Dream a Little Dream

➹60th – Ferem has a nightmare. The woman uses her connections within her clan to round up support for an urgent mission to Itone.

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Prophet on August 13th, 2016, 2:36 pm

60th of Summer, 516 AV
2nd Bell

Lightning split the sky.

The bright flash over the wandering city made the animals uneasy. Though it was the middle of the night, there were several who were awakened by the electric flare. Ferem, the old mystic was one of them. The woman tossed her blankets aside and sat up with shallow breaths that did little to calm her beating heart and a few beads of sweat upon the weathered skin of her forehead. The aged Drykas was not known for being a light sleeper and quickly slipped from her pallet to get dressed. She pulled on a heavy cloak of woven blue cotton. It was old and soft and laced with various wraps and talismans. With shuffling feet, she made her way to the Singingflame pavilion next to her shop.

Another bolt of lightning tore the sky open to reveal light from the heavens. This made the old woman stop and she turned her face upwards with an irritated expression. “I hear you. I’m old and don’t move as fast as you.” With a snap in her speech, Ferem continued on until she came to the west side of the tent where she knew that Emry slept. The canvas stood no chance and was cast aside without regard. Ferem dove in and was on her knees next to her apprentice. “Emry! Wake up, girl. We have work to do.”

The fiery spirit that was sleeping soundly woke with a start and a raised fist. Once she met the half blind gaze of Ferem, she relaxed into a state of weary annoyance. “What?” She asked, her hands flipping through several signs including crazy lady and a question about the time of night that was rather rude. The old fortune teller didn’t seem to care and sat back on her feet.

“Find me three people trying to see the gods.” Ferem’s wrinkled hands signed awake, sky watchers, Endrykas and now. She then yanked the blankets off of Emry who groaned and tried to fight back.

“Nooo! I want to slee-“ her words were cut short by a sharp backhand. For someone who was old enough to have great grandchildren, the woman had a powerful slap. The younger woman sat up and looked at her mentor. “How will I know?”

Ferem rubbed the cheek she had just accosted with a delicate touch and smiled to her perpetual student. “They’ll be staring at the sky, gapea…waiting for the gods to speak.” With that Ferem was gone and Emry, still half-asleep was trying to figure out her part in all of this. The woman quickly pulled on a riding skirt of heavy cotton, her boots and a loose-fitting shirt. She pulled her dredded hair back into a knot behind her head and then left her tent in silence. She blanketed and yvased her strider then began a slow trot along the individual spokes of Tent City. Emry was certain that whatever she was searching for would be obvious. She touched her cheek; obvious like a slapped face.


Lodai was stirring on his bed. It was hot but not unbearably so and he had worked for six days straight so sleep should not be so evasive. Yet, here he lay without an eyeful of sleep. His restless mind began to paw at the things which are better left alone; scars and scabs of the soul. Just as he was about to walk down a dark road, the crack of lightning stirred him from his thoughts. It was so clear and loud that Lodai actually jumped a bit. He sat up and rolled out of his tent within the Stormblood camp and placed his bare feet in the grass. The watchman only wore his cotton pants and stared up at the sky as a second bolt ripped across his vision. The bright and jagged line seared itself into the man’s sight creating a temporary line of red that floated round. The big warrior whispered to the night wind “I am here…”

Ticks later, the sounds of a horse walking along drew Lodai’s gaze. He could see a strider, obvious because of the yvas profile, and its rider moving towards him. The woman came into view and Lodai bowed his head. As a spiritist, he respected Ferem and Emry a great deal. Before he could ask any questions, the woman spoke.


“Two?” Lodai responded with a half-smile and a notion to laugh.

“One. Don’t ask. Go see Ferem.” Emry was short, as usual but she signed that it was important and that he should go now.

Lodai nodded and signed his understanding. The man slipped back into his tent and made short work of getting dressed. His mind raced as he put on boots, his leather vest and grabbed his spear. He mounted his strider without the yvas, something he did for short rides and headed towards the Sapphire pavilions. Emry watched until she knew he was going the right way and then continued her very particular patrol of Endrykas. She had two more souls to find.

NoteYour character cannot sleep and does not know why. Lighting will strike without rain and it will draw you outside. Emry will find you. She is short with men but not very talkative at this hour in general. Please follow the counting plot that I have started. Whoever posts first will hear Emry say “Two” before she says anything else. The last one to post will be called the same and then will be escorted by Emry to Ferem’s Fortunes. PM me if you have questions.

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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Amunet on August 13th, 2016, 4:28 pm

Amunet liked thunder storms as the rain washed away things and made them clean. The voice of Zulrav in the lightning and thunder was comforting to this child of the wind. The red head was a light sleeper. She came up silently at the waist from her sleeping mat. She looked around in the darkness towards the smaller sleeping lumps of her brother. His breaths seem to rise and fall slowly of someone still asleep. This provided some relief to The Healer. Those strong fingers went into the volume of fiery locks to readjust it, massage her scalp and figure out why she was awake. The lightning peeled across the sky again.

Her head looked towards the slice of tent canvas that vaguely moved with the breeze. The red head thought nothing of it as she stood up and pulled on linen pants. She has to fold the hem of the belt line a couple of times for them to loosely fit. She stepped out of her main tent bare foot. The girl looked towards the other tent for the animals. Gertrude and Gary were in the make shift animal shelter with their long ears back and wide eyed everytime the lightning peeled across. Shetanae and her new mare, Toite were standing close by the pack donkeys. The Striders were as much children of the wind as the Drykas were and the night had them uneasy.

