Alabaster Reymon

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Alabaster Reymon

Postby Alabaster Reymon on January 2nd, 2011, 11:42 am

Alabaster Reymon

Physical Information

Race- Human
Birthday- 14th day of Spring, 493AV
Age- 17
Gender- Male
Physical Description

Alabaster stands at five foot five, just a tad short for being a human male, but he doesn’t let his height bother him nor is he intimidated by people taller than him. He has auburn hair that goes down to his shoulder blades and its usually worn bound with thin red cord in the back. Shining like the stars in the night are his emerald green eyes that seem to be the most predominate feature about him. They seem to be able to look into the core of things, to find the truth. Alight with curiosity they always seem to be searching, thirsting, looking for answers even in the deepest shadow of mankinds heart. Intense would be the word used to describe his stare. The complexion of his skin is fairly healthy, spending some time outdoors; it has the beginning signs of a tan, but nothing more. A light color to it, that is all. Covering his rather scrawny build is a plain linen shirt, a pair of warm wool pants, and a pair of leather shoes. Over all of that is worn a red hooded cloak, and although the cloak is just a bit big for him he wears it anyways figuring room for growth. Besides, he finds it rather comfy. There seems to be an air of deliberate complexity about him, how he holds himself, and in his interactions with others. It would be that of someone who doesn’t help others without it, somehow, helping them immediately or in the near future.

Character Concept

Personality- Looks can be telling but they can also be deceiving. Perhaps a little too curious for his own good he can often be found talking to random people he deems interesting on the streets. Finding nothing wrong with being openly friendly to anyone and everyone he feels that each person serves a purpose and that meeting the right people can take a person a long way. It’s just finding the right people is the hard part, and although many people would describe Alabaster as open, he really is more closed off than one thinks, choosing his words just right and if questioned only telling just enough to satisfy an answer. Half-truths and parts of stories he weaves. Goal oriented, he tries to keep on task and ‘follow’ in his father’s footsteps of unlocking and revealing to the world the secrets and mysteries of ancient Mizahar.

Though not nearly as great as his father in uncovering the truth about things, he still thinks that he is pretty great himself. His over confidence in his abilities has gotten him into more than one sticky situation, but nothing that couldn't be talked out of or ran away from.

Ethics- He decides for himself what is right and what is wrong. Following his heart and his gut to find the right answer, the right solution, to a problem his point of view is unique and reflects, somewhat, the values of his father. All which include the value of hard work, the sanctity in preserving knowledge and keeping it, and the helping of anyone who really asks. Help should be given to the best of ones ability and freely. Give of wisdom and knowledge, and all that other fantastic stuff. The most important thing that was instilled in him though was to look out for the ones you care about and those who care about you.

Likes- Being challenged, adapting to change, really old things, going out of his way to find the answers to problems although they may seem trivial to others, finishing a job, adventure, traveling, people, good company, Mizas, fishing, books, learning, ect

Dislikes- Things that he considers boring...

Character History

Pre-creation- Coming from a long line of Archaeowizards his family have been on the mission of restoring lost knowledge to Mizahar for generations. Of course, like most studies, they haven't gotten very far yet and have not been able to successfully bring back any magic lost to the world. For good or ill, that is only for time to tell, but nevertheless Alabaster aims to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and see if he can't add to their work or even do what they could not.

Even though his father Cane Reymon searched all his life, venturing into and braving the dangers of the wilderness to try to gain some insight he never restored lost magic. Cane was quite the wizard though knowing a bit about almost all personal magic. Most notably Reimancy, Projection, and Morphing. He knew some world magic, but was never as good at it then he was at personal magic. Among the world magic he knew was Webbing, Animation, and Glyphing.

Cane did his best to teach what he knew onto his son, and in turn pass the family legacy onto him. Although he was successful in teaching some of what he knew to Alabaster most would remain a mystery because of a mishap with dabbling in Voiding. That accident, getting himself voided, left Alabaster with only his fathers Journal, which happens to be the same journal used by all the wizards in his family and is quite thick and old looking. Having each new generation of wizards adding pages to it the writing isn't uniform and the book itself quite unorganized. The cover is leather and is covered in glyphs of all kinds, said to hold spells to those who know how to activate such runes. Although the phrases and conditions in activating the symbols are lost in the family history. Maybe there are some hints within the journal itself...

After the untimely demise of his father Alabaster, with a little help from the Kelwyn, made it to Syliras where he has stayed and worked on his knowledge of magic ever sense. Not possession the wilderness survival skills of his father he hardly ever dares to venture out into the wilderness preferring the safety of the walls of great castle-city.

Post-creation- Check Character Journal/Thread list

Heirloom- Fathers Journal- The journal of Cane Reymon, Archeologist and self proclaimed wizard, this journal holds many memories of his life and his doings. Contains charts and graphs of various origins, a personal record of his 'discoveries' and, common for a wizard, of various magical techniques and practices. Very valuable for anyone seeking magical knowledge and instruction.

Gods and Goddesses he Worships

Eyris- Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom

Kelwyn- Gods of Lost Causes

Qalaya- Goddess of Memory and Writing

Training and Skill Points

Archeology- 5/100 (Starting Package)
Anthropology- 5/100 (Starting Package)
Cryptography- 5/100 (Starting Package)
Glyphing- 5/100 (Starting Package)
Interrogation- 1/100 (+1)
Investigation- 15/100 (Racial Bonus)
Observation- 3/100 (+3)
Reimancy (Earth)- 5/100 (Starting Package)
Rhetorics- 2/100 (+2)
Sculpting- 5/100 (Starting Package)
Stick Fighting (Staffs/Poles) - 5/100 (Starting Package)
Teaching-5/100 (Starting Package)
Webbing- 5/100 (Starting Package)
Writing- 5/100 (Starting Package)

Common (Fluent)
Ancient Tongue (Basic)

Lore of Eyris
Lore of Syliras Laws
Noticing Newcomers
Kelvics (Basic)
Equipment and Possessions


An apartment in Syliras (20x20):
~small table
~Bookcase, Average (Holds 10 books)
~Arm Chair, Average

A Quarterstaff
Fathers Journal (Heirloom)
One set of clothing (Linen shirt, wool pants, leather shoes, red hooded cloak)
One waterskin
One backpack that contains:
~One Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
~Food for a week
~One eating knife
~Flint & Steel


100 GM
-1 GM = Quarterstaff
-8 GM= Bookcase, Average ( Holds 10 Books)
-4 GM= Arm Chair, Average
87 GM
Thread List

[Flashback] Dreaming of Better Days (Solo)- 10th Summer, 505 AV

Just Another Day (Open)- 5th Winter, 510 AV

[The Great Bazaar] People and Places (Lilark)- 20th of Winter, 510 AV

Surviving is Not Fine Dining [Open]- 65th of Winter, AV 510

Work in Progress.
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Alabaster Reymon
The Archeologist
Posts: 31
Words: 21623
Joined roleplay: December 31st, 2010, 10:01 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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