Timestamp:: 40th, Summer, 516av
Location:: Hall of Aural Creation
Location:: Hall of Aural Creation
Infilia planned her day ahead this morning yesterday. She just knew what she needed to do. If she ever wanted to improve her work at being a performer, she'll need to practice. With practice, comes precision. Right? So without further ado, she'll get onto it now, she definitely needed the practice. It was a necessity. Always, that's what it was like to be a Snowsong, music and storytelling. For sure. Always... well, most definitely. Infilia loves to play music, to dance, anything relative to what a Snowsong does. She's not much different than an average Snowsong. Though, she did show dissimilar attributes to most of them.
Parrsni, for example. That older Vantha man. He was cordial and always gotten well with others, no matter whom they might be, unless there's people that Infilia does not know of, whom Parrsni might not enjoy his or her company with. It's always a thought.
Then, little Neena. She's so adorable, yet Neena was always curious. Infilia was too, but did that run through all of the Snowsongs, she wondered to herself. Maybe so, but does that really matter, or does it not? She asked herself. Of course it doesn't she's not that kind of person to judge a little girl. Why would she bother to judge anyone at this rate? She's not a perfect Vamtha, in fact no one on this world of Mizahar isn't perfect.
Now, where we?
Infilia was taking a seat within one of the practice rooms, it just wasn't any practice room, no. It was a practice room that was at the Hall of Aural Creation. Infilia remembered being taught as a kid. Her father was always gleeful when he came and taught her how to play the flute. Her mother... she taught Infilia how to dance. It was wonderful, spending time with them, truly. Though, it's revolting to look back at her past with them, her parents.
When she was just about to hit her teen years, Infilias mother grew ill. It was terrible to observe. Infilia knew better than to watch her mother just die before her eyes, but she couldn't see herself in another building without her. Infilia did everything with her mother.
Then it was later, perhaps a few more years when her father suddenly fled the city and was never heard from again. That was the second most saddest, upsetting day of her life. Her father just leaving her, not bothering to say a simple goodbye. Though, she still had the rest of the Snowsong Hold. It was her family, and her parents weren't the only ones being a part of it. Now, were they? No.
There was a light tapping repetitive sound coming from outside the door. Infilia looked up from her flute. She forgotten how small the room was, how small each of them were. How long had she been here already, not longer than a bell, hopefully.
"Yes?" She speaks slowly and cautiously. She didn't understand why she was being cautious, but it turned out to be her default tone for everything. Her eyes still appeared to be a silvery white hue. "Who is it?" She asks again. The door creaks open, and out comes the older Vantha that Infilia was thinking of earlier.
She nearly fumbled out of her seat, her flute almost fell from her grasp, though she quickly caught it before it could fall past her knees. She looked up.
"Oh, I apologize Infilia for not responding." Parrsni explained. He looked up at the young Vantha and smiled cordially at her. It's always good to see his friendly smile. Even if Infilia didn't want to look at it. Infilia nodded.
"Apologies... accepted. May I ask-" she paused trying to think of a nicer way to say why the man's here than 'why are you here.' Infilia sighed forgetting about it and gestured for the man to grab a chair. Parrsni nodded.
"Thank you dear." He said as he closes the door behind him. "Ah the flute." He chimed after sitting down. "May I?" He asks Infilia.
"Sure, sure." She says with a assuring smile. Infilia handed him the flute. "Do you play?" She asks wearily. Not sure if he does or not, obviously.
"No my girl." He pauaed and inspected the flute as if it was one of his own created masterpieces. "This is a fine piece of instrument you got here." He explained. The man continued, Infilia listened. "I make instruments. Yes." He chuckled, it was more of a 'having a good time' kind of chuckle.
"You create them, Parrsni?" She asks the man. Parrsni looks up and smiles.
"I do. I can show you some things. If you'd like." The man pauses for a few ticks, he hands Infilia back the flute. "If you wouldn't mind, of course."