OOC Info The Ravok Codex

Updated codex. Some areas are still under construction.

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role play forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

The Ravok Codex

Postby Crow on July 31st, 2016, 1:59 am




90% of the city population is human. The other 10% are non-humans, which 90% of that 10% are slaves. With a population of 15000 the numbers look like this.

City population-15000
Humans-13500 : Ebonstryfe 4455*, Black Sun 1350
Non-Humans-1500 : Slaves 1350, Non-slaves 150

* This population does not include secret members of the Ebonstryfe which are located in different cities or the Dravlaks. Full Ebonstryfe has 4000 soldiers 500 ranking members, and 100 dravlaks. If you do the math that means that 45 members of the Ebonstryfe are somewhere else.

A Note from the Creator:
Ravok is not a den of crime, chaos, villainy and discourse although this is the view many outsiders may have. On the surface, it functions like any other city. People live, work, play, pray, die and so on. Citizens, those officially recognized as such by the Ebonstryfe, can, at the very least, expect some amount of respect regardless of socioeconomic class, from the ruling parties of the city. That is to say they will not be made slaves and will receive full, unfettered protection on the part of the Ebonstryfe against any outside threat; including outsiders. Even slaves hold this protection against outsiders.

One may think there is fear and paranoia rampant in a city controlled by the likes of Rhysol and his Black Sun/Ebonstryfe. This however is not the case. Those who are loyal to Rhysol and/or at the very least, do not oppose him, are left alone and allowed to live their lives. The city is not one of anarchy like Sunberth. Gangs do not rule the streets. The streets, at least the well known, out-in-the-open ones, are safe to walk. Avoid the back alleys though. The people celebrate life and enjoy all the things Ravok has to offer. You see, from the moment the city was founded, it has been infused into the hearts and minds of the people that the outside world is dangerous, deadly and waiting to destroy any who step foot outside of the Ravok. This is why outsiders are feared and hated so much. This is why the people love Rhysol. The God goes so far as to even defy the forces of nature and keep the city in a constant climatic state. The Ebonstryfe keep the outside, outside.

Rhysol's Protection:

  • Ravok's weather is always perfect. It is never too hot, never too cold. It never rains too much, or not enough. The wind is always good, and the air is always clean.
  • Lake Ravok is always pure and fresh to drink, no matter what is dumped into it. (Save for possibly some magical contaminants)

Benefits of being a Citizen:

  • Immunity to Slavery
  • Free medical treatment at The Healing Hand
  • Protected by the Ebonstryfe
  • Those born in Ravok are automatically granted citizenship, though they still need papers to prove it. Usually this is taken care of by their parents.


  • All prayers in Ravok go to Rhysol, regardless of what god is being prayed to, unless the person praying bears the gnosis of that god. This is OOC information only, but it should be noted that unless the person bears the gnosis of the god they are praying to, that god will not hear, or respond, to that prayer though it is possible that Rhysol might respond pretending to be them. Again, OOC information only. Only Rhysol and the Voice know about this.

The Caste System in Ravok
There Isn't One

I have noticed that a lot of players in Ravok like to use terms like noble and commoner, and often refer to a caste system in Ravok. This is technically not true. A noble is someone who is born with more station and rank than a commoner, but in Ravok, there is no such thing as a noble-born or common-born person. This belief is probably due to the Noble District, but it is just a name, and doesn't actually imply any real nobility. In Ravok you are either wealthy, or you are not. Or you are a member of the Black Sun or Ebonstryfe. The Nitrozians, the Lazarins, and the Valdinox are not nobles, they are just powerful families with a lot of money that have elevated themselves above the general rabble not through blood, but through years of effort. Being born into one of these families does confer a sense of nobility, perhaps, but you are technically considered no different than someone born from a poor family. You just usually have more money than a poor person, and so you are more powerful than they are.

There are certain levels of power in Ravok, however, though again anyone can attain these levels if they try hard enough and have enough devotion. Of course at the very top is Rhysol, followed by the Voice, but beneath those two are the Black Sun. They are the highest ranking mortals in the city. They answer only to higher ranking members of the Black Sun, and certain members of the Ebonstryfe. All this being said, their word isn't law. In theory, the Black Sun abides by the same laws (albeit much looser) as the rest of the city. If a member of the Black Sun were to murder a citizen, without a good reason, they could technically be imprisoned for doing it. Of course, that would require finding someone willing to imprison a member of the Black Sun, and that is next to impossible.

The financial or social background of members of these organization have no meaning when it comes to outranking other members of society. A wealthy member of the Black Sun has just as much authority as a poor one, though a wealthy member has a better chance of increasing his rank within the organization in most cases than a poor one does. Overall though, wealth and social status does not matter.

Citizens are next in line, some wealthy, some not, and they are followed by the slaves. The people with the least power in the city are visitors, who have no rights whatsoever. In many cases they have less rights even than slaves, because slaves are considered the property of citizens, and therefore share many of the same protections that a citizen does.

