Ashely helps two girls find their father
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Lo'campo on August 7th, 2016, 3:49 am

"Normal Text"
Mental text
She studied the womans words as she spoke, feeling her head spin ome way as she tried to understand all of the information being given to her. "This Oumoc man you speak of sounds very, unintelligent." Sas spoke unsure if the word was the one if she was looking for. The glow and excitment that filled her eyes once before, were now dimming as she found out the could be truth about the man she was so anxious to meet.
She tried to believe in her mother's reassurance that he was a very sophisticated man, but mother was sick, very sick, and this woman had an actual interaction with the man. Then again, based on all she'd seen in this city in the past bell she'd been here, one thing could be said. No one here could be trusted so easily. Giving a nod to the woman, she began to follow in step.
" Well you don't have to be so rude about it. Let me ask you something anyway, if you managed to get a swipe at him, why is he still alive? You didn't finish him off?" Ren poked, sensing that there was something missing from her tale. And that cane, what about it was so special? A weapon was a weapon. You used it to defend and kill. Nothing more, nothing less. Still though she felt the urge to snatch the item and run off with it. If it was as special as she claimed, Ren was sure to get some type of coin for it, or even keep it for herself if it proved special enough.
The two girls followed closely, taking the time to study the city as they walked through it. It was pretty early in the morning, the 9th bell signalling the start of the day, merchants, travelers and other sorts of people passed them by. Sas wasn't one for big crowd, or people in general. She wasn't shy at all, just not fond of anyone that didn't prove to have some usefulness to her intellect, so naturally she tried to make herself smaller than she really was, hoping that she'd in someway become invisible and no one would approach her.
Ren on the other hand, walked with her head high and her shoulders square, with a look that could kill. One thing that the girls did notice was how much they fit in here. They wore thier best clothes, wich wasn't much to begin with seeing that they were poor, and yet they hadn't seen anyone pass them by that looked like they had a heavy miza pouch. "I take it that this isn't the richest of places? Everyone looks so, poor."
She paused for a moment, hearing her own words leave her mouth. Who was she to call someone poor? She herself didn't even have a place to live yet. She was in an unknown city with no money searching for a man that may not even exist, let alone take her and Ren into his home. She took a moment to ask her mother for forgiveness for her words.
-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo
Oumoc Basunreph Campo

Lo'campo - The Sunset Quarter monster
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by Ashley Blairen on August 7th, 2016, 5:20 am
"Well Ren, if you are so interested in why Lo'campo is still alive and why I didn't finish him off is quite simple. Lo'campo 'came out,' they seemed to switch personalities almost, he even helped me up off the ground after I quite... Failed at stabbing the man and killing him like I intended. There was a deeper reason than that. If I were to kill this Lo'campo, I would have demoted my self down to the filth that half the city is. And deary that just will not do." Ashley said. "I may have associated myself with the whole thing that is Sunberth, in ways, but I refuse to kill out of the disgust I feel when I touch some one else that is loosing, and the satisfaction of them seeing me leave them there is intoxicating almost."
Ashley spoke of the time she managed to kill her brother, or so she thought. She managed to beat her hunter of a brother down to the ground with two of her old friends and instead of stooping that low to get blood on her own hands she decided to let her friends, which at the time hated him more than she did, which she found hard to believe. But seeing him sitting there with blood over his face as her two goons of friends started beating down on him gave her a certain thrill. "Nothing more, nothing less." Ashley said.
As they walked she heard one of them say they were all so poor. "Well of course, more than half of the population here is in rather meager homes, like my elf, or just flat out being homeless. I heard they have a leader but I have no desire to locate said leader in the slums." She sniffed the air and rubbed her nose as she looked back at the two twins. "There aren't really any fancy things here, you just sort of get buy by doing what needs to be done." Ashley continued to walk. |
- Ashley Blairen
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by Lo'campo on August 9th, 2016, 4:15 am

"Normal Text"
Mental text
Sas looked out upon the streets as they walked. She couldn't seem to understand how a place with so many people in it could be so poor and live in such poverty. Were things really that bad here? And if that was the case, how did her father live? "If I may ask, is there anything else that you can tell me of this Lo'campo?"
She let the name roll off her tongue. now that she said it, it did somewhat resemble her own birth name. Butterflies began to form in her stomach that when mixed with the constant hunger pains made her feel as if she would have to vomit. The anticipation was so nauseating.
"I like Oumoc better. He sounds like a strong and powerful man. Someone that would die with the heart of his opponent in his hand." Oumren spoke out giving her flametongue a twirl. She began to envision the battle between them, the feeling of his blood running down her blade, the sound of the pain and fear in his voice as he begged for mercy.
She gritted her teeth at the thought of the name. Lo'campo, Oumoc. Ha! She would laugh in his face as he slowly died. He would pay for what he did to her family. "So, tell me more about these gangs. How would someone get involved with them? How are they set up?"
Sas gave a look to Ren. "It's for my own reason." She shot back to Sas who still countered with a stern look of worry and concern. It wasn't because she wanted to join any of them, she was only curious about how they moved, how they worked and operated. After killing the man who was said to be their father, she would need something to keep herself occupied. Hell maybe she'd even pick up a job as a mercenary to bring money to the table so they could afford a home. She fixed her shirt as they walked, thoughts still pondering her mind.
-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo
Oumoc Basunreph Campo

