He did say it got worse
(00:04:28) Mao: I'm so tempted to say bear with me again.
(00:04:56) Cayenne: Don't grizzle about it, Nero.
(00:05:04) Naomi: I hope the Zith don't try to attack us, Nero. It could turn grizzly.
(00:05:16) ChatBot: Cypress has been logged out (Timeout).
(00:05:20) Jaquise_Emittere: That was unbearable Naomi
(00:05:28) Naomi: ;]
(00:05:54) Rigil_Kentaurus: Naomi, my eyes are hurting. Stop...stop it, it's torture. o.O
(00:06:00) Dusk: These jokes are a-paw-ling
(00:06:00) Nero_Czan: XD
(00:06:02) Mao: Nao I think we're going to have a bear-y good time. >.>
(00:06:05) Naomi: HA.
(00:06:07) Asim: ...
(00:06:10) Nero_Czan: Nice one Dusk.
(00:06:16) Asim pokes at his interwebs
(00:06:19) Mao: Rofl xD
(00:06:19) Aren_Anazasz: Everyone who made a pun needs to be murdered.
(00:06:25) Dusk takes a bow
(00:06:28) Mao: Never
(00:06:29) Aren_Anazasz: Post-haste
(00:06:34) Rigil_Kentaurus: I concur.
(00:06:38) Cayenne: Aren, don't get me started on food puns.
(00:06:41) Cayenne: I like me some food puns.
(00:06:44) ChatBot: Skylar has been logged out (Timeout).
(00:06:46) Naomi: I'm going to kill the next person I see make a pun with my bear hands.
(00:06:51) Asim: Oh dear lord. We had a whole day of just food puns.
(00:06:55) Nero_Czan: Ironic.
(00:06:56) Cayenne: Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cabbage... lettuce pray.
(00:06:57) Jaquise_Emittere: These puns are getting hard to bear.
(00:07:03) Naomi: >: {
(00:07:04) Aren_Anazasz: Commit suicide!
(00:07:06) Rigil_Kentaurus: No allegory here, folks.
(00:07:07) Mao: Haha
(00:07:07) Nero_Czan: Not this again... >.>
(00:07:07) Mao: xD
(00:07:09) Asim: Hey! I do believe I'm the only one in here with bear hands.
(00:07:11) Naomi: Hahaha.
(00:07:21) Cayenne: Those who forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it!
(00:07:28) Naomi: You know what sounds really yummy? Some strawbearies.
(00:07:36) Cayenne: *Cackles*
(00:07:39) Dusk: Aaaand I've officially run out of boxes. Dammit. *grumbles*
(00:07:44) Jaquise_Emittere: lets all take a brief paws with these puns
(00:07:47) Mao: Raspbearies are better.
(00:07:55) Naomi: This is a Kodiak moment.
(00:07:57) Aren_Anazasz: That one actually wan't too bad... the pasta one.
(00:08:17) Nero_Czan: Subtle bear pun again >.>
(00:08:24) Cayenne:
(00:08:24) Dusk: *leaves all the puns to go rearrange some drawers*
(00:08:31) Jaquise_Emittere: I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to my mad pun skills
(00:08:35) Aren_Anazasz: The guy who did the paws one needs to kill himself for the benefit of mankind.
(00:08:38) Pit: passes out poisonbearies
(00:08:56) Naomi: XD
(00:09:13) Nero_Czan: Jaq just beat ALL of you XD
(00:09:52) Asim: Jaq, will you be my new God?
(00:09:58) Jaquise_Emittere: Yes
(00:10:04) Asim: ^.^
(00:10:07) Asim: Cool.