So.. these are the levels of power in Ravok. They aren't technically castes, and there aren't any "nobles" or "commoners". There are the wealthy and the poor, and the Black Sun and the Ebonstryfe, the slaves, and the outsiders. The noble district is named so for its wealth, not for the blood of the families who live in it, and the major families of Ravok only have the power they do because of the wealth they have. Anyone in Ravok can become wealthy if they try hard enough, and anyone can become a member of one of the religious organizations. It all depends on the devotion and determination of the particular individual.

Race Relations

Akalak A rare sight in Ravok, they're regarded with an odd mix of fear, suspicion, and respect. Their fighting skills are well known, but are not readily seen through the city. They aren't treated as badly as some non-human races, for a variety of reasons.
Akvatari Ravok rarely, if ever, sees one of this race. The city's slightly negative reputation generally turns most Akvatari away to other, more pleasant cities. If one of them did visit the city, their rarity and value would make them a keen target for slavers.
Benshira Not too common so far from their native region, the Benshira are viewed as average humans. However, there may be a religious clash or two for those dedicated to the race's patron god, Yahal.
Chatakwe Since they appear relatively human, Chatakwe aren't generally bothered by the general population... until someone notices their eyes, of course. They are rare so far North, and if their race is discovered, slavery for any non-citizens is inevitable, because of the value.
Charoda Finding a Charoda in Ravok would be like finding a needle in a haystack, if there was a needle at all. Though it is a city surrounded by water, Lake Ravok itself is far from the sea, meaning that it would be nearly impossible for one of this amphibious race to make it there in the first place. Any visitors would immediately be watched closely, and those keen for a profit would attempt an attack and capture.
Dhani This race is viewed with mixed feelings. Though their skills are highly useful for the Ebonstryfe and Black Sun's purposes, they are completely and utterly unhuman, meaning that Dhani are seen with distaste and fear. The Stryfe will not hesitate one who dares step out of their bounds... especially if they are a non citizen. Gaining citizenship in the first place is also more challenging than usual.
Drykas Seen as basic humans, Drykas face none of the prosecution those less human do. However, living in Ravok may be a slight challenge, considering all horses are kept at the Lakeshore, and taking them into the city is impossible.
Ethaefal If an Ethaefal has citizenship, they are safe from most things, even in their celestial form. How they are viewed in their mortal form depends on that body's race. However, they are seen as incredibly valuable, and fetch a high price in the slave market.
Eypharian Eypharians are rare in Ravok, and seen as unusual. Being non-human, they are also looked down on, and their extra arms give them a disadvantage rather than an advantage in society.
Ghost Ghosts are viewed with a little bit of fear in Ravok, and seeing one is an uncommon and freaky sight. Though they're usually not interfered with, a Spiritist will immediately be called for in the case of any trouble.
Human The most common race in Ravok, humans are seen as the ruling race, and the best. Non-humans are actually looked down on, and can face racism.
Inarta Simply seen as particularly short and red-headed humans.
Isur Despite not being human, Isur actually face a decent bit of respect for both their crafting skills, and their relations to the Valindox family. Isur merchants are highly welcome, and one running a smithing business would gain quite a bit of business.
Jamoura Probably never seen in Ravok before, this peaceful race would be seen as flat out beasts... ones that could sell for a lot of money as pets, though. Citizenship would be impossible, and rights would be... lacking.
Kelvic Kelvics are actually quite common in Ravok, though not in a positive manner. Most are either slaves and pets of the general population, or live in the KRI. A known Kelvic in Ravok would probably find themselves with a collar around their necks in no time.
Konti They are respected for their healing and divination powers, though Ravokians would rather enslave one than employ one for their gifts. Cheaper that way.
Myrian Their intimidating reputation has only reached Ravok in stories. Considering that, physically, there is little obvious difference between them and humans, few Ravokians would be able to recognize one. However, if their race was learned, they would be seen with a mixture of horror and fear.
Nuit Considering Ravok's relations with Sahova, Nuit aren't as looked down on as other non-humans. They are viewed as creepy and a little scary by the general population, however.
Pycon An oddity and a rarity, Pycons are viewed as funky little talking objects. They'd be quite popular as slaves, if caught. However, most would just be insulted in a normal situation.
Svefra Basic humans who happened to be marked by Laviku. The religious clash may cause some problems, however. They aren't too common in the land-locked city however, as larger boats are impossible to find.
Symenestra Viewed with disgust and distaste, Sym are some of the most bestial of all the races. Murdering one is taken without another glance, and gaining citizenship would be a challenge if not impossible.
Vantha Humans with funky hair and eyes! Because of these traits, they may seem a little odd to the average Ravokian, but are otherwise appreciated for their stories. As long as it's not heresy, of course.
Zith Beasts. Animals. That's all Zith are, to most Ravokians. However, one with enough power and connections can make their way in such a violent city, and actually fit in quite well. Gaining citizenship, however... is another matter altogether.

Credit to Crow for the Caste System Explanation and to Abstract for the race Relations.


The Ravok Codex

Postby Crow on July 31st, 2016, 1:59 am


Housing Information


Housing is straightforward in Ravok. You own or you rent. If you're a citizen, you will be placed in a permanent residence. Depending on your character's role, that might come in a variety of forms.

