Closed Ambition [Bare Fists and Broken Bones]

Aladari's first combat lesson (Bones)

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Ambition [Bare Fists and Broken Bones]

Postby Aladari Coolwater on July 4th, 2016, 1:42 am

Timestamp: 58th of Summer, 516 AV

Aladari had long known it was time to learn to protect herself. She had depended on others for far too long, and her guard dog was losing his edge in age. However, it wasn't until her daily visit to the Drunken Fish that morning that she had imagined training possible.

She had overheard two men chatting loudly (as the ale often made them do), about a training facility in town, called Bare Fists and Broken Bones.

"Aye, the fool's tryin' help Sunberth! Can y'imagine?"
"He's gonna lose either his business, his coin, or his life real soon."
"I know it. The gangs cain't be happy about people learnin' ta defend themselves. They's gonna come after him."
"Poor soul."

Despite the men's negative opinions, Aladari felt a rush of hope as soon as she heard that he was trying to help people. Perhaps, then, he could help even her, who had never lifted a weapon in her life? It was worth a try, at the very least. And so, the tick her drink was gone, Aladari left on her way to the center of town, where all sensible businesses were stationed.

It took her little more than 10 chimes before she found the building. It wasn't necessarily imposing from the outside, but upon entrance, she felt her heart drop. The center room was stocked with punching bags, various light armor, and plenty of room for sparring. It looked rather advanced, and Aladari almost turned around at the sight of it. However, as soon as she turned to leave, she caught sight of a single man.

He appeared to be of a rather young age, though decently older than Aladari herself. He was broad and long in shape, with legs that seemed equipped to take massive strides. His black hair was little more than a fuzz on his head, and so did little to cover the light reflecting from his bright, silvery eyes.

Silver? A Vantha, too? Kelvic, maybe? Or, with those legs, maybe a Symenestra?

No matter his race, he was clearly the owner of the facility, and Aladari would have felt rather rude leaving in front of him. Instead, she shuffled forward slowly, her hand wrapped tight around the bag of Mizas she had brought.

"Excuse me? You work here? I am Aladari, and I am looking for the lessons."

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Ambition [Bare Fists and Broken Bones]

Postby Ssafirsotibones on July 24th, 2016, 4:21 pm

58 Summer 516

As usual between classes, Bones sat silently in the middle of the front training room of his facilities. His eyes closed, he focused on his breathing, slowly measuring it out through each inhale and exhale. He wasn't afraid of being attacked, after all this was his domain and most would reveal themselves before approaching.

Breathing, footsteps, or loudly shouting out their challenge, the method didn't matter only that he was aware and able to react.

When he heard the shuffling footsteps of someone approaching, he knew another student had come wishing to learn to trade blows and fight. In Sunberth fighting was survival, and so Bones was teaching people those skills needed to survive.

So far he'd not had any trouble with other groups, as none of the gangs ran anything instructing in unarmed combat. He'd filled a empty niche, and as he took anyone as students including gang members he'd not been openly opposed.

Opening his eyes and rising from his seated position, Bones inspected his newest student. A female, though Bones knew from his own raising within a matriarchal society that gender meant nothing in battle.

“You want to learn to fight? Prepare, and I will teach you.”

His short statement made, Bones headed over to the side of the training hall, against the far wall where some of the padding and clothed armors were laid and used at times in training, and removed his weapon harness. Setting it aside with its various blades, he moved back to the center of the hall.

Once the female had done likewise, he would motion with his hands for her to come at him, to start the spar so he could gauge her abilities.

“When you are ready.”

He stood in a resting position, body untensed, muscles slack, calm and neutral. His arms rested naturally at his sides, palms out, his legs lay untensed but spaced apart at shoulder width.

His eyes however took in the girl, meeting her in a gaze eye to eye.
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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Ambition [Bare Fists and Broken Bones]

Postby Aladari Coolwater on July 31st, 2016, 10:43 pm

The man made few niceties. He gave short sentences punctuated with swift and decisive movements. He was clearly skilled, and his sureness gave Aladari an uncertainty in her gut. Surely he wouldn't actually hurt me, right? It's a lesson for Morwen's sake. I'm learning. He knows that.

Still internally reassuring herself, Aladari took her things over to rest against a wall, just as the man had done. She lobbed her backpack onto the floor, followed by the pouch of Mizas on her belt. She tucked the Mizas into her pack to hide them as well. After all, no matter how safe the building was, it was still Sunberth.

