Clyde listened to Sayana's words, letting her talk. Letting her speak her mind. Letting her run on with things. It was clear if nothing else she was a bit embittered if not annoyed at things, which was an easy flame to feed.
Within her aura Clyde could feel the strength of the pulse of her emotions, could feel their growing as she spoke. He could only assume from their conversation that those emotions were excitement, though if nothing else he could tell she felt strongly.
When she asked about gathering wood and stones for the fire, Clyde smiled, standing up to face her.
He ordered Rye to stay, before responding to her question. “I'll help find the wood to burn. But don't worry about the stone to make the fire put, I've got that handled.”
With a gesture of his hand he pointed at his tent, in particular the tent posts holding it down. If she hadn't noticed it before, perhaps now she'd notice that each of his posts were fitted into a perfectly arranged hole, and not just set up at random or in small pocks in the hard stone as Sayana's was. Something that Sayana surely would have noticed before when they were first setting up their tents, and so clearly hadn't been there when they'd began to make camp.
A fire pit being hollowed out was well within his abilities.
As they began walking Clyde continued speaking, answering Sayana's questions about Rhysol.
“One serves Rhysol by expanding his domain, by committing acts and spreading those things within his purview. Lies, betrayal, and chaos. Committing acts of each. Spreading it to other people, helping them find it within themselves, as I am doing now with you. That is what pleases him.”
“He respects strength and sacrifice for him, loyalty to him and his ideals. And of course bringing others to see his domain, bringing others within the fold. He appreciates inventiveness, subtlety, and creativity.”
As the two of them walked, Clyde picked up various bits of wood and sticks. If he hadn't been carrying Cha he might have been a bit more effective, but as it was he still did his best to pick up various bits of wood about the mountainside, what little there was.
He was skilled in starting fires, though less so in the mundane way. Still, he was decent with that also, and knew how to use some flint and steel to get fire going with the correct ingredients.
He'd not before used Reimancy before to enhance his survival skills, though as he reflected on such things it was a obvious connection.
Wilderness survival was about surviving and thriving within the elements. Reimancy was about control those same elements for the most part, and bending them to ones will and use.
Within her aura Clyde could feel the strength of the pulse of her emotions, could feel their growing as she spoke. He could only assume from their conversation that those emotions were excitement, though if nothing else he could tell she felt strongly.
When she asked about gathering wood and stones for the fire, Clyde smiled, standing up to face her.
He ordered Rye to stay, before responding to her question. “I'll help find the wood to burn. But don't worry about the stone to make the fire put, I've got that handled.”
With a gesture of his hand he pointed at his tent, in particular the tent posts holding it down. If she hadn't noticed it before, perhaps now she'd notice that each of his posts were fitted into a perfectly arranged hole, and not just set up at random or in small pocks in the hard stone as Sayana's was. Something that Sayana surely would have noticed before when they were first setting up their tents, and so clearly hadn't been there when they'd began to make camp.
A fire pit being hollowed out was well within his abilities.
As they began walking Clyde continued speaking, answering Sayana's questions about Rhysol.
“One serves Rhysol by expanding his domain, by committing acts and spreading those things within his purview. Lies, betrayal, and chaos. Committing acts of each. Spreading it to other people, helping them find it within themselves, as I am doing now with you. That is what pleases him.”
“He respects strength and sacrifice for him, loyalty to him and his ideals. And of course bringing others to see his domain, bringing others within the fold. He appreciates inventiveness, subtlety, and creativity.”
As the two of them walked, Clyde picked up various bits of wood and sticks. If he hadn't been carrying Cha he might have been a bit more effective, but as it was he still did his best to pick up various bits of wood about the mountainside, what little there was.
He was skilled in starting fires, though less so in the mundane way. Still, he was decent with that also, and knew how to use some flint and steel to get fire going with the correct ingredients.
He'd not before used Reimancy before to enhance his survival skills, though as he reflected on such things it was a obvious connection.
Wilderness survival was about surviving and thriving within the elements. Reimancy was about control those same elements for the most part, and bending them to ones will and use.