Since housing is a bit different in Ravok, I wanted to summarize the various threads.
  • Citizens own a standard unit. A sum of 310 GM can be paid for a balcony upgrade. The only seasonal expense is the gamewide Living Expense to which all players adhere.
  • Those seeking citizenship may rent from Tarsin's or from the NHC. Cash in your housing from the Starting Package. Player will be responsible for rent AND Living expenses each season until he or she can buy a home. After full citizenship has been achieved, one may purchase a housing unit from the NHC (Prices are listed). Owning a home means that the player only needs to pay seasonal Living Expenses.
  • Visitors must rent AND pay Living Expenses.
  • PM me with questions.

Certain Ebonstryfe, City Guard and Black Sun members will reside in a barracks or other organization-provided lodgings. This is a case by case basis and will be addressed when employment is discussed.

The Ravokian families have ancestral mansions that house their members. This is part of belonging to an influential family and cannot be sold.

For the rest of the citizens, your home will look a lot like this.

The 12'6" x 32' studio registers 400 sq.ft. and comes furnished with:
    Average wooden bedframe and a mattress stuffed with shredded cattails
    Average wooden wardrobe
    Small wooden table and two plain wooden chairs
    Small metal brazier for cooking
    2 Average wooden shelf sets
    Average wash basin
    Privy with a plain wooden bench and a chamber pot

While the quality of the items will not change, the city does have its financial classes. A housing unit near the Plaza of Dark Desires is not going to be as clean as one in the Merchant's Ring. Buildings in the nicer areas will be better kept(for the most part) on the inside and out. The closer to the center one gets, the better their view will get as well. It is important to note that most people live on or around the Docks. The Nitrozian Housing Authority handles all residential affairs. When applying for seasonal wages, make sure to declare if you've elected to take the upgrade.

If you are a visitor, you will need to seek refuge at Tarsin's Boarding House. Please send a PM to the ST for arrangements when coming to Ravok as an outsider.



The Ravok Codex

Postby Crow on July 31st, 2016, 1:59 am




This is by no means a definitive list of NPCs in Ravok. Nigh on all NPCs are attached to a specific location, and you can find them in the relevant location thread. Here you will find any NPCs which are not attached to a specific location, such as city NPCs created for specific characters... (as well as some who are). If you believe an NPCs need to be added to this list, please send a local ST a message with details.

Moderator's Note: these NPCs are moderated almost exclusively by an ST, though may be self-moderated with special permission.

ImageName: Aemeli
Age: 217 (born 298AV)
Race: Druvin
Title: Priestess of the Black Sun
Gnosis: Chaon L3
Hypnotism - 90
Shielding - 62
Auristics - 45
Weapon: Dagger - 50

As with all Druvin, she is quite tall, standing over six feet in height and solidly built. She has long, curly blonde hair and an otherwise kind looking face. She dresses in black robes baring the symbol of a white circle surrounding a black sun. Aemeli was one of the closest personal assistants to Myleena Vos, the former Voice of Rhysol. A master of manipulating the minds of others, Aemeli takes great pleasure in using her gnosis and magic to unlock ever greater torment upon those who challenge Rhysol. More information here.
ImageName: Ematho
Age: 314 (born 201AV)
Race: Druvin
Title: Warden of the Black Hole
Gnosis: Chaon L3
Interrogation - 90
Weapon: Greatsword - 80
Weapon: Longsword - 65
Dual Wield - 50
Intimidation - 70

The Warden of the Black Hole, known only as Ematho , is perhaps one of the least known of all the Druvin. Only those unfortunate enough to be sentenced to the Black Hole every meet the Warden, and even fewer survive to speak of it. Unlike other Druvin, Ematho is not a master of magic but of the sword. More information here.
ImageName: Gru'tral
Age: 510 (born 5AV)
Race: Druvin
Title: Supreme Commander of the Ebonstryfe
Gnosis: Chaon L3
Leadership - 90
Leeching - 80
Investigation - 60
Weapon: Axes - 55

Gru'tral is a Druvin; the first created by The Voice and reigns over the Ebonstryfe as its supreme commander. Unlike most other Druvin, Gru'tral does not carry himself with a supernatural beauty. Instead, he looks somewhat haggard and brutish in a way; giving off an aura of fear and intimidation. A leader second only to The Voice, Gru'tral has reigned supreme over the Ebonstryfe since its inception and those few Druvin who dared challenge him for the position have since become victims of his wrath. More information here.
ImageName: Lazerin
Age: 340 (born 175AV)
Race: Druvin
Title: Chief Interrogator of the Ebonstryfe
Gnosis: Chaon L3
Interrogation - 95
Reimancy - 75
Glyphing - 50
Weapon: Whip - 50

Chief interrogator of the Ebonstryfe, Lazerin's ability to prolong torture is unmatched as is his hunger for women. His presence is quite common in the Ravok slave-market and even in a place that crowded, all part for his passage. Lazerin is highly skilled in Reimancy and has no qualms about using it upon all who displease him. Lazerin is the head of one of a few powerful Ravok families. More information here.
ImageName: Maathias
Age: 58 (born 457)
Race: Druvin
Title: Ebonknight
Gnosis: Chaon L3
Horsemanship - 79
Flux - 72
Riding - 58
Weapon: Longsword - 81

