IdentityRace: human, Svefra
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: 10th, Spring, 498.
Birthplace Zeltiva
AppearanceEvana is a beautiful young women Of short stature and almost doll like features. Her angular face is framed by Long auburn curls often tied back with a red scarf. Her eyes are icy blue with a glint of mischief in them.
PersonalityA strong minded women Evana is not one to doubt her instinct or view of the world as she travels through day to day life. Being quick witted she is able to keep herself out of most trouble especially when it is of her own design. Loyal to those she calls friend once she has fixed her mind on a plan of action it is nigh impossible to change her mind
ConceptAn Young women who has dream of roaming the sea.
History Born in the port city of Zeltiva when her mother went off to acquire a new ship to sail aside her casinor. Evana Mother Joanna was a hard women to please. Evana herself was a result of Her paths crossing that of a Svefra man who was briefly in port. Joanna hated herself for giving into the trouble free tale told by Evana father and has tried to snuff out the attributes in her daughter.
Joana had mixed success with her attempt to teach evana proper manners - Evana is more serious and thoughtful than most Svefra but still has an eye for adventure and a love of the sea. She most often found at the port listening to the stories of the sailors and watching the boats.
It is her dream to leave the port city and sail the sea and over several years she save up for a small boat but she has been told by sailors she considered friends she to small and green to do so without her Mother - she needs to bring something more to a ship before a crew will follow her.
Recently Her Mother finally earned enough for a Second ship and with Evana 18 birthday Joanna has loosened up finally lets Evana leave Zeltiva
Gnosis Born with the sea in her eyes Evana bears the Mark of Laviku on her left shoulder
Oceanus Mark 1