Lo'campo - The Sunset Quarter monster
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by Ashley Blairen on August 10th, 2016, 4:47 am
Ashley smelled food slightly as she continued to walk, she began to think slightly of what else should be said. "Well, he works and presumably lives in an orphanage. After I stabbed Oumoc and Lo'campo came back, I decided to help him back as he helped me slightly. I felt a bit bad about stabbing him, but I quickly began to... Worry about the whole helping thing." Ashley rubbed her chin slightly. "Lets say he can't pull off a good limp. I stabbed the man in the chest and all of a sudden he was acting as if I slashed his ankles." Ash said.
"Also at the orphanage the children called him Papa Lo'campo. Which was quite amusing to see considering how he acts all tough and the petch." Ashley said as she looked back at the two again, she wasn't quite trusting of them quite yet. She was in there long enough to realize it is very, very hard to form 'friendships' in Sunberth, or something of the like.
"About the gangs, I am not sure, the last interaction I had with a gang was when I decided to dress myself as one and try to rob them blind." Ash continued to walk. "That my dear, is something you need to figure out on your own. Sorry." She continued forward as they approached. "We are almost there dearies." Ashley said, smiling slightly. |
- Ashley Blairen
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by Lo'campo on September 3rd, 2016, 6:27 am

"Normal Text"
Mental text
The smell of cooked beef tickled their noses and caused their bellies to grumble as the began their approach on the tavern. Sas had alot to think about on her mind as far as their father and what would their plans be if things didn't go well. She glanced at Ren who continued to walk as if she were ready to gut someone. That was her sister, always acting tough and looking menacing. A smile slight smile crept upon her face.
Even if things didn't go as planned, as long as they stuck together things couldn't get any worse than it already was. She began to bat away the tears that threatened her eyes. Now wasn't the time to think of mother. She would weep later when they reached their final destination, whether it be with their father, or wherever they ended up afterwards.
Ren walked with force with each foot kicking away dust and gravel as they landed upon the ground. She was hungry, she was pissed, she had no fucking idea where she was, and their only hope to finding the man that caused all of this was some two bit woman who walked around with a cane. What was so special about that stupid thing anyway? What was it used for? Her curiosity getting the best of her, she first glanced at Sas to make sure that she wasn't keeping an eye on her, then to the woman before digging her feet into the ground.
It was happening so fast that she almost didn't catch it until the last tick. There was a flash, then Ren moved forward towards the woman helping them. A low growl escaped from Sas as she moved to intercept her sister whom she hoped was somehow possessed by a ghost and not actually attacking the only person who helped them in this city. She placed a hand unto Ren's shoulder as she went to tackle the woman. There was a shove before she felt Ren's fist hit the bottom of her chin causing blood to leak from her tongue.-Ren gripped the cane attempting to yank it from the woman's hands by any means necessary.
"What's so special about this thing anyway? If it can take down blue giants, I wanna know what's it about."
"Ren stop it! You're being disrespectful. This woman is helping us."
"Shut up! We are out here on our own now. Can't you see that! Mother is dead and we're out here in some damned city searching for a man that never cared to visit us. Not even write a letter. It was a stupid decision, you're stupid decision, just like mother!"
The comment had pushed Sas far over the edge. Her face that was once filled with worry and shock for her sister now darkened as her eyes filled with hatred and blood lust. Taking her bow from her back she took an arrow, drawing the string back aiming straight at the two females.
"Tell me now, are you really going to shoot me? Sister?" Ren smirked holding one hand upon the cane and sliding another to her flametongue.
Her voice stern and direct Sas spoke. "This is my last time telling you Oumren Campo, release the woman and behave yourself."
"Hmph, what did you just call me? You bitch, Fuc!-"
"Thwong!!!". The sound of the arrow being released sounded off in the air as it shot out like lightning piercing the red headed girl's thigh causing her to buckle and curse in pain before catching the knee of her look-a-like. Sas knew that even that wasn't going to be enough to take the now angry Ren down. She wasn't trying to harm her sister intentionally to begin with. She just needed to by them some time until Ren could blow off her steam.
"Come one, run!" She let out before gripping the hand of the cane woman running off into a random direction. "I'm sorry for what happened, but if you could please take me to Lo'campo." She asked hoping that the woman didn't have a change of heart due to the current situation.
-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo
Oumoc Basunreph Campo

Lo'campo - The Sunset Quarter monster
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