Maathias is the youngest of the Druvin. What Maathias looks like under the armor is unknown as is never seen in public without it. The armor itself looks much like that of a Syliran Knight (which is where he serves as a mortal) although darker and menacing. As Ebonknight, Maathias commands the entirety of the Ebonstryfe with only Gru'tral above him. More information here.
ImageName: Silvas
Age: 358 (born 157AV)
Race: Druvin
Title: Member of Black Sun
Keeper of the Well of Madness
Gnosis: Chaon L3
Politics - 90
Auristics - 65
Hypnotism - 55
Weapon: Mace - 50

His milky white eyes reveal little emotion despite the insanity that burns behind them. Silvas is the Keeper of the Well of Madness, an extremely powerful divine artifact dedicated to Rhysol. He is the only one save for The Voice who understands how to use the Well to call upon the collective insanity, despair and madness of the world and give it physical form. He is also the chief political adviser to The Voice as well as serving as ambassador when seeking to assimilate other cultures and turn them toward Rhysol. More information here.
ImageName: Valdinox
Age: Unknown
Race: Druvin
Title: Priestess of Rhysol
Gnosis: Chaon L3
To be added.

Valdinox is one of the few female Druvin in existence and though taking many mates, she has no husband or loyalty to any specific male aside from her lord, Rhysol. Valdinox is a priestess of Rhysol and maintains domain over several acolytes and agents throughout Ravok as well as smaller temples and shrines across the region of Sylira. Valdinox is the only current non-human Druvin ever made by The Voice in that she is an Isur of the Pitrius clan. More information here.

Black Sun Officials
Moderator's Note: these NPCs require permission from a local ST to self-moderate.

Evelyn Grey
Name: Evelyn Grey
Age: 32 (born 583AV)
Race: Human
Title: Acolyte of the Black Sun
Gnosis: Chaon L2
Cryptography - 67
Leadership - 56
Politics - 32
Seduction - 28
Poison - 17

ImageName: Skuld
Age:19, 497 A.V.
Race: Human
Title: Agent of the Black Sun
Gnosis: 1st mark Chaon (Rhysol)
Poison: 70
Intelligence: 59
Larceny: 41
Socialization: 40
Stealth: 62

One of the younger, but more skilled members of the Black Sun, Skuld. She is skilled in using poisons to her advantage, and it is said that she has never had to raise a blade once. By the time that someone looked to kill her for her devotion to Rhysol, they would already be poisoned. Known for her kleptomania, she is quick to ascertain herself into a position which benefits the Black Sun. You will often see her working her way through ranks of other factions to gain access to their knowledge, and when she gets what she wants, she is gone... never to be seen again.

Requires ST approval

Age: Unknown
Title: Acolyte of the Black Sun
Gnosis: 2nd Chaon (Rhysol)
Disguise: 60
Morphing: 42
Impersonation: 40
Interrogation: 34
Politics: 30

Often appearing to be an elderly man, Tyr has more vitality than what his appearance normally shows. He travels the streets of cities and impersonates a weak elderly man, pulling in those noble enough to help him in his deeds. While doing so he acts as an informant to the Black Sun and promises younger and less wise people knowledge of power. This knowledge at first begins as promises as greatness through prayer and study. It isn't until later that he mentions the name Rhysol, by which time the victim has already succumbed to the need and desire of power.

Requires ST approval

ImageName: Skuld
Age:19, 497 A.V.
Race: Human
Title: Agent of the Black Sun
Gnosis: 1st mark Chaon (Rhysol)
Poison: 70
Intelligence: 59
Larceny: 41
Socialization: 40
Stealth: 62

One of the younger, but more skilled members of the Black Sun, Skuld. She is skilled in using poisons to her advantage, and it is said that she has never had to raise a blade once. By the time that someone looked to kill her for her devotion to Rhysol, they would already be poisoned. Known for her kleptomania, she is quick to ascertain herself into a position which benefits the Black Sun. You will often see her working her way through ranks of other factions to gain access to their knowledge, and when she gets what she wants, she is gone... never to be seen again.

Requires ST approval

ImageName: Jill Renfast
Race: Human
Title: Agent of the Black Sun
Junior Registrar of the Citizen Registration Office
Gnosis: Chaon L1

A low-ranking member of the Black Sun, a more attractive alternative to Tawny.
Stephin Xeres
Name: Stephin Xeres
Age: 38 (born 477AV)
Race: Human
Title: Acolyte of the Black Sun
Gnosis: Chaon L2
Politics - 73
Rhetoric - 51
Interrogation - 46
Leadership - 41
Poison - 27
ImageName: Tawny Breckenridge
Race: Human
Title: Agent of the Black Sun
Senior Registrar of the Citizen Registration Office
Gnosis: Chaon L1

A low-ranking member of the Black Sun, Tawny is the authority on who gets to be a citizen in Ravok.
Trevinius Nitrozian
ImageName: Trevinius Nitrozian
Age: 25 (born 490AV)
Race: Human
Title: Acolyte of the Black Sun
Gnosis: Chaon L2
Seduction - 60
Intimidation - 65
Hypnotism - 70
Flux - 20
Auristics - 50
Interrogation - 54