The girl moved away from her tents as she looked up. “Zulrav, what is it this night that you are on about?” The girl asked the sky directly. It was not uncommon for her to look at the sky night or day. It was not uncommon for the little lady to talk to the sky for Zulrav and sometimes other dieties, including her own Rak’keli. The lightning peeled across a dry sky as the very color was very similar to the light blues that held the golden starbursts within them. The light of the lightning played glimmering tricks of various colors of flame and red starlight across the waves of hair that cascade down her back like blood rubies.

The lightning held the attention of her eyes for several ticks. It felt like several chimes. I could have been for all the little drykas woman knew, but it didn’t matter. When her visage came down to reality she was startled to see an unknown woman coming towards her. She jumped back a bit as she blinked her eyes to adjust them to what she was seeing. It was to make sure she was truly seeing a person there and not her anxiety making mirages.

“Two.” The woman said as she looked intently at The Healer.

“Two?” Amunet looked around one side or the other. ‘Two what?’ Her confused expression must have been rather a strong one.

“Don’t ask questions. Go to Ferem’s. Gather your things.” The other person said in an irritated tone.

“What? Who are you?” Amunet said defensively as she thought of her little brother asleep inside. Those sharp eyes narrowed at the woman.

The woman snapped. “What.. !”

She got no further before Amunet sharply shushed the woman as she pointed in the tent. “My little brother is asleep. Don’t you dare wake him up.” The irritable woman met fiery eyes.

Emry sighed and looked up for patience and lowered her voice. “Just don’t ask any questions. Ferem will have the answers. Come! Quickly!” The girl was impatient and not in any mood this early.

Ferem was an elder of their community. She was a mystic. Amunet’s eyebrows went to her hairline as this may provide an interesting opportunity. Another peel of lightning forked across overhead that had both of them looking up. The red head took that as a final sign of affirmation. “Let me get Drak taken care of and get my things.”

This took half a bell to complete before the girl had Toite heeling at her elbow, her yvas, yvas bag and pack supplied as if she was going on a healing trip out to one of the outlying pavilions. Her hair was braided at the side and pulled back away from her face. Her leather boots made for quiet work as she came to Ferem’s Fortunes and stepped inside. Toite, the little grey dun mare stopped close to another Strider. She adjusted her belt from the oversized top she wore over her camisole that hid most of her figure. What did the Gods request of her this time? The red head grew nervous as she ran stood to the side and nodded to the male Drykas that was there before her eyes found Ferem’s.
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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Brocton Firestone on August 16th, 2016, 3:07 am


Timestamp: 60th of Summer 516av
Location: 3rd Bell Morning

"Broc honey, what's wrong?" Moaned De'anu, whom was half asleep. Broc was sitting crossed legged in his tent. De'anu, his mother felt Broc's uneasiness, it was possible that this feeling was motherly instinct, but Broc couldn't be to sure on that, now can he. Broc gazed gently at his mother and rubbed sleep from his eyes.

"Nothing mother. Go back to sleep. Okay?" He says with a gentle mix into his tone of words. The blonde scanned his surroundings to make sure his father and sister were sleeping still as well. Firestone couldn't believe what he was doing up this early in the morning. Or is it really late at night, he can't be really sure. Though, he heard Jinx whinny outside. It was a good thing that the majority of his family are heavy sleepers. Otherwise, Brocton wouldn't be the only one up tonight.

"Okay sweetheart. No getting into- ah- trouble." She yawned before falling asleep and the world around Brocton became quiet once more. Even Terrance, his hunting dog had fallen into a deep slumber. Brocton smiled wearily over St his mother, but slowly got up making sure not to wake his family inside his tent.

Brocton then slipped on his boots and slipped out of his tent, closing it slowly and carefully so that the flap wouldn't make any obnoxious noise as it would close. Successfully, he managed. Brocton sighed, it was a relief that no one else had awaken. Then suddenly, a bright flash of lightning just across the heavens. It was strikingly intriguing to speculate. The blue and silvery light that flashes once in awhile. Brocton took his palm and held it out, it's not raining. What could this mean? Why can't he sleep.

Footsteps. He heard them coming from a few yards east of where he was. More than one pair as well. Brocton hurried over to his shortbow that laid close to his tent. He picked it up. Then he heard a woman's voice declaring something in a matter of which that sounded more sour than how Brocton would speak. "Three." It was a lady's voice. One of which Brocton couldn't determine who's.

"Excuse me?" He chimes. "Three. What are you talk-"

"No questions. Pack your things and find your way to Ferems Fortunes. We'll follow in behind you." Brocton did as she said and gathered all he needed. The blonde then mounted Jinx and started her into a canter. He couldn't believe what was happening. Why was he riding Jinx out in the middle of the night.


He would rather be sleeping than this. What could this mean.


