Character Registry: Fall 516

If you intend to RP in Endrykas this Fall, you must post here.

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

Moderator: Gossamer

Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Rufio on August 30th, 2016, 9:21 pm

Character Name: Rufio
Purpose of Residence: It's home.
Duration of Stay: As far as I know.
Need Moderator’s Assistance: Just any calendar events
Best Part of Summer: Joining the Stormbloods!
Worst Part of Summer: Still catching up old threads.
Character Goals:
□ Get out more, live a little—adventure!
□ Spiritism, Malediction, Fortune-telling
□ Calendar Challenges

Writer Goals:
□ Catch up with er'ythiiing...
□ Fix up Ru's CS
□ Grade more
□ Spice up my writing!
Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: I'll get back to this if I can think of something.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: The PC community!
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? ALL THE GENRES. I tend to sway towards the theatrical & dramatic in everything.
What type of thread best suits your character? Everything infused with intense emotion—from quiet everyday/social scenes, to tensions, action, spooky things & horror, romance.
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Zulrav. Cuz she's a lil' baby storm. She's beginning to really worship the god with fearful awe/adoration.
Describe your character in 3 words:
Ochre, kangaroo or crow, a black iron kettle.
You may ask one question of your ST.
What inspires your imagination here in Mizahar?
Last edited by Rufio on September 1st, 2016, 6:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Khida on August 31st, 2016, 3:01 am

Character Name: Khida
CS: Here!
Purpose of Residence: Resident, Dawnwhisper Pavilion.
Duration of Stay: Indefinite.
Need Moderator’s Assistance: Not expecting to, aside from perhaps a modded calendar event and some wages...

Best Part of Summer: Returning to Miz!
Worst Part of Summer: Everyone (including me) spent a lot of time either still finishing Spring business or being preoccupied IRL.

Character Goals:
  • skill work (riding, horsemanship / husbandry, bow)
  • learn more about Drykas culture and the Web
  • meet more people

Writer Goals:
  • actually not fall farther behind for once
  • finally get some of them skills to competent...
  • grade more

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: No comment at this time.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: The people, of course; ST and player alike.

What type of thread best suits you as a writer? (Romance, drama, action, horror, etc)
Depends if I'm leading or following... For the most part: drama, action, social, anything meticulous like crafting threads.

What type of thread best suits your character? (Romance, drama, action, horror, etc)
Action, investigation.

Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Caiyha, because that's the deity Khida feels the most connection to. Albeit only for certain values of "like", because gods are awesome things, in the original sense of the word.

Describe your character in 3 words: (A color, an animal, an inanimate object)
Amber, falcon (of course), oak.

You may ask one question of your ST. I'll save that question for later, I think!
Spring threads: 2/5 .. | .. Season Goals .. | .. GradersMaxed skill: Observation.
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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Naiya on September 1st, 2016, 2:30 pm

Character Name: Naiya
CS: Link to CS
Purpose of Residence: Providing for her family as interm Ankal.
Duration of Stay: Forever. Although I reserve the right to change my mind
Need Moderator’s Assistance: No.
Best Part of Summer: Khida's return! Also, while Naiya was too pregnant to risk getting too involved, there was an undercurrent of unrest, and moments of peace that were fun to explore even from outside the action.
Worst Part of Summer: Not knowing that Firenze was in/near the city until nearly season end....
Character Goals:
  • Learn Webbing
  • Continue to grow as a provider within the pavilion
  • Have a baby
  • Learn how to care for a baby
  • Continue to reassure Seirei of her place as a drykas
  • Teach Seirei more of what it means to be a drykas

Writer Goals:
  • Actually do job threads instead of plan them and place holder them and ignore them because I am coasting on old money
  • Get real writing done this season. Write things to completion. TURN THINGS IN.
  • Continue growing community ties
  • Get to know a PC (or 6) that don't necessarily have anything to offer my own PC
  • Do a calendar event this season

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: Locations and their use. It seems to me that there are a lot of locations that exist, but are rarely used. In my years as a drykas, I've gone to perhaps three shops, and of those two visits were to the predator's post. I think we need locations where people would go all the time.

Places like heart fire. A ceremonial place to visit after the city moves to relight fires inside drykas homes. Or the water wheel, the place where water collections are stored in the city for convenient and safe refilling of wetskins and pavilion water barrels.