Trevinus Nitrozian is an Acolyte of the Black Sun who is constantly seeking ways to improve his station in hopes of one day becoming a Druvin. As a blooded member of the Nitrozian family, Trevinus was already a wealthy and connected individual. Since becoming a member of the Black Sun he has become even more influential, having a hand in many of the major events that have taken place in the city over the past few years. More information here.
Xerin Galatos
ImageName: Xerin Galatos
Age: 57 (born 458AV)
Race: Human
Title: Acolyte of the Black Sun
Gnosis: Chaon L1
Persuasion - 81
Intelligence - 53
Politics - 26

An old conversational merchant with an estate near the Merchant's Ring, whose persuasive skills are legendary and with great influence in the Galatos family. Though he is not the head of the family, Xerin Galatos is the face of the Galatos family, a powerful merchant family in Ravok, and lives in a relatively small estate near the Merchant's Ring, where most of his side of the family business takes place. More information here.
Credit to Kelmar Hedos.

ImageName: Appy
Race: Inarta
Title: Acolyte of the Black Sun
Gnosis: 2nd Chaon (Rhysol)
Larceny: 63
Falconry: 53
Intelligence: 30
Politics: 30
Forgery: 56

A real woman never reveals her age. As an Acolyte of the Black Sun, Appy works on gathering intelligence of other cities and sending them to Ravok with her prized Falcon. Inside of the cities she works with officials and those in a upward standing position. At times she will forge letters and work to compromise them from the inside out.

ImageName: Grufyss
Age: 32, Spring 484
Race: Human
Title: Agent of the Black Sun
Gnosis: 1st mark Chaon (Rhysol)
Torture: 79
Escape Artist: 57
Rhetoric: 43
Socialization: 40
Interrogation: 59

Grufyss is feared among his peers for his cruelty and utmost devilish acts in torture. Most of his time would be spent below the depths of Ravok either torturing those that would oppose Rhysol, or performing corrective actions on the guilty. In his cruelty one could see his lust for blood, his enjoyment of inflicting pain on others, and his crazy tactics of getting anyone to say anything he wants. His favorite past time is forbidden torture techniques which is said to bend anyone to his will. Through it all he is loyal to Rhysol, and has the uttermost respect for him. Every now and then he would perform his own rituals in the name of Rhysol during torture.

Requires ST approval

Ebonstryfe Officials
Moderator's Note: these NPCs require permission from a local ST to self-moderate.

Ansel Lazerin
ImageName: Ansel Lazerin
Age: 34 (born 478AV) (deceased 513AV)
Race: Human
Title: Ebonstryfe Marshall
Gnosis: Chaon L2
Weapon: Halberd - 55
Unarmed Combat - 25
Interrogation - 30
Leeching - 25
Shielding - 50
Leadership - 25

Possible Flashback use only. In 31st of Summer 513 A.V, Ansel was slain by Sevris. More information here.

ImageName: Erna
Age: 26, 490 A.V.
Race: Human
Title: Paladin of Ebonstryfe
Gnosis: 2nd Chaon (Rhysol)
Weapon: Short Sword: 76
Dual Wield: 68
Unarmed Combat: 30
Larceny: 56
Intelligence: 63
Seduction: 43

Erna was born with a mild temper, and gained her ground through petition at a young age. Working her way through the ranks of Ebonstryfe she diligently showed her skills in dual wielding and quickly became a favored member after winning a duel against her superior. When she killed him in combat she was sent out to gather information as a capable spy. Although her flamboyant attitude shows her marks in combat, she is a capable seductress - able to syphon information from those who fall to her charm. Else they face her blades.

Requires ST approval

Gudren Skadi
ImageName: Gudren Skadi
Race: Human
DOB: 32, 484 A.V.
POB: Ravok
Title: Paladin of the Ebonstryfe
Gnosis: 2nd mark Chaon (Rhysol)
Weapon: Dagger: 20
Reimancy: Fire: 76
Seduction: 45
Unarmed Combat: 45
Tracking: 32
Subterfuge: 63

Other Information:
A skilled practitioner in the art of subterfuge and fire reimancy. It is said that she works her way into cities to destroy any imposing information about Ravok or Rhysol. A true pyromaniac and arsonist. She will set fires to buildings in opposing cities, making them seem natural, but that is far from the truth.

Requires ST approval

ImageName: FFodor
Race: Human
DOB: 16, Spring 500 A.V.
POB: Ravok
Title: Apprentice of the Ebonstryfe
Unarmed combat: 46
Seduction: 25
Boxing: 30
Poison: 43
Body Building: 40

Other Information:
Ffodor was left at the temple of the Black Sun as a baby. Since then he was taken immediately and converted to the ways of Ebonstryfe. He grew up like a monster, and was feared for his enormous size. He stands above 6 feet tall and ever since he was young further adapted his body. He particularly enjoys drinking and can be seen often visiting anywhere that could wet his tongue with alcohol.