Once the small group managed their way back. It took them a long while to reach this Ferems Fortunes. They only had to travel across Endrykas. Broc glared at the tent that he was reaching and noticed Emry canter her horse into a faster pace than what Brocton sustained with Jinx. There was another man waiting, then followed by a red head girl. Brocton cantered up closer. Thinking to himself, "what could this possibly mean?"
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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Prophet on August 21st, 2016, 1:36 pm

When Emry rode up with Brocton, she wasted no time in dismounting. The spunky and crass woman looked to the trio with an expression that very plainly ‘what are yo waiting for?’. She tossed her head to the big warrior with whom she had done several readings. “Hurry up, Zirbi.” Emry liked to tease the big warrior but her tone this time was less than playful. Since the woman had no rapport with the other people, Emry thought it best to motivate them through harassing Lodai. The Ra’athi frowned but did not argue thought he had a few sharp-witted and slightly cruel things to say in case any further goading were to take place. Instead, he dismounted Atavan in a hurry. When his boots kicked up two swirls of dust a piece, the slow rising smoke acted as a timer, Lodai stroked the mane of his black strider then pressed his forehead against that of the stallion. Several whispers later, the dust rose past the warrior’s nose and he broke the embrace. The last Windcaller slipped his gigantic form through the flap into Ferem’s tent. Emry had gotten the behemoth of a Drykas to listen. She simply glared at the other man until he waded into the pavilion then would take the little woman by the hand and lead her through.

Once inside, the chosen would find the atmosphere to be strange. Small lanterns were set in odd places so that shadows always seemed to dance in the center of the min room and while the furnishings appeared to be of good quality, they were so eclectic that it was almost dizzying to try and soak up all of the individual patterns of contrasting colors, waves, stripes and jewels. There was a thick haze of smoke from burnt incense and if one had a keen nose, they would pick up the smell of death as the women of this place would often slay a creature and read its entrails. Just outside the rear of the tent was a bucket full of proof from this odd yet revered practice.

Off to the side was a small table with piles of cushions strewn around in an arc. Emry directed everyone to this area and they soon found that behind a lantern sat a robed Ferem. Even the old woman’s head was covered so that all one could see was a set of weathered hands and a stare that twinkled in a peculiar way. The flickering light of the small flame seemed to serve as air for the piercing gaze which was made up of one cloudy eye that shifted like storm clouds and another brilliant eye that almost breathed in the light then exhaled it. Lodai sat before the woman on his bottom, folded his legs over one another then rested his hands in his lap. He bowed his head in a deep respectful gesture to the elder and waited for the others. Once they made their way over, Emry would drop a dividing curtain behind the group and be about her business; sleep.

Ferem looked first to Lodai with her good eye and smiled, her head inclining towards him just a bit. When she spoke, her words came out with a bit of a rattle thanks old lungs and a shaky jaw. “It is good to see you, Calmer of Storms.” The man never looked up though he smiled just slightly. The heavy gaze of the old woman next came to Amunet. “A feiry soul sits within you though it serves as a balm to others. You are always welcome here, daughter of Rak’keli.” Lastly, the elder Drykas moved to look upon Brocton. She studied him for several ticks before speaking though the delay might come across as judgment for not having any windmarks. “You will not always be a walahk, child.” Her stare bore into him. “Find a way to believe in yourself and the bloodline of Rakivas will believe in you as well.” As these greetings sank in to her visitors, from out of nowhere, the old woman tossed a stone on the table and shortly after runes fell from the incense smoke and bounced around it.

“Strange storms brew and harsh dreams keep me awake.” Looking around the table, she stared at each person in turn. “It’s the same for all of you.” She moved some of the runes around and nodded while humming to herself. “The world is in trouble, children. Danger is very near.” Her body trembled slightly. “You must be my hands and feet for I am far too old for adventures.” She coughed a bit and one might wonder if it was forced but her age could not be denied. “Itone hides a secret that must be protected. This is where you must go,” her finger snapped out in a crooked but firm point at each of the three, “and go quickly!”

Leaning back, Ferem closed her eyes and began to speak as if narrating a story from her childhood. “Itone is nothing but rubble now; a cursed place. It was once the home of a great wizard of magic before the Valterrian tore the world apart. This man a friend to his home and the people around it but all of that has changed.” The woman sighed. “I cannot see what awaits you but I do know you must hurry. Hurry! Do not stop and do not pay heed to your body when it tells you it’s tired!” She hissed and shot a hand out to grasp Amunet and Brocton by their wrists. She whispered to healer first then the young man so neither could hear what was said to the other. “Protect your treasure, child. It has to remain safe.” The blind eye shifted to gaze at the woman’s body then the old eyes moved to the young hunter. “Fear your fear and doubt. They’re the only things that can defeat you.” With a final overdone expression of waving arms and shooing hands, the woman let them all have it as if they were children caught in the ale. “Now go, you fools! Go and save us all!!”

Lodai finally opened his eyes and rose to his feet. He leaned over the table and kissed the woman on the head then slipped through the divide and back to his stallion. He mounted up and turned Atavan towards the tent. The first to exit would get a flurry of signs that explained what he was doing. The big warrior needed to run home and grab some more gear. He would return to Ferem’s pavilion and wait for the others in a few chimes.


Lodai came back fifteen minutes later heaped in armor, a fur cloak brandishing his falx and supporting an extra sack on the back of his yvas. The warrior acknowledged his fellow party members. For Amunet, he had heard of her through his ankal and paid her a deep bow of his head with a formal greeting of ‘Saiza’. To Brocton, Lodai stared at him for what seemed like a long time then gave a chin nod. He had no use for someone who wasn’t bonded but Ferem thought this walahk important and so the big man would tolerate his presence. “I know where Itone lies. If we ride hard, we can get there before the sun goes down.”

