath before continuing. “This weapon is far too important to just replace it. If you can’t fix it, tell me and I’ll take it elsewhere.” Crossing arms over her chest, she grumbled a little and let her head fall forward. Loose strands obscuring her eyes. “Sorry.”


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