5th of Winter, 510 AV
Jason was lost at this point, He had left Caleb to do his own thing so that he could shop for a horse and had gotten lost, and At this point he was lost in the castle and doesn’t really even know which floor he is on. Sitting down on the ground exasperated, he wasn’t going to give up, because at this point he wouldn’t be able to find his way back, but he did need to take a short break.’
Remembering why he never really left his room, because he could never find his way back, He took a pull from his water skin. He will stand up, walk down the hall and find what appears to be a dead end, at this point so frustrated he starts running around frantically, trying to find the Great Bazaar. Eventually on what he thinks is the bottom floor he falls over barely awake and exhausted. He looks around and being in a short hall he slumped his head down and starts to breathe heavily, attempting to stand up he is having difficulty getting his footing, eventually resolving to find his way to the Great Bazaar, even if he has to actually ask someone, which he really doesn’t want to deal with.
He rests there for about 4 minutes and stands up trying to decipher the location in the Castle, sitting down he attempts to concentrate on where he is on the ground floor, not being sure of his exact location so he tries to find his way back to his own home, just getting himself even more hopelessly lost. He must have passed the Great Bazaar 5 times and just not noticed it. He eventually stops in front of a room and waits, hoping that the person will guide him to the Great Bazaar, or someone who sees him will show him how to get there. He is deeply regretting the fact that he has never left his mother’s library when he didn’t have to.