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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Amunet on August 23rd, 2016, 7:17 pm

The words of Ferem burrowed deeply into Amunet’s mind. The red headed girl respected Ferem’s craft for she could hear the God’s will in her opinion. A chord, a shivering spark had been struck when she spoke of that inner fire of the Healer’s soul. It was a fire that some have tried to stifle or put out to shape into something else that the free spirited young drykas woman was not. Yet that fire was given freely in compassion, soothing ways and in skill to those who needed it. Those light sky blue eyes locked onto the old woman’s eyes in a steady gaze for a tick or three. It hung there as those three ticks became several moments of understanding, even if but a flash of time that shred of understanding came in. Why didn’t others try to understand like this? The gaze was broken as the woman addressed the Walahk that sat on the other side of her.

Her head turned towards the quiet Lodai remembering that Ferem addressed him as Calmer of Storms. If this was true, it was would be sorely needed with the red head in the mix. The circumstances were indeed dire as she picked up on Ferem’s shaken words and the serious underlaying tone that implied there was quite a bit more than was revealed. Not that she was holding back, but this was from the Gods. The Gods never revealed anything till they were good and read. While it greatly rankled her impatient young sensibilities, that knowledge was not lost on the young medicine woman. The Healer rose with the others and made for the outer tent flap before she is grabbed by the withered old hand.

“Protect your treasure, child. It has to remain safe.”

Rather she meant the leather bound glyphs she keeps close to her skin or what laid beneath that leather sheaf was unclear. It could mean both. The girl stirred around the labrynth of a complicated brain to wonder if the old woman knew of the strange magic she had. It would be something to ask when they got back. This was a quick snatch and grab of something, right? Yes, the young lady clung to that and vowed to talk to Ferem about the strange magic in the near future. Her hand rested on the old hand of Ferem as she nodded once. The suffering of old age was not lost on the Healer as a bit of comfort passed from Healer to Divinist. “Ferem, you need to see me about joint and lung medicine. There are things to ease your discomforts. When I return, I will put it on my list.“ The Healer said softly as her gift passed to provide a few hours ease of the ravages of aging upon her person. It would be temporary as her old bones and aged body would betray her yet again. It was hard to tell how much longer she had to live; because, she had outlived quite a number of the Dryas elders already. Her hand wandered over her abdomen that hovered there for a tick or two before lifting the hand, pulling back the tent flap and exiting the Fortune Teller’s tent. She took a deep breath of morning air.

Lodai had exited with hurried sign as Amunet nodded to the Drykas man. She wasn’t sure what he was but when he returned loaded for Bear as the saying goes, he looked to be a warrior. The young lady didn’t know what to nake of Brocton or what he was proficient at, but she was polite and provided him her identity. “I am Amunet Shimmerstone of the River Flower. I am a Healer and a Doctor. I would know whom I travel with if you please let me know who you are.” There was a polite smile as the voice was silken and pleasant to the ear.

While Lodai was away preparing, she went to Toite and checked over her packs. An inventory was necessary as she took her pack and yvas bag down to unpack and survey what she had and what she would need for a journey. She had most of what she would normally carry when she needs to go heal someone, but this was more than a journey of mercy. She had her herbs and medical supplies as instruments that would say louder than words she wasn’t just a Healer but she was also a Doctor. She had two water skins filled and a little bit if dried meat to snack on for a day trip. She would need more than this.

Once Lodai returned she bowed her head respectfully signing ‘Ferto’ as a greeting. Those strong yet delicate seeming fingers danced gracefully in the sign of the Grasslands. When he spoke that they could make the ruins by nigh fall if they hurried now. The red head’s brow furrowed as she pondered this and looked at the both of them as she had their well-being in mind. They wouldn’t make it far on slim provisions or basic necessities.

“It would be wise if each of us swung by our tents so we can provision for a longer journey. Time now will save time later. “ Her little hand rested on his forearm briefly as she had to tilt her head way back to look at the man’s eyes. If people were tall this man was taller still. He might not like the delay but she inclined her head towards Brocton to voice any needs to acquire at his tent. Once the little lady’s packs were on her mare once again she swung up and headed towards her tent beckoning for the two men to follow if they willed. They could swing around and go to Brocton’s Pavilion if he needed to get more supplies or things.

Once at her tent, she got her slingshot and shots. The other dagger as she always had two. The girl picked up the short bow and quiver she never used as yet as she hadn’t had time to learn it. Part of her was saying how foolish it is to take something she knew nothing about and then her eye turned to the two men. There were two others who could make use of it if there was a need. Extra blanket, one man tent, bedroll, extra provisions, traveling cookware and what seemed to be a plain lantern. She pulled her cloak out of winter storage as well. The young organized lady gave herself a chime or two to look and think. She already had her sewing kit and other items she normally kept in her pack on journeys that were useful. Then she grabbed a coiled 50’ length of rope and tied it to the yvas. Now she had to say her farwells to Shetanae. The dark grey large mare nickered at her as the mare met her half way. Amunet put her little arms around the great big head. her head went into her cheek. “I'm sorry, but you have to stay this time. I will not risk your knee or the foal you carry. Toite will do fine. “ She put her forehead against the mare’s great big forehead and hugged it one more time before she swung back up into her yvas. “Look after Drak for me.” She pleaded to her bonded mare. The eleven year old mare huffled a sigh out. Her eyes turned towards the sleeping form of her brother as her ears moved back and then forward.

