Solo We're Not Gonna Take It

Sunberth is tense under the curse, and this riot is one of many

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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We're Not Gonna Take It

Postby Aladari Coolwater on August 22nd, 2016, 5:21 pm

69th of Summer, 516 AV
It had been a rough time since the settling of the curse in Sunberth. The gangs were disorganized, uncoordinated, and wild. People were sick and dying of a disease that no one could cure. Citizens, merchants, and sailors alike were tense and disagreeable. Communication- even among friends- was hardly possible. And so, under these hard times, what did Aladari do? She drank, of course.

The bar patrons were generally themselves, albeit a tad more rowdy. They drank and yelled. They gambled and fought. They whistled at ladies passing by and occasionally chased after one. It was nothing unusual to a regular like Aladari. In fact, the normalcy was comforting. At ease for the first time all day, Aladari took a seat in the Drunken Fish and grinned at the folks sitting around her.

"Who's for a game?"

There were a handful of cheers, followed by the sound of chairs scooting across the old wooden floors. Dice were thrown on to the table, making a soft thumping sound that harmonized wonderfully with the jingling of Mizas. Rules were settled hastily, and play began.

Aladari was winning big, today. She had Mizas stacked on her side of the table, and the dice kept rolling just right. However, as she drank, she became more and more excited about her wins, and more vocal. She cheered, slammed her fists on the table, and jeered at her opponents. She could've gone home then- quit while she was ahead- but the thought never crossed her mind.

"Aww, comon!" She chided, "Quitting alrea'y? Sore loser he is!"

There was a chorus of agreeable laughter from most, but her opponent narrowed his eyes and scowled. "Whatchu say 'bout me?" He growled.

"I says, you's a sore loser! Comon an' play me ag'in ya vagik! Don' be 'fraid!"

"Why I oughta..." And just like that, the man was leaping across the table, reaching for her throat. Around the looming body, Aladari could see a few others in the bar standing up and moving around. A gang member? She thought as the blood drained from her head. It was the only reason she could think of that someone would gang up over a gambling feud. Unless, of course, they just wanted to be in on the fight.

Aladari hardly had time to fight back before the sounds of flesh hitting flesh and grunts of pain filled the air. The Father didn't even try to stop it; he simply let the riot play out on its own. He had seen many of these fights in the last few weeks, and he knew by now that once it had started, there was no stopping it until it was over.
Last edited by Aladari Coolwater on June 2nd, 2017, 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure."
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Aladari Coolwater
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We're Not Gonna Take It

Postby Aladari Coolwater on May 5th, 2017, 2:43 am

The punch came out of nowhere, as if it were unconnected with a body. Not that she would have been able to dodge anyway.

In the split-tick it took her to hit the floor, it seemed like a thousand things happened at once. Her head bumped a table on the way down, causing a mug to spill ale all over the floor. It was ignored, as its owner busily engaged himself in the fight. From somewhere sounding increasingly distant, someone hollered about the Daggerhand filth, and someone else countered with a curse. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was overwhelming, and there was so much movement that even from her position on the floor Aladari felt dizzy.

Or maybe that was the head injury.

Either way, when a tooth skittered along to land next to her hand, she knew she had to leave. Standing risked being hit by the flying fists, but crawling risked being kicked. Aladari decided to take her chances with the floor, since there was less distance to fall there. So, settling on her hands and knees, Aladari began her trek to the door.

At least, she tried. It had always seemed so easy, when they had told her to crawl out of a burning room. Smoke rises; stay close to the floor and get out. It sounded so simple. Experiencing the trouble of crawling in an obscured room, she was beginning to learn exactly how difficult it really was.

Although she made her way away from her table, she soon found herself huddled beneath another without any idea which direction the exit was, let alone how far. Watching the world from underneath the table was exciting, in a way, but it was also absolutely terrifying. There were feet all around her, some bare, some in large heavy boots. There were drops of blood hitting the ground, nearly splattering her as big as they were, and she instinctively flinched away. The smell of the coppery blood mixed with the sickeningly sweet ale and salty sweat was both intoxicating and nauseating all at once. It was repulsive, and yet, Aladari found herself crawling out from underneath the table and standing up on her feet. Swaying only for a chime, Aladari finally found her footing and squinted through her blurry vision at her surroundings.

People stormed by, entirely ignoring the girl standing with a confused and lost look on her face. They wanted a fight, and she clearly wasn’t giving one. All she wanted was to be able to see. And once she had that under control...

Now, the door…

She had only just spotted the door when the next hit came, knocking her solidly in the rib and bringing her crumpling straight back to the ground. The offender ran off, like the others, unwilling to fight such a weak target. He left Aladari to gasp for breath on her own, praying silently to Morwen that she would stay conscious.

Please, I know it would be merciful for me to pass out, but Morwen, I want to live through this. Keep me awake.
"The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure."
- Cornelia Funke
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We're Not Gonna Take It

Postby Aladari Coolwater on May 5th, 2017, 2:47 am

From either pity or spite, She must have helped, because Aladari’s swimming vision slowed into a stable blur, and her breath returned to her lungs. Slowly, back on all fours, she made her way for the door she had spotted. She hardly noticed the sweat dripping down her forehead, or the muck getting stuck on her hands and feet. In fact, she didn’t notice anything else until she reached the door, as her vision tunneled on her target.

By the time she reached it, her muscles ached. She was not used to the grind of pulling along with her arms, and the exercise wore her out quickly. Standing up with a groan, Aladari reached out to steady herself on the edge of the doorframe.

Freedom! She sighed out loud, stumbling closer to the door. On her way, she passed by the bar, which sported, impossibly, a full glass of ale. In a more conscious state, she would not have considered it, but tired, drunk, and a little concussed, the appeal was irresistible.

No one is paying attention to me anyway. She reasoned. She could not have been more wrong.

Aladari reached the bar, pulling the glass to her mouth and taking a large swig desperately. The sting of the alcohol brought a little life to her blood, and she felt instantly more aware, whether or not it was the truth. But before she had time to enjoy it, a hand grabbed her shirt and pulled her back.

“Wha’ya think yer doin’?” Spit flew in her face as the woman raged at her.

Aladari blinked, trying her best to understand. “Drinkin’...” She giggled, still uncertain why the woman would ask such a question. "Yer nah part o' the fight, are ye?"

The woman did not appreciate the unintentional humor, and before Aladari could explain, the barbarian had ripped Aladari’s shirt pulling her closer. “List’nhere.” She slurred. "I don't take that shyke from nobody. Especially not nobodies like you."

Aladari's eyes dipped into a deep blue. "Whatcha mean? I'll share wit' ye if ye really wants some ale tha bad..."

The rest of her preposition was drowned out by a roar of rage and a hastily drawn fist.
"The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure."
- Cornelia Funke
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We're Not Gonna Take It

Postby Karyk on June 18th, 2017, 3:47 am

Aladari Coolwater
Observation: 1
Socialization: 1
Brawling: 1
Bodybuilding: 1
Floors and tables can be safer during a brawl
Everyone is part of a brawl, whether they like it or not

Notes and Comments
CS Checkmarked: ✓
CS Reviewed by Me: ✓
Season Request was Submitted for Grade: Summer 517
Season of last IC post: Summer 517
Season of last Paid Seasonal Expense: Spring 517
Eligible for grade? Yes

Felt unfinished and left me hangin... Aladari really does have a tendency to get into trouble eh? Please mark Queue post as graded
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