Aditi Lakshmi
ImageName: Aditi Lakshmi
Race: Vantha
DOB: Uknown
POB: Avanthal
Title: Soldier of Ebonstryfe
Gnosis: 1 mark of Morwen
1 Chaon (Rhysol)
Weapon Skill: Dagger 46
Wilderness Survival: Tundra: 67
Unarmed Combat: 20
Poison: 30
Tactics: 20
Seduction: 23
Singing: 24

Other Information:
After she poisoned and killed her own parents for trying to marry her to another hold she quickly fled the cold of Avanthal. After traveling far she reached the city of Ravok where she found others with some similarities she took Rhysol to be her new savior. Falling in love with the city she silently praised Rhysol, and enjoyed herself as she went through rigorous training to be a part of something more. After falling in love with a Citizen of Ravok, her name changed and she looks to eventually return to Avanthal hoping none would remember her.

Age: 35, 481 Spring
Title: Paladin of Ebonstryfe
Gnosis: 2nd Chaon (Rhysol)
Weapon: Bastard Sword: 75
Mountaineering: 68
Unarmed Combat: 56
Wilderness Survival: Mountains : 56
Endurance: 63
Mining: 43

Rositor was tasked with patrolling the far reaches of the Wildlands around Ravok to collect various unique and rare resources for armor and weapons. Through his time working alone he grew to be cold and unapproachable by most that would talk to him. When faced with adversaries he uses his knowledge of the mountains in his favor. Most would consider him frantic and callous. Because he mostly keeps to himself not much is known about his past.

Requires ST approval

Jessica Lazarin
Image [b]Name: Jessica Lazarin
Race: Human
DoB: 486 AV
PoB: Ravok
Title: Commander
Skills: 50 Interrogation, 40 Longsword, 35 Shortbow, 29 Investigation, 20 Intimidation, 20 Unarmed Combat, 10 Hypnotism
Gnosis: 1 Chaon
Additional Info: Jessica was adopted into the Lazarin family when she showed great promise during her trial as an Initiate and has served the Ebonstryfe faithfully since childhood. Not only her name but also her skills as a warrior and interrogator garner fear and respect from her inferiors, and the high regard of their superiors. Some say that it was Rhysol himself that chose Jessica to join the Lazarin house, and even more whisper that she may be the bastard daughter of the family's Druvin patriarch, though none would dare wonder this aloud.

Developed by Joanna Arbor

Orestar Matthews
ImageName: Orestar Matthews
Race: Human
DoB: 491 AV
PoB: Ravok
Title: Soldier of Ebonstryfe
Skills: 39 Rapier, 30 Negotiation, 25 Boxing, 16 Politics, 10 Poison
Gnosis: 1 Chaon
Additional Info: Though a faithful servant of the Lord and a dedicated soldier, beyond this there is little that stands out about the young man when compared to his thousands of comrades. He fights well, but they all fight well. He strikes fear in the hearts of nonconformists, but they are all as intimidating or more so. Although he does his job and does it efficiently, many of his superiors doubt he will climb any higher through their ranks. Every side needs its expendables after all.
Developed by Joanna Arbor

Don Dicey
ImageName: Don Dicey.
Race: Human
DOB: Fall 64, 474 AV
POB: Ravok
Title: Paladin
Gnosis: Chaon 1rst and 2nd Mark
Skills: Intimidation - 90
Interrogation - 89
Intelligence - 76
Weapon: Bastard Sword - 64
Unarmed Combat - 60
Tactics - 54
Other Information: Don Dicey is not a very emotional man. He keeps a calm composure, choosing not to show his interior. He prefers that no one knows who he truly is, what he truly loves, or any weakness that he may have. It is very rare that one angers him, even more rare that one makes him happy, only his wife can do that. He believes in the art of domination and making anyone below him bow to his strength. His goal in anything is to win, and he is willing to do so with any means.

He is strict in nature and treats his men with the toughest love felt. He is much more spiteful than his wife, so if one who's rank was close to or below his were to deal with him, they would need more than just their Gods protection to save them. He is also extremely paranoid that someone is aiming to kill him or his family, so he keeps a steady guard at all times. His one dream is to see Rhysol's one dream realized, and works hard every day to see that dream come to fruition.
Credit for NPC to Light Dicey
Samara Alenta
ImageName: Samara Alenta
Age: 26 (born 489AV)
Race: Human
Title: Ebonstryfe Paladin
Gnosis: Chaon L2
Seduction - 60
Unarmed Combat - 25
Stealth - 30
Politics - 20
Weapon: Kris - 50
Poison - 25

Samara is a devious woman, unafraid to use any method no matter how dirty to get what she wants or needs. She is a skilled seductress, and very beautiful, capable of putting many men off guard in her presence. One of her favoured tactics is to get a man to treat her to a night out on the town before inviting herself back to his place where she may or may not continue to enjoy herself. Inevitably, the night ends with a knife to the man's throat, but Samara is not above enjoying herself before it comes to that. Samara is now located at the North Ravok Outpost. More information here.

Moderator's Note: these NPCs require permission from a local ST to self-moderate. Please visit the Nitrozian Estate for more npcs.