The girl ripped her eyes from the two and started riding out expecting the other two to follow and take lead in where they headed next rather it was to Brocton’s Pavilion or onward to Itone Ruins. She was a lot more emotional than she wanted to be as she teared up. She pulled the hood over her head as she looked down at the rings of the yvas more often than not letting the men take the lead. The little grey dun was a quick little Strider. It was not difficult for Toite to keep up with Lodai’s stallion or Brocton’s horse. The young healer was quiet for a while.

Healer’s Kit – 55gm
Surgeon’s Kit – 200gm
Linen cloth 2 sq. yd – 8gm
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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Brocton Firestone on August 24th, 2016, 12:02 am

"Speech." // Timestamp: 516av / Summer, 60th
Pavi Sign // Location: Ferems Fortunes
Brocton settled Jinx down a bit as she was getting a little uneasy. The hunter assumed that it was the early wakening of the morning. But, it could always be other things. After a few swift moments of care. Brocton dismounted. The hunter felt weary almost, he half knew where he was, but of course, not fully. The blonde stroked his long hair, pushing it back once when it flew down over his eyes. He followed the group inside the pavillion.

To be honest, Brocton didn't care much about believing in the gods. He knew of their existence, but he didn't really belive them. If he were to meet one in person or something like it, than things might change, and so will his beliefs. But why did tonight bring him here? Brocton respected everyone within the Tent City, he doesn't very much judge others a lot. Though, he knew that he couldn't be very trusted by others, mostly because he still has yet to bond to his Strider. He's really hoping that soon shell bond with him, Jinx.

Once inside, Brocton observed all around him, taking in his surroundings of Ferems tent. There was a lot of random things that could be located here. Though, it felt welcoming anyways as Brocton settled in, still standing. If he sat back down again, he'd probably just fall asleep once again.

When Ferrin greeted Lodai, Brocton had gotten uneasy. With someone such as a title like 'Calmer of the Storms,' he must be pretty important for someone like him. Though, Brocton was trying to understand what she meant by what she said.

“You will not always be a walahk, child.”

Brocton stayed quiet. He nodded to the lady's words. After all, it's not like every day he'll visit her... right? Would this be some sort of daily thing to come and see her? What did all of those strikes of lighting mean, and with it, why wasn't there any rain, or thunder? What's a storm, without the other elements that makes up one?

“Find a way to believe in yourself and the bloodline of Rakivas will believe in you as well." Once again, Brocton nods in response, as he still stands, though his vision starting to clear up more. Could he be dreaming?

Once Green tossed a stone onto the table that separates the three visitors from Ferrin, a few more stones appear from the midst of the smoke. It made the hunter jump a little as Ferems actions surprised him.


As Ferems spoke of this Itone, Brocton was slowly piecing all of the puzzles of what Ferem was saying. Though, he was fifty fifty when it came to things like this. He's not much of a solver of puzzles, but he one can find him entranced by a game of logic and confusion at times. Once the hunter understood the hint of what Ferem was trying to explain to the three, he was dismissed and was getting greeted by the red head, now knowing that she's a Healer.

Her name was, Amunet.

"Glad to meet you Amunet. I am Brocton, of the Firestone Pavilion, Emerald Clan." He replied, shaking the healers hand carefully.

Brocton lead the two to his Pavillion. It was fairly big, and still his family was in slumber. It was relieving to know that they weren't awake yet. The blonde quickly dismounted his Strider and hurried off to gather just enough food to put in his pack, and an extra set of clothing or two to suit for travels. Brocton sneaks into his cousins tent, Jinr', and swiftly retrieved his leather armor. Who knows what would happen, hopefully, no one would mistake this as robbery. Otherwise, things could go wrong. Would Ferem notify his family for him?

Brocton puts on his leather armor, and rebelts his longsword to his waist. He then mounts Jinx.
"I am now ready, let us go then." He said, cantering Jinx forward.
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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Prophet on August 28th, 2016, 11:34 pm

Lodai rode swiftly back to the Stormblood pavilion and gathered his pack for a short journey; basic dried foods, several water skins, his personal tent as well as the basic survival tools like flint and steel, comb, dagger, a tarp and some rope. He stuffed in an extra change of clothes and shoved them on top then slipped into his heavy leather armor. It was scuffed, sliced and scratched but very sound. He had paid for several restorative services and one involved embedding studs into the chestpiece and bracers. Lodai was a big man but when he put on his armor, he was as large as a bear. He wore a cloak of heavy furs that consisted of wolf, bear and lion pelts which fell from his shoulders down to his calves. The final piece was the massive falx which he simply carried. It was long enough to be a spear but had a blade that was wider than a cleaver and as long as a bastard sword but with one very peculiar curve. If one were to ask about it, he would simply say the smith thought it fit the big man’s personality. The truth was much more interesting…or terrifying but Lodai never spoke on the subject beyond his built-in response.

