OOC Info Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Please Register if you are playing in Syka for Fall 516 A.V.

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Alyria Riptide on September 13th, 2016, 10:58 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Alyria Riptide.
Age, Sex, Race? 25, Female, Mixed Blood (Svefra born)

Describe your character in a short abstract? Friendly, fun, adventurous with a desire to explore. A little "head in the clouds" sometimes.

How long are you planning to stay? A long while. She's settled in for a month (in her CS yet to be approved. :) ) and planning to have her explore...slowly and carefully.

What does your character have to offer Syka? Fisher woman, specialty dive fishing for crustations. Also has good map navigation skills.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? I'm not against it, but won't force a thread in that direction unless it's required.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Yes, but will only go by rules of the forum. I enjoy a good love story with action/romance/thrills/angst, ect.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Not in one.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Yes! Because the more the merrier! A social thread is an active thread. :)

What does your character want to learn this season? Jungle survival, exploration.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Anyone. :)

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Discover something on her heirloom map that relates to the Maw, which will guide her to explore it bit by bit on what could be a wild goose chase, or could be a major discovery.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? Fresh, new, exciting and ready to be developed and built. It's an interesting concept.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Guiding where her Map will lead her. (Even if we chat via PM, I don't want to step on any toes)
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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Titus Galesong on September 14th, 2016, 2:38 am

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Titus Galesong
Age, Sex, Race? Male Svefra of 19
Describe your character in a short abstract? Content, Curious and Carefree
How long are you planning to stay? Until you kick him out?
What does your character have to offer Syka? Fish. Titus is also super-awesome and mega-cool.
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Duh. Violence is fun.
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Yup. I'm bringing sexy back.
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Not really... pods are run by females and so I can't exactly recruit... or can I? Hm.
Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Meh. They take forever and offer little.
What does your character want to learn this season? Explore the area. Find cool shyke.
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? All of them?
Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Make friends. It'd be cool to do something that makes people talk about him (can be good or bad).
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? The settler aspect is quite alluring plus I wanted to be in a city run by our illustrious leader... but I really don't care for Riverfall so.. win, win!
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Quests are brilliant. Perhaps a second Oceanus mark would be fun or a new gnosis/discipline entirely. I wonder what Dominion would be like with Laviku...

Additional Comments: I'm hoping to be more active as the weather changes and cools off. Summer was disappointing from a writing perspective.

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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Numia on September 17th, 2016, 5:51 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Numia

Age, Sex, Race? 3, F, Pycon

Describe your character in a short abstract? First and foremost, Numia is a playful Pycon bard prone to severe mood swings. She's a mage-squire to the Syliran Knights, and a devout follower of Rhaus, with an interest in Priskil. She feels very protective of those around her, and is very willing to risk her life to assist those in need. Lastly, she's a bit of a ponderer, she'll really think about things for a long time if she's not caught in the moment.

How long are you planning to stay? For as long as the writing is fun here, but perhaps I'll stay awhile through the thick and thin! Permanency is one potential outcome.
What does your character have to offer Syka? A Pycon, a Voider, and a Bard, Numia can be very useful in many situations. She can play music to soothe the soul, help with rampaging monsters, and utilize her small size to keep watch. Furthermore, she consumes clay instead of regular food.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Violence is an aspect of adventure, what I live and breathe for as a writer. I get to see how the characters react, and what sort of emotions are drawn from it.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Well, Numia's a Pycon... but sure, I guess? If you're into 3 inch tall statues...

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Numia's only affiliation is with the Syliran Knights, but I'd be willing to start a Pyve if other Pycon NPC's show up. I don't believe one can join the Syliran Knights without going to Syliras, but Numia would gladly train someone in the ways of a Squire (though she's remarkably untalented at such)

Do you like social threads? Why or why not? It's a mixed bag, for me. I can go back and forth for several posts, but if that's the entire thread it gets a little... boring. I'm still open to them, however, but my posts might be slower if I'm not having as much fun.

What does your character want to learn this season? Furthering her core skills, perhaps some Wilderness Survival (what do Pycon even need, anyway?) and the typical Unarmed Combat / Voiding / Fiddle trio. Maybe she'll practice some Morphing as well.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? I'm... not sure yet. A lot of you look pretty interesting!

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Numia will do the season, and she'll do it well. As her writer, I can do this for her, so she can do things.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? It seemed like a place ripe for adventure, and there are several interesting players here. It also seemed like a place Numia would go, to assist in any way she could.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? In January, Numia will be koalified for her second Audius mark. Having Numia get something like that would evolve her as a character into something magical as all-get-out. I'm also interested in moderated threads with monsters or wild beasts, whether or not Numia is powerful enough to do anything about their incursion into Syka. It's fun to torture the little Pycon, she gets so torn up when she fails.