My point being, there are places that we sort of have created as a city that are actually mentioned and used frequently, that are not locations, and there are locations that are developed and listed but generally ignored. If we had developed locations to run into each other IC because it would be a common occurrence (rather than a social outing or important purchasing decision) it would help bring the tight knit OOC community everyone adores together IC.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: Freedom. There are a million things to be done at any one moment, but also a surplus of free time to do other things as well. We can explore the sea of grass on horseback in hopes of finding food and water, or you can be so bogged down in chores that you can't leave your pavilion. It all depends on the mood that strikes you as you sit down to write. I feel like other cities to some degree lack that freedom.
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? (Romance, drama, action, horror, etc) I personally like action and romance, but I most enjoy threads that are filled with little interesting actions. Menial tasks, things I have to research and learn OOC. I find them fun to write. (unless it's sewing, don't ask me why but it's awful)
What type of thread best suits your character? (Romance, drama, action, horror, etc) Naiya is best suited to action, she is a character of doing. She doesn't sit around and socialize.
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Naiya would meet Caiyha, she feels the most connected to her, but she would perhaps also run away. Gods are not to be meddled with, only thanked for their grace.
Describe your character in 3 words: (A color, an animal, an inanimate object) Scarlet, Mare, Shadow
You may ask one question of your ST. If your PC could gain one item of any value at no cost, what would he ask for?
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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Lorcan Gregory on September 1st, 2016, 4:20 pm

Fall 516 av Registry

Character Name: Lörcán
CS: Nearly Finished (Awaiting some correspondence regarding his history but that will be filled in very soon!)
Purpose of Residence: Sanctuary
Duration of Stay: As far as I can see, at least a good year or two
Need Moderator’s Assistance: Not that I can think of atm, other than applying for a job (which I will do now!) But if I do, I will get in touch!

Character Goals:
  • Ultimately regain his memories
  • Find his place within the Drykas community
  • Prove his worth
  • Rediscover himself
  • Make friends!
  • Please see his Plans for the Future for further details

Writer Goals:
  • Improve my writing
  • Keep up with threads
  • Thread with the wonderful people behind the intriguing PC's!

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: Some misinterpretations with the Lore, but as it is already being addressed, I can not see anything!
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: What has drawn me to Endrykas, is the depth, care and sheer imagination flooded into creating an inspiring Community of players, PC's and non-stop enthralling plots!
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? As a writer, er, probably action, deep emotional turmoil, anything that presents a challenge. But I also enjoy threads where nothing may happen persay, but if there is at least character development involved for both parties, it still makes for fun writing.
What type of thread best suits your character? Everything! From mundane daily tasks, to huge quests of adventure, horror and anything that will drag Lörcán to the edge and then push him over it! xD
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Hmm as he stands with his amnesia, he would probably be interested in meeting Kelwyn or Zulrav. Kelwyn for the obvious fact that he is indeed lost and would seek their aid in finding his place in a life where he remembers nothing. Zulrav for the simple fact that he is one of the primary Gods worshipped by the Drykas, it would be curiosity more than anything.

Describe your character in 3 words:
  • Colour: Burgundy
  • Animal: Zebra
  • Inanimate object: Leather
You may ask one question of your ST. How on earth do you juggle so much?? O.O
[ 15/11 ]

Owes: Naiya (S) | Rufio (R) | Taurina (R) | One Love (S) | Brocton (R)

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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Aoren on September 2nd, 2016, 10:52 pm

Character Name: Aoren Skycrown
Purpose of Residence: Taking up residence.
Duration of Stay: Indefinite.
Need Moderator’s Assistance: No, but thank you.
Best Part of Summer: Getting back home.
Worst Part of Summer: Moving.
Character Goals:
  • Get situated in Endrykas as a more permanent resident.
  • Make some friends. Make some enemies, possibly?

Writer Goals:
  • Get myself organized and into the flow of things after a rather long absence.
  • Re-orient myself to the character and his aspirations.

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: Not familiar enough with the setting to offer a meaningful critique.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: Can't say at this point in time.
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? A good mystery is always quite fun to tackle.
What type of thread best suits your character? Aoren is a Healer and a Seer. He is quite suitable in the role of a teacher, guide or mentor.
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Avalis. She is the deity responsible for intervening to ensure Aoren was born. To what end? He does not know. He wants to know why she chose to intervene on his behalf and what purpose she has for him in life.
Describe your character in 3 words: Blue, Eagle, Lamp
You may ask one question of your ST. No questions, thank you for your time.
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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Waisana on September 4th, 2016, 9:27 pm

Character Name: Waisana
CS: Voila!
Purpose of Residence: Trying to treat as many people as she can
Duration of Stay: Indefinite for the foreseeable future, however I may go missing for a chunk of this season. We shall see.
Need Moderator’s Assistance: Nope, think I'm good
Best Part of Summer: Writing solos was enjoyable because I had a chance to play around with Waisana's character a bit
Worst Part of Summer: I didn't work out how to clone myself so I could write more
Character Goals:
  • Improve long bow skills
  • Do something that doesn't involve medicine
  • Learn something new

Writer Goals:
  • Write more
  • Work on writing some new types of threads

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: Can't think of anything to put here.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: Its moderator. I can honestly say that Prophet makes Endrykas pretty great by bringing greatness to it. I'm not saying that to suck up, it's the truth :P
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? I'm open to plenty of things: romance, drama, action, gore, mystery, socialisation.
What type of thread best suits your character? Job threads, social threads in some way related to her job. She doesn't like action or drama or romance. However, that isn't to say that I won't make her go through those things.
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Rak'keli. She's the goddess of Waisana's profession so of course she has respect for her and awe. To meet her would be an honour, a blessing and she'd probably be exceptionally humble and apologise for not serving her well enough (she's no gnosis mark so that's what she'd think).
Describe your character in 3 words: White, lamb, bandage.
You may ask one question of your ST. What do you dislike about Waisana? If you don't dislike anything then what's your pet peeve in a character, beyond Mary Sues/Gary Sues.
Active threads: 2 of 5
2 Quest threads