Amanda Nitrozian
Age: 35 (born 480AV)
Race: Human
Title: Head Researcher at the Kelvic Research Institute
Gnosis: Chaon L1
Animal Husbandry - 60
Biology - 45
Investigation - 50
Research - 80
Medicine - 50
Swimming - 35

Amanda is a shrewd, calculating woman whose passion is the keeping and breeding of Kelvic slaves. That passion turned profitable for the Nitrozian family when she noticed that certain Kelvics, regardless of breed, tended to produce certain types of other Kelvics. More information here.

Sitanos Nitrozian
ImageName: Sitanos Nitrozian
Race: Human
Skills to be added

Sitanos Nitrozian is a shrewd businessman although he is also known as being one of more fair individuals in the business environs of Ravok. He and his wife Milina head the family with 21 children

Rosemary Nitrozian
ImageName: Rosemary Nitrozian
Race: Human
DOB: Summer 53, 440 AV
POB: Ravok
Title: Seamstress of the NHC
Skills: Sewing 83, Leadership 42, Negotiation 57
Other Information:
Marion started out as a promising young seamstress. By the time she was thirty, she was running a very successful sewing business. However, as she got older, her ambitious nephew took advantange of her failing health and eyesight, and seized the business from her. To add insult to injury, he proved to be a terrible manager, and proceeded to run her business into the ground.

Now, Marion works as the NHC's own seamstress, but her talents are wasted on simple mending tasks. She grows increasingly bitter with each passing day, as she becomes more and more nearsighted. She mostly keeps to her small sewing cubicle, waiting for the patrons of the NHC to come to her with torn clothing.

Marion is in denial of her failing health, and will respond extremely poorly to any suggestion that she needs help.
Credit to Alea Davenport.

Celia Nitrozian
ImageName: Celia Nitrozian
Age: 34 (born 481)
Race: Human
Title: Sculptor
Gnosis: None
Sculpting - 62
Carving - 51
Leadership - 29
Storytelling - 24

Celia is 5'5 feet tall and weighs 135lbs. She has long and brown hair. Her face is pretty, but it has few wrinkles, showing her age. Her eyes and eyebrows are brown, same color as her hair. She has slightly muscular build. Celia likes to wear simple clothes that she doesn't mind getting dirty. Celia is kindhearted woman, but she likes to be alone. Her relationship with Sitanos Her brother) is warm, but her brother doesn't like the fact that she is unmarried and has no children. He has tried to marry her to many good men but she has turned them all down.
Credit to Bor.
Enoia Nitrozian
ImageName: Ennoia Nitrozian
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Birthday: Winter 1 494 AV
Occupation: Handler at the KRI
Skills: Animal Handling 31, Intimidation 18, Observation 31, Hypnotism 18, Unarmed Combat 20, Medicine 39
Purpose: Prepare Kelvic slaves for sale at auction, assess physical health of these slaves.

Background: Ennoia's mother was a Drykas slave and his father a Nitrozian doctor. Born from their union, raised on the breast of his husband's wife, Ennoia was all but deprived of knowing his heritage. He did, in time, come to recognize his biological mother, but disregarded her claim as his true mother almost immediately. Not without guile, however, he let her teach him of her culture, let her regale him with stories of horses on a vast plain and freedom outside of this offshore settlement, and he took advantage of her willingness, and then ratted her out to his father. His mother, a beaten and abused wreck of a woman, never recovered from the punishment, and he moved on quite cheerily, aspiring for something greater than what she'd dreamt for him.

A studious young man, Ennoia studied at the Institute for Higher Learning, picked up a few things from his half siblings, and set his eyes on a grand career in taking care of and managing slaves spit out by the KRI. He did have quite the way with animals, and with the good fortune to not easily develop feelings for the livestock pushed out by the breeding programs, he thrived.
Notes: This character speaks Common fluently and Pavi at a basic level. He is found primarily in the KRI but isn't uncommon in Ravok's places of entertainment on his time off.

Lazarin Family
Moderator's Note: these NPCs require permission from a local ST to self-moderate.

Valdinox Family
[i]Moderator's Note: these NPCs require permission from a local ST to self-moderate.

Lark Family
[i]Moderator's Note: these NPCs require permission from a local ST to self-moderate.

Vernon Lark
ImageName: Vernon Lark
Age: N/A
Race: Human
Skills to be added.

As the head of the family, Vernon keeps a council of cutthroat businessmen that keep the money flowing; impressing him is the most difficult and most advantageous means of entering the family. With a Lark for a father, Vernon has two sisters, eight cousins from two aunts and an uncle, nearly two dozen nieces and nephews at varying degrees of separation, and a grandson.

Galatos Family
[i]Moderator's Note: these NPCs require permission from a local ST to self-moderate.

Other Members of Ravok Society
[i]Moderator's Note: these NPCs can be self-moderated unless otherwise specified in information of NPC.

Age: Unknown
Title: Ravasoloman
Gnosis: None
Sailing: 56
Land Navigation: 43
Socialization: 30
Busking: 50

Bedivir works as a Ravasoloman, and is an information broker of sorts. Although he hears everything when working, he can keep to himself until engaged in conversation. As a citizen of Ravok, he is well known for his skills in gathering rumors and using them to entice others into paying for information and stories. If he hears something he doesn't like or anything that would compromise himself or Rhysol he is quick to black mail others. Sometimes members of the Ebonstryfe mysteriously find out about things... some rumor that it is members of the Ravasoloman that forewarns them.