He mounted up Atavan and rode back to Ferem’s near the edge of town. He pointed the black stallion to the north where he knew the ruins of Itone to be and waited for acknowledgment from his companions to leave. The old woman came out and rushed over to the trio with her dread-haired assistant at her side. “Children… you mustn’t fear the world!” Ferem was shaking and the young girl comforted her with a strong arm. Ferem continued after she took a shuddering breath. “Those who walk among our world…they are the ones to fear.” Then her eyes went to Amunet. “Remember what I told you, girl. Your gift has yet to reveal itself.” The woman snapped her head towards Brocton next. “Don’t overestimate yourself, boy, but take your strength from the gods.” Finally, a few feeble steps brought her to Lodai. She laid her hand on his leg and he took it gently in his big paw. “Keep your charges, Watchman and beware the one who desires your heart.”

Lodai watched them return into the blue tent and just felt…odd. He was not aware of any woman who sought him for a mate. He had already given his heart to his wife and she was gone so too was his heart. He dropped his heels into the flanks of the black strider and they took off. Lodai would not ghost along the djed lines because he knew the walahk could not keep up but he did ride hard. The man was powerful and so was his bonded friend. The two pushed along the sea of grass for almost four bells before stopping. Syna had just come over the horizon and the world was warming. He stopped, dismounted and removed the yvas. Without words, he signed that they would rest for a bell. Loadi would do so in silence even if asked questions, he would simply use signs to answer and in that he would be brief.

After this, the man would reapply the blanket, then yvas and mount up. A look over his shoulder to verify that Amunet and Brocton were ready was all he needed and they set off again. They would ride hard until Syna was straight above them and then rest once more for a bell. The same behavior would resound from the sullen giant. One more leg of riding took them until Syna was leaving their sight and Leth was starting his pursuit. The terrain changed suddenly and in the last of the sun’s rays, they would see a steep rise to a plateau. It was odd but no one would have seen it from a distance…it just…happened. Lodai sighged and turned Atavan so that he could face his companions. “This is the edge of Itone’s influence. We’ll camp here and rest until Leth has fully risen. Then we will proceed on foot.” The man dismounted and made his horse comfortable then himself. He did not unpack but simply laid upon the grass as if waiting for something.

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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Amunet on September 1st, 2016, 2:21 am

The Healer sat on the grey dun mare that was dwarfed by Lodai’s stallion. Her hand moved behind her as she twisted carefully and slowly to do an additional quick mental inventory. Her eyes then trailed towards their other companion, Brocton. She wondered if he was prepared for a hard ride and journey and provisioned for it. That thought was chased away as she exhaled softly. She made mental notes to teach what was needed. The thought that the man may not want to be taught by a woman how to survive on the grass didn’t dawn on her little mind as she happily made these pin point notes in that complicated labyrinth of a mind.

It seemed they were ready to leave when the old woman came shambling out in a hurry supported by the dark haired assistant. Those startling sky blue and gold eyes sharply turned towards the elder woman who should be resting. Amunet’s sharp eye for detail looked to see if she hurt herself from hurrying so. Her words were strange. The red head’s ears pricked forward so to speak as she listened to her.

“Children… you mustn’t fear the world! Those who walk among our world…they are the ones to fear.”

Her brow furrowed as she tried to fathom the meaning behind these words. That pretty little head tilted to the side as she mused on those words before she provided the next words to each one of them.

“Remember what I told you, girl. Your gift has yet to reveal itself.”
“Don’t overestimate yourself, boy, but take your strength from the gods.”
“Keep your charges, Watchman and beware the one who desires your heart.”

Amunet remained silent as she provided a nod of her head towards the woman. Did it pertain to her previous message of guarding her treasure? Was it linked? It was at this point she looked down at her hands without seeing them as she bit her lower lip as those words churned in her mind trying to find something to relate those haunted words to. Maybe it was a secret to some sense of order? Could it pertain to some attachment to something meaningful? Did she not have the gift from Rak’keli? It was more than enough for the Healer to be able to aid in easing the suffering and help her people stay healthy. What gift? The treasure she mentioned before seemed to infer her unborn child. The volume of clothes she wore hid her figure well enough.

She wasn’t showing much at all actually and she felt fantastic. The only change she noticed more than anything else was emotions were a bit heavier and she was constantly hungry. Still, the mindful Doctor in her packed ginger along with her herbs and medicines in case certain issues come up of a variety of occasions. Her chin lifted as her mind found no purchase for the strange set of words by Ferem and placed them carefully in her mind to remember later. That was something she did when she noticed something that didn’t make sense. That active mind may notice details, but it didn’t mean she knew what it was and what it meant. It would be stored away in her mind till something connected the dots of isolated pieces of information. Sometimes it was not necessarily that she picked up on an idea or a technique quickly, it was that the dots connected as an isolated fact was absorbed and bridged the gap of information in her head. It was one of her strengths.

Lodai edged the stallion to head out and he took off. Amunet knew that they couldn’t run the length as only the Drykas could have as they had a walahk with them. Toite proved to be a good purchase as the quick little mare stayed pace with the stallion on the flanks. The red head rode low along the mane, her eyes trained ahead as she kept an eye for obstacles. This wasn’t like with Shetanae as they rode as one across the Grass. A knee pressure now and then would be applied to edge around brush and bushes. Lodai pulled up the stallion to give the sign of a bell of rest. The girl was silent, taking the wordless meaning for sign instead of talk. She untacked her mare and found a place within sight of the large man. The grey dun rolled around in the grass to scratch her back. During the hour the young Healer would eat a bit of dried meat mashed with lard that was a travel ration of sorts for the Drykas.