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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Quzon on September 7th, 2016, 11:12 pm

Character Name: Quzon
Purpose of Residence: Long term visitor/turning resident.
Duration of Stay: Indefinite.
Need Moderator’s Assistance: No.
Best Part of Summer: N/A
Worst Part of Summer: Had to take a leave of absence that kept me away.
Character Goals:

  • Expand his arcane knowledge of reimancy through combat or training.
  • Bodybuilding.

Writer Goals:
  • Complete this seasons job threads.
  • Wrap up grandfathered threads.
  • Plot for Q to join a Pavilion.

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: Hardly one to judge things at the moment.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: Integrated community. Communication between the player base and ST remains to be superb.

What type of thread best suits you as a writer? (Romance, drama, action, horror, etc)
I am someone who enjoys drama, horror, and action.

What type of thread best suits your character? (Romance, drama, action, horror, etc)
Quzon is best suited for action and adventure with a health dose of drama.

Which god would your character most like to meet and why?
Quzon would always be up for meeting Goddess-Queen Myri, because he is a loyal marked worshiper.

Describe your character in 3 words: (A color, an animal, an inanimate object)
  • Emerald.
  • Elephant.
  • Hammer.
You may ask one question of your ST. You may not ask for plot or development spoilers.

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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Taurina on September 8th, 2016, 12:37 am

Character Name: Taurina
CS: : Here
Purpose of Residence: To figure out her purpose in life
Duration of Stay: Indefinite
Need Moderator’s Assistance: Other than to get a job, I do not believe so.
Best Part of Summer: N/A
Worst Part of Summer: N/A
Character Goals:
  • To get acclimated to her new surroundings
  • Learn about the culture and people
  • Expand skills and prove herself
  • Meet people
Writer Goals:
  • Get comfortable writing Taurina
  • Meet people
  • Build up skills
  • To not fall behind on threads

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: I don’t know the city well enough to add anything that hasn’t already been mentioned.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: The community here seems to be really amazing and I’m excited to be apart of it.
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? Action, drama, adventure, social, and anything that has opportunity for character growth in it.
What type of thread best suits your character? Adventure, social, anything to do with her learning something.
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Leth, to ask what purpose she has now that she has returned to Mizahar. Her second choice would be Avalis so she can ask what the future has in store for her.
Describe your character in 3 words:
  • Grey
  • A Cat
  • A Star
You may ask one question of your ST. Nothing for now
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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Merevaika on September 9th, 2016, 3:28 pm

Character Name: Merevaika
Purpose of Residence: Lives in Endrykas
Duration of Stay: Forever, of course
Need Moderator’s Assistance: Nope
Best Part of Summer: I don't think I threaded much
Worst Part of Summer: Not threading much
Character Goals:
  • Pathfinding
  • Become legendary

Writer Goals:
  • Complete my threads, one day!!
  • Actually have no grandfathered threads next season.
Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: The placeholders. We plan too much, but don't write fast enough.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: The playerbase is amazing, as is the ST. And it's Endrykas. What more can be said?
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? Action, horror, drama
What type of thread best suits your character? The above
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Not kill this time? Hmm... probably Caiyha to ask for some answers.
Describe your character in 3 words: Red, wolf, arrow
You may ask one question of your ST. Who is the best PC in the whole world? (Here's a hint - Merevaika :p )
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Character Registry: Fall 516

Postby Achenar on September 15th, 2016, 5:05 pm

Character Name: Achenar
CS: Link
Purpose of Residence: Hopefully finding a new home
Duration of Stay: For the forseeable future
Need Moderator’s Assistance: To find a job for Ach that's about it.
Best Part of Summer: N/A
Worst Part of Summer: N/A
Character Goals:
  • Find his place among the Drykas
  • Cure his innate emo ethaefael nature
  • Learn how to be self sufficient

Writer Goals:
  • Step Ach away from the slave route
  • Find a way for him to be cured from his Forsaken status
  • Write with awesome people

Weakest Aspect of Endrykas: I'm not too familiar but I glanced at the codex and kinda wished there was more stuff to play with but that's minor.
Greatest Aspect of Endrykas: The people here totally rock my socks.
What type of thread best suits you as a writer? I will thread literally anything but I like conflict, adventure and romance a lot.
What type of thread best suits your character? He needs to be tossed into more action so he can stop being such a wuss.
Which god would your character most like to meet and why? Leth, because he wants to know the reason why he was left to suffer in Kenash. Achenar is not much of a religious person anymore and I'd really like to restore that. Aside from that, maybe Nikali for his long years of suffering.
Describe your character in 3 words: Bistre, wolf, onyx.
You may ask one question of your ST. You're crazy amazing for handling all this!
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