Phineas Moretti
ImageName: Phineas Moretti
Age: 52 (born 32 Summer 462AV)
Race: Human
Title: Business Director and Advisor
Gnosis: None
Negotiation - 73
Intelligence - 29
Organisation - 61
Persuasion - 35
Socialisation - 42
Gambling - 17

A Ravokian through and through, Phineas Moretti is a shrewd businessman coming from a family of businessmen. He is kept close and greatly appreciated by the Nitrozian Family. He has created, run and led to success many of their businesses. A natural born merchant, they say there is no deal that he can't close. Many people come to him for advice and end up making him and themselves richer. Needless to say that the wealth he has amassed by his business exploits is immense. He has supported financially and helped organize countless small businesses and is considered to be a cornerstone in Ravok's economy. Well known and liked by Ravok's high society and always attending all sorts of social events. A bit eccentric and a legendary prankster.
Credit to Daegron.

ImageName: Basso
Age: 47 (born 84 Fall 467AV)
Race: Human
Title: Retired Sailor, Trouble incarnate
Gnosis: None
Brawling - 43
Unarmed Combat - 57
Flux - 32
Sailing - 45
Endurance - 37

A sea-dog in his late fourties, Basso was born in Zeltiva and spent most of his life sailing around Mizahar. Wiry figure but sporting a beer belly. Grey brown hair, an unkempt stubble and playful blue eyes. An experienced and dangerous fighter, he's started numerous bar brawls and alley fights and has garnered a bit of a reputation. He is always eager to get into the occasional rough and tumble, keeping himself always on the edge. He retired in Ravok four years ago and enjoys the spoils of past adventures. Despite his lack of tact and fine qualities he is known to socialize with members of the high society. He is an avid collector of curious or unusual items and presenting him with one is a way to get on his good side. He is frequenting the Soup House and most taverns and watering holes in Ravok.
Credit to Daegron.

ImageName: Ercwiff
Age:29, 487 A.V.
Race: Human
Title: Slave Fighter
Gnosis: 1 Chaon
Weapon Skill: Broadsword 50
Weapon Skill: Shield 43
Body Building: 32
Brawling: 26

The prized possession of someone who wishes to keep their identity unknown. Although not the best to ever be in tournaments of the slave fighting. Known for his dirty tactics in fighting, he will do anything to make sure he lives and wins. Some people think that his owner pays out those that he fights against...
Klaus Linfoot
ImageName: Klaus Linfoot
Name: Klaus Linfoot
Race: Mix Blood: Human/Dhani
Sex: Male
Birthday: 60th of Summer 477 A.V.
Occupation: Undertaker at The Last Row
Skills: Undertaking (61), Embalming (47), Sailing (37) Intimidation (5)
Purpose: City NPC

Background: Klaus comes from a long line of undertakers, his parents and the parents of his parents, and the parents before them all having been in the business. Due to his hardly notable family name, he became an undertaker as well not because he wanted to continue family traditions, but because it was something he could use to get his way.

Notes: Although Klaus is not particularly skilled in intimidation or manipulation, he still tries to scare those of weak wills into performing favours for him, claiming that they will be the next body he buries at the bottom of the lake and things of the sort. He's not physically imposing in any regard and is rather old, but his unkempt appearance and raspy voice may or may not be enough to get a few small chills out of foreigners.

He does not typically engage in anything illegal per se, but he has no qualms for manipulating to get what he wants. He is shifty and untrustworthy, loyal to no one besides Rhysol and those who give him money.

Charles Stewart
ImageName: Charles Stewart (Chas)
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Birthday: 14th of Winter 482 A.V.
Occupation: Stable Boy at the Elderbay Stables
Skills: Animal Husbandry (30), Weapon: Spear (20)
Purpose: Stationary NPC

Background: Charles grew up in Syliras where he strived for Knighthood. However, he never was able to become a knight due to his questionable personality consisting of a large ego and a general lack of integrity, thus never earning his quest to become a Knight. After many years (10~) of contemplation and self-guidance, Charles looked for a new outlet to show his faith to his deity, Yahal, and do good onto the world. His egotistically based faith in Yahal led him directly to Ravok in hopes to remain undercover, thinking he could dispel some of the chaos within.

However, his escapade did not end so well, given the heightened awareness of such individuals by the Ebonstryfe and Black Sun from Winter. He was quickly discovered by two eager civilians looking to protect their city in Rhysol's name and was chased a little ways into the wilds where he was unintentionally trapped in some rocks and left to die.

Notes: I'm planning on Charles succumbing to his injuries inflicted onto him by the civilians, as well as for him to have the Stone Fist Pendant prize from the last weekend challenge that I rolled for. Itt would essentially try to help him but fail, inheriting the pendant. I can explain more about his story if needed.



The Ravok Codex

Postby Crow on July 31st, 2016, 2:00 am







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