It didn’t take her long to retack Toite. Her head would look towards Brocton to see if he needed help. Once retacked and packs settled she was hot on Lodai’s heels as he made trail. Amunet asked no questions as their destination was the focus. This was repeated as they rested the horses again. Amunet, on the second stop, checked Toite a little more carefully as this was her first real hard ride with the Healer. The girl ran her hand down the leg, towards the knee and then the fetlock and pastern as she checked for swelling, hot spots or tender spots. She then lifted each hoof, picked it out and looked at them critically for any bruising or stress. She did this with each leg and foot. Amunet patted the Strider on the neck affectionately as she untacked the mare. Her hand went between her legs to see if she was cool enough to drink water. She was sweaty so waited a half bell to check her again so she could give the mare water.

In between the care of her Strider, she checked on Brocton and his horse to see if they needed tending to. The girl ate a quick snack of dried meat and fat combination to keep her energy up. She wasn’t exactly the quietest person but she wasn’t taking up air by inane chatter either. The Watchman did have her curious though as she didn’t know much about him. Well it was what it was as it was time to mount back up and ride onward as Lodai was their only compass. Amunet would have been lost by now. The horses retacked, the little lady swung back up on her strider and onward they moved towards Itone. They ran till the sun was just setting as she looked upon Itone as it was pointed out that they were on the edge of its influence.

Influence? The red headed healer dismounted her strider as she looked towards the plateau. You would think a person could see that plateau from miles off, but she couldn’t recall ever seeing the escarpment from a distance. The girl stood there for a time looking at the plateau as if garnishing and beckoning some idea of what she was going to walk into. There was a long soft exhale from her as she glanced over towards Lodai when he advised them they would walk the rest of the way. It was not that she was inexperienced at approaching things on foot. It was the circumstances were making her uneasy. The next glance saw Lodai had made himself comfortable laid out on the grass.

The red head made an uncomfortable expression but took her packs down off of her Strider and made sure she was comfortable for the duration. She sat with her packs leaning back on them a bit and crossed her feet at the ankles as she had a view of the plateau and when she turned her head, the rate of ascent of Leth as he was just making his rise upon kissing Syna good night. It must be nice. The Healer had no small amount of curiosity of what was before her, but no small amount of anxiety. Something seems to push her to gather knowledge in the oddest of places. She glanced over towards Brocton to see if he needed help with his horse or settling down to the cold camp. Otherwise she reclined there to wait for Lodai to give the word to move out.
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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Brocton Firestone on September 3rd, 2016, 7:29 pm

"Speech." // Timestamp: 516av / Season, Day
Pavi Sign // Location:
Brocton was just ready to leave. He was tired by the looks of it, and he didn't want to stay any longer unless he needed to. This must be important if Ferem wanted them out of their Pavillions. What if Brocton decided to stay in Endrykas, how would things eventually turn out? Would it strain his relationship between all of the other Drykas if he decides to stay, or... honestly, it was all confusing. Ferem came rushing out of her Pavillion just as Brocton was about to embark Jinx. He waited for her to catch her breath, seeing that Lodai, the Calmer of Storms, and Amunet both halted for her. It wasn't like they were going to leave anytime soon.

“Children… you mustn’t fear the world!” Brocton observed her quivering. Was she afraid of their destination, or... What was she really talking about? The lady that transported Brocton to Ferems tent was supporting Ferem. Was she her assistant or something. It looked like it, but Brocton wasn't really sure. She could be the daughter of Ferem by all he knew. “Those who walk among our world…they are the ones to fear.” So were they not to trust anyone, but the three of them?

Brocton was puzzled by her claims. What did she mean by all of this? Does she really see through the Gods? Can she talk to them? This isn't making any sense to the hunter, he wished things were simple for him to understand, but he just isn't grasping this message. What is he supposed to do, how us he supposed to go about this? Brocton leaves his Pavillion without a word. They're still asleep.

“Don’t overestimate yourself, boy, but take your strength from the gods.” She looked at Brocton with speed after turning on Amunet. But, Brocton doesn't trust the Gods. He knows of their existence, but what have they've done to keep them from being harmed. They can't settle on open ground for no more than five days. They have to constantly move, hunting in the same spot is already hard as it sounds. It's not only hard, but very challenging. Now, Fall is coming up. How will the Firestone's survive without their primary hunter. Sure, Jinr' hunts, but he doesn't do it often. His elder can't handle that amount of stress.

He sighed. He observed the care that Ferem was giving to Lodai. He clicked his heels lightly and trudged Jinx forward slowly, heading towards her.

"Ferem..." He said slowly. "May you please..." He cleared his throat. The exhaustion slowly hitting him. "Have someone watch over my Pavillion? I worry for them." He signed, I Trust You. He admitted finally. It was a difficult decision to make, knowing that Brocton could hardly trust the Gods. But, his mother told him, "don't ever judge people before you get to know them." Then she'll usually say, "Trust plays a bug role of survival." It was one of her common sayings. Then she always signs, 'I love You.' It always assured Brocton that things will be fine.

