(20:27:32) Severn: right now, I can be considered one of the best designers in the industry. I can easily surpass any story or setting famous game making studios like BioWare can think of
(20:27:36) Severn: 20
(20:27:41) Danyella: Are pulleys known in our world? And use of intrcate pulley systems to lift heavy objects?
(20:28:02) Ageru: oh. Im only 19
(20:28:06) Dusk: Yes, they have pulleys
(20:28:17) Ageru: though that is awesome. So 8 years of study
(20:28:27) Ageru: 7 of which have been working on your game?
(20:28:32) Severn: let's take Dragon Age for example. First one was a LotR copy. And Dragon Age 2 has stolen so much from my ideas that its shameful.
(20:28:34) Severn: yes
(20:28:52) Ageru: very neat
(20:28:53) Severn: the whole main plot in Dragon Age 2 is stolen from my game
(20:28:56) Ageru: You will go far
(20:29:08) Severn: I mean the whole "rise to power" thingy
(20:29:10) Dusk: Uh, yeah, they personally stole it from you.
(20:29:16) Severn: and even the main character
(20:29:17) Severn: Hawke
(20:29:23) Dusk: No one's ever written a "rise to power" story before.
(20:29:27) Severn: I mean, the name is similar to mine
(20:29:34) Ageru: Great minds think alike, I guess
(20:29:47) Severn: Dragon Age 2 character = Hawke. My game's character: Kainan Wolfe
(20:29:49) Dusk: Especially not in a video game. And god knows no fantasy character has ever been named a variation of "Hawke"
(20:29:55) Ageru: and I dont think that your game is published yet
(20:29:59) Dusk: Wait, how is that similar in any way to Hawke?
(20:30:10) Severn: and the thingy with the 10 years timespan of the game, that was my idea as well
(20:30:11) Kayiri: So making an animal name with an E at the end instantly makes it similar...?
(20:30:14) Severn: no
(20:30:26) Dusk: You know you sound like a crazy person right now, right?
(20:30:38) Severn: but I've been working on it for a long time. The concept, lore, etc, has been known to the public for quite a while
(20:30:55) Dusk: You know what I came up with? STRING THEORY. Damn those physicists and their telepathic theivery... *shakes fist*
(20:31:06) Blythe: *giggles*
(20:31:07) Severn: @Kayri: No. But my character was almost identical in personality as well
(20:31:08) Ageru: LOL Dusk
(20:31:19) Blythe: *huggles duskies for being awesome*
(20:31:25) Ageru: Physics is interesting to discuss
(20:31:27) Kayiri: String theory. XD
(20:31:40) Danyella: You know many things in history have been invented twice independently of each other right?
(20:31:44) Severn: Temporal Mechanics and Quantum Physics, especially
(20:31:45) Dusk: The universe is made of tiny strings! I blogged about it in '96!
(20:31:49) Kayiri: I came up with Quantum Physics!
(20:32:03) Severn: I prefer remporal mechanics
(20:32:16) Severn: temporal mechanics involves the study of how exactly time works
(20:32:26) Dusk: So does your mom. OOOOO SICK BURN, did you see that in my brain before I said it, Mister Telepathic Physics Master??
(20:32:26) Kendall_Saarinen sits in the corner and pets Ageru in his kitty form
(20:32:44) Dusk is now giggling maniacally for dramatic effect
(20:32:46) Severn: and stuff such as researching time travel
(20:32:58) Ageru: gah! Im getting distracted. *goes back to writing his post*
(20:33:03) Severn: did you know time travel is theoretically possible?
(20:33:37) Ageru purrs in Kendalls arms ^^
(20:33:40) Kendall_Saarinen: Taroa knows that
(20:33:44) Severn: good luck with your post
(20:33:59) Kendall_Saarinen: *Tanroa
(20:34:00) Danyella: Does time exist though? Or do we think it does?
(20:34:09) Severn: it does exist
(20:34:30) Danyella: Proof being?
(20:34:33) Severn: it is what some call a Substantial Abstract Concept
(20:34:34) Blythe: apparently when we die. it don't.
(20:34:37) Severn: like space
(20:34:52) Severn: there are some equations
(20:34:52) Dusk: Puppies exist. Therefor time exists. THAT'S SCIENCE.
(20:35:00) Ageru: I think its funny how simple things are hard to prove *is getting distracted again*
(20:35:05) Dusk: Or possibly schizophrenia.
(20:35:11) Severn: time as most people think of it is a unit for measuring
(20:35:19) Blythe: oooooh schizophrenia.
(20:35:25) Severn: but time itself does exist
(20:35:29) Kendall_Saarinen: Time is simply an untouchable wind which blows us every which way. *totally kidding around*
(20:35:31) Severn: its a form of movement
(20:35:47) Severn: and time is also relative, like any form of movement
(20:36:11) Severn: in our case, we view time from a certain perspective and we move through time according to a certain landmark
(20:36:17) Dusk:
(20:36:20) Dusk: TIME PUPPY
(20:36:24) Blythe: puppy!
(20:36:25) Kendall_Saarinen: Awwwww!!!! <3
(20:36:30) Severn: change the landmark, you change the direction you're moving towards
(20:36:33) Blythe: *cuddles it to death*
(20:36:34) Kendall_Saarinen cuddles the little baby
(20:36:46) Dusk: He haz ur sekunds and minoots
Had to do it with the picture, and everything before.