57th day of Winter, 510 AV By now word of the group of strangers who made up Glav Navik's party must have reached pretty much every working pair of ears in Wind Reach. The red-haired mountain folk had proven to be a bit of a conundrum to Leo Varniak. They holed themselves up in the crater of an active volcano, relying on little more than primitive hunter-gatherer strategies, and yet they flourished as artists and craftsmen. Their lives tended to be short and brutal and yet they seemed to enjoy themselves more than anyone in Syliras. A minority of privileged freemen held absolute power over the rest, and yet even the slaves seemed to bear their condition without truly questioning the system. Odd. Leo's hand ran along the corridor wall as he took a walk around the interior of Wind Reach. With Queen Morwen's fury raging outside, these halls were really the only safe place to be. He wondered how long he would be staying here. Days? Seasons? Years? Were Sondra and Terminus faring well back in Syliras, fighting evil in his stead? He feared that the city might prove too much for them to handle. Sondra was too jaded, Terminus too soft, and the place too dangerous beneath the surface. He wanted to conclude his business here and take the first ship back to civilization. 'But there is something I must do here.' And something else annoyed him, as well. It was cold - cold enough that even his abnormal body temperature could not truly compensate for it. He hadn't packed a lot of winter clothes, either, mostly because he didn't have any. His grey shirt might have been enough for his peculiar thermal regulation in Syliras, but it was woefully lacking here, and his hands were feeling somewhat numb from the cold. Leo Varniak sighed, looked left and right, and finally made up his mind. He took a step back from reality, visualizing the interior of his body, the veins and the conduits for more spiritual energies. He separated some of his inner essence and expelled it as thin Res from the pores on his right hand, then lighting up a small orb of fire that floated harmlessly just above his palm. He nodded in appreciation of the heat: much better now. He wasn't sure how exactly the natives would react to magic in this corner of the world; in fact, this was a splendid way to find out. The orb flickered as he literally allowed it to land on his hand, apparently setting it on fire, though the flames would never harm their friend. He just had to mind his clothes, for those did not participate in the friendship. Warm hands did feel wonderful! Leo walked around the corridors of Wind Reach like that, his mood significantly improved. He was ready to greet the natives with a smile and a handshake. Maybe not a handshake. |