Eventually Ferem and her helper left and walked back to the big blue tent and silence quickly fell upon them. Brocton looked up at the sky, he still observed the blue white streaks of zigzagging lightning that hit over head. Lodai started to leave, Brocton pressed his heels against his Strider and followed. He would take the back, just in case.

Synas light shown over the horizon. The sun's glare distracted Brocton and they were just on the edge of Itones' influence. So Lodai says. "Dismount?" Choked Brocton childishly. He nodded understanding Lodai, he figured that he shouldn't argue with a Watchman, as he might get into trouble with it. So he kept his mouth shut. Brocton relaxed and disembarked Jinx as she layed comfortable. Brocton pulled out his bedroll and decided to lay on it for the time being after strapping his shortbow to the Yvas.

"Lodai?" He said at first. Hoping to gain his attention. Would he still even talk to Brocton, since he's not a full Drykas yet. "What do you think this all means?" He said with a hint of worry.
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Dream a Little Dream

Postby Prophet on September 9th, 2016, 9:43 pm

Lodai rested comfortably. He watched Amunet get settled and noticed the way that she studied the rise. He was almost willing to initiate a conversation in an effort to appease the unspoken questions. Of course, not everyone had the same notion of silent contemplation. The dark eyes of the big man rolled over to Brocton and then his head lazily caught up so that he was looking directly at the manchild. Lodai had a bit of tolerance for the unbonded folk but he always claimed that if he wanted to answer a thousand questions he would’ve spawned children. He took a breath and studied the young man’s eyes. Azmere would say the boy is lost and needs guidance from an older, wiser man. Lodai was not so kind but he knew that cold indifference would not be conducive to accomplishing their task; whatever that may be.

Lodai put on an expression that tried to convey patience then answered in his deep voice. “Brocton Firestone, I cannot answer that for you.” The big, dark fingers signed through a message that basically said it was not for them to understand but to obey. “Ferem has an ear towards the gods.” He signed trust and duty. The big man looked up to the sky as Leth was moving through some wispy clouds nearing his zenith. The warrior rose, took up his weapon and a waterskin but left everything else in his yvas. He caught Broc’s gaze once more. “Put your fears to bed and rouse your courage, walahk.” One of Lodai’s massive hands rested upon his strider’s neck for a few moments and then he signed to the young man that it was time to go. Lodai moved alongside Amunet and knelt next to her. “Time to go, saiza.” Lodai walked to the edge of the plateau but stood back about ten feet. He cast his eyes to the shimmering body of Leth.

For what seemed like an eternity, the large man stood as if he had been overcome by the rock formation and changed into a statue. Lodai remained with his stare fixed upon the silvery moon and neither moved nor spoke during this time of pause. Then, the others would see what he was waiting for…

When Leth had hit his highest point in the night sky, a waterfall of silver and white light cascaded down from the heavens to the plateau and for a moment, it disappeared. Then, to answer the obvious question, it spilled like a river over the side and ran down the steep incline towards the grasslands. The flow of light bent and wound back and forth in places following the natural contours of the rock until it came to rest upon the ground several dozen yards from where the trio stood. Perhaps what was more fascinating than the dancing stream of luminescence was the path it revealed.

Stairs of an ancient design wove along the course up the cliff and over the edge until they were out of sight. The plateau was hard to gauge in terms of height when one was simply standing next to it but now one could easily see that ascension would be a task for the patient and strong of heart. Hundreds of treads seemed to be fashioned from the very rock; wide and narrow, short and tall as if made to fit the natural contour of the landmark. Each one was uniform yet unique since the texture of the stone was embellished by a polished surface and revealed tiny bits of information about Semele’s skin in this part of the world. Tiny flecks reflected the light with brilliance while others seemed to absorb it. Perhaps the most daunting thing about the path before the group (aside from trying to count the stairs) was that at no point within the clear line of vision did a handrail accompany the way. Caution, endurance and a good sense of balance would be needed.

Lodai moved with the steady pace of a man with purpose to the first step. He paused before beginning the long journey ahead and bowed his head. He said a few words, an obvious prayer, but the fragmented whispers that his companions might hear wouldn’t shine any answers on the question of whom. With a long exhale, the huge man put his big leather boot on the first tread then turned to catch the gaze of both Amunet and Brocton. “Take nothing from this place…” He seemed anxious about something and cast his brown eyes skyward along the weaving and winding stairs of silver moonbeams. His hands signed a reminder about the powerful magic. Having said his piece, Lodai began a slow climb occasionally using the rock wall for balance. After a bell or so of climbing, he stopped, turned to face outward and squatted down. Very carefully, he sat on the tread and leaned his back against the cliff. He looked back to those who were in his charge and gave a slight smile. “Catch your breath but if you fall, I’m not going to fetch you.” He laid the falx over his legs thentook a few moments to admire the view.

Unbeknownst to them all, someone else was enjoying a view as well though it was much different for this view included the three adventurers now bathed in Leth’s silver glow. The eyes twinkled behind their cover and a grin crossed the face of the unseen stalker. The time had finally come and there was certain to be a wonderful time had by all. Well, that might not be true. The watcher had plans to have a good time. How it was received by the others was not a concern that the excited mind pondered.

Only time will tell.

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