by Crow on October 2nd, 2016, 12:02 am
Hey guys! So I am looking for two non-citizens interested in the "17th: Tawny and Jill of the registration office for becoming full citizens of the city are abducted. Only a non-citizen witnessed the abduction, and is facing torture if he doesn't provide information of the event. Ebonstryfe tries to quietly handle the affair."
I decided to allow there to be two witnesses to this event if possible. The event will feature the following: Self-moderation, Mystery Investigation, Dealings with the Ebonstryfe, possibly torture depending on your writing skills, and etc. If I post in this thread it means that the self-moderation was not done to it's fullest potential. Thorough details of this event will be sent to the interested parties. If the players decide that they would rather have me fully moderate the event it is negotiable.