Finally ready, she turned around to face the man with a deep breath. He stood relaxed, and yet, she knew that he was ready, and his mind must have been going a million miles an hour, calculating. This was the skill Aladari did not possess. She could not fight and think at the same time. Her methods were youthful, reminiscent of playground scuffles. But, when his eyes locked on her own, she knew she had no choice but to comply.

Aladari shuffled forward a few more paces before mimicking his stance- legs spread almost too far, arms limp by their sides, head straight up. Then, she heard the words she had been dreading.

"When you are ready."

With a gulp of air, Aladari leaned back and then barrelled forward, trying her best to go faster than he could react, though there was no way to accomplish that realistically. She leaned her weight into the run, aiming straight for Bones. Her arms stayed crunched up by her chest to protect herself at least a little, while her left shoulder aimed straight at his torso. She was pulling no punches, ironically enough.

Rock the Boat
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Ambition [Bare Fists and Broken Bones]

Postby Ssafirsotibones on September 1st, 2016, 5:08 pm

Bones watched, his eyes open and body untensed as he saw and sensed his sparring partner. He believed in training by combat, learning by doing. He knew it was the best way to gauge her skills. Later lessons could be less direct, but for the first one he preferred a more physical and combat focused encounter.

He could see even just by her stance that she was new to fighting and not to skilled. She didn't attempt her own stance, simply making an attempt at copying his.

When she did come, it was in a rush. Streaking right at him, yet so slowly and telegraphing her attacks so clearly he almost felt like he could have predicted her motions and fought with his eyes closed.

She committed fully to the attack, which was more than he could say about some foes. Something to be commended on, guts if nothing else.

Running straight at him Bones thought for a moment she was going to tackle him, but then he saw her stick one hand out in front of her in some odd running punch sort of move.

Bones waited until almost the last moment, till she was almost upon him, before he pivoted and moved in one motion. He turned his body and moved a half step so that he'd be just out of reach of the tackle and blow, but so that he momentum would carry her right in front of where he now faced.

Then a half moment later just as she passed in front of him, he'd stick one foot out, attempting to trip her as she ran past and send her into a heap on the ground. From start to finish from when he'd pivoted and stepped to when he stuck out a foot, the entire thing hadn't even taken a full second.

If she fell he'd wait, not attacking and giving her a moment to get back to her feet. If he didn't manage to trip her he'd let her charge past, not responding unless she managed to come in close again.

“Don't over commit until you know you can. Only a fool will go right in. Too clear an attack, to clear to predict, and you will fail.”
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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Ambition [Bare Fists and Broken Bones]

Postby Aladari Coolwater on October 3rd, 2016, 4:45 pm

She had been so close.

She was ready to throw herself on top of him, to take him down to the ground and pin him. She should have known it wouldn't be so easy.

At the last tick, his body had twisted, sending her barreling past him. Her momentum was unstoppable, and his outstretched foot took clear advantage of this. The next thing she knew, she was sprawled on the ground, her body collapsed in odd angles.

Sensing her vulnerability, Aladari scrambled to get back up. She jumped, stumbling briefly before finding her feet. She spun around to face him, and was surprised to find him waiting.

“Don't over commit until you know you can. Only a fool will go right in. Too clear an attack, to clear to predict, and you will fail.”

Although the words were harsh, they were not said with noticeable malace, and so Aladari nodded politely. It was a lesson, she reminded herself. Nonetheless, she stepped back out of range. She was here for criticism, but she didn't need her ass beaten to a pulp in order to learn.

"Tell me how." She demanded. "How I hide the attack?"
Rock the Boat
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Ambition [Bare Fists and Broken Bones]

Postby Karyk on June 18th, 2017, 3:27 am

Aladari Coolwater
Observation: 1
Unarmed Combat: 1
Sunberth Location: Bare Fists and Broken Bones

Notes and Comments
CS Checkmarked: ✓
CS Reviewed by Me: ✓
Season Request was Submitted for Grade: Summer 517
Season of last IC post: Summer 517
Season of last Paid Seasonal Expense: Spring 517
Eligible for grade? Yes

Observation: 1
Teaching: 2

Notes and Comments
CS Checkmarked: ✓
CS Reviewed by Me: ✓
Season Request was Submitted for Grade: Summer 517
Season of last IC post: Summer 516
Season of last Paid Seasonal Expense: Summer 516
Eligible for grade? Yes

A shame that it went unfinished. Well done though. Please mark your queue post as graded.
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