Additional Comments: Numia doesn't know any tropical tunes. This is bad. This is really bad. We need to rectify this immediately.
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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Rakhasta on September 18th, 2016, 7:00 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Rakhasta of the South Winds
Age, Sex, Race? 20 years of age, Male, Eypharian
Describe your character in a short abstract? Warrior far from home seeking redemption in the eyes of those far worse than him.
How long are you planning to stay? Indefinitely.
What does your character have to offer Syka? Mercenary services, including protection, training and anything else you can imagine a guy with a sword doing.
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? I do, indeed it is a primary part of the character. I think thre is a certain art to how a trained melee fighter moves in combat, a poetry of power, muscle and blood that I'd like to bring to words.
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? I certainly don't mind any of those things, but it'll have to fit the situation. Rakhasta isn't exactly the most suave individual, so I imagine romantic plots won't be in the near future at the very least.
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Not yet, but consider him Looking For Group!
Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Absolutely! Social threads are where you get to really explore the personality of your character as they interact with others. It's tons of fun!
What does your character want to learn this season? More about Syka, religion and how he means to survive in the coming months. He'd also like to improve his skill at arms, including his limited understanding of Flux magic.
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Oh man, I have no idea! I wanna meet you all!
What do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? I want to see him put in the role of a protector of this colony, and really settle in as one of the primary "fighter types" these people have to rely onout here in the wilderness.
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? It seems like a place of new opportunities, which is exactly what I wanted to play with. Rakhasta is a disgraced house guardsman looking for a new life, an opportunity to attain greatness.
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? I'd really like to talk to Mathias Okavis about Xhyvas, and possibly begin the path of gaining a Gnosis from the God. Aside from that, perhaps an expedition of some sort into the forest I could be part of?

Additional Comments:I'm excited to see what this all brings, and happy to be able to share it with all of you! Thank you for having me!
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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Dust on September 19th, 2016, 9:06 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Dust
Age, Sex, Race? 9 years, Female Kelvic (raven)
Describe your character in a short abstract? Cheerful, gregarious, talkative, good-natured, straightforward, inquisitive.

How long are you planning to stay? Indefinitely.
What does your character have to offer Syka? mapmaking, scouting, good cheer and a helping hand with anything

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not?
I am fine with threads involving violent events; it's one way to offer challenge to a character or push them out of their comfort zone. I don't seek violence out for its own sake, however.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not?
Romance and love, yes; explicit sex, not as such. I like threading about character relationships in all forms, the connections that develop between people and how they change over time. Any action or interaction which captures that is fair game.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members?
Not in a group.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not?
Absolutely! Especially when it's Dust involved. She loves getting to know people.

What does your character want to learn this season?
First and foremost, she'd like to learn about all the people in Syka. After that... well, that's open to whatever comes up.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting?
Everybody! is the truest answer. If I had to pick just one, it might be Izuyanai, just to see how they play off one another...

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season?
I'd like to get Dust settled in with a job, make plans for a residence, and get a couple key skills up to competent -- basically get solidly established. And network.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka?
Reason one, I've always liked "establishing a settlement" kinds of stories, and I would have an eye on joining any such endeavor wherever it happened. Reason two, I'm very interested in the juxtaposition of past and present which Syka embodies, and being part of how that unfolds IC, what it brings to both the domain and the game at large. Reason three, Dust was due for a new adventure, her newest friend was also going, he had his own ship, and it all just fit together!

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be?
I have to say my biggest wish would be for Dust to meet the Librarian of Reclaimed Knowledge. It would be Dust's too, if she knew the place existed. The stories she could tell!

Additional Comments: I'm always up for plotting, just drop me a PM!
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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Linie Moonreef on September 25th, 2016, 3:28 am


Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Linie Moonreef
Age, Sex, Race? 22, F, Svefra
Describe your character in a short abstract? Giving, kind, intelligent, opinionated, strong
How long are you planning to stay? At least a year.
What does your character have to offer Syka? Fish! She's a fisherman by trade!
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Yes, not "violence" in the sense of just beating people up... But I didn't give her a sword and points to the sword for her to not get into a couple of fights.
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? I can't say because I never have before, but I would certainly be open to it. I have a NPC in the works who is Linie's best friend and lover who is kind of the jealous type, it would be fun to play around with that and maybe kill him off in some way.
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? No!
Do you like social threads? Why or why not? I think social threads are given a bad wrap. I think because so many people dread them is sucks the fun out of doing it. If both people keep the thread light it goes pretty smoothly.
What does your character want to learn this season? Something about Syka.
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Any of my Svefran brothers and sisters!
Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Making new friends and building up skills
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? Well, it seems like a great place to start with my Svefra!
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Definitely some treasure hunting, it's in Linie's bones you see. Though if she found any treasure who knows what she would do with it!

Additional Comments: I'm excited to get started!



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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Kame on September 28th, 2016, 4:45 am


Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Kame
Age, Sex, Race? 26, Female, Myrian

Describe your character in a short abstract? Loves violence and gore. Mainly a Maledictor who loves playing with dead things. Classic Myrian.

How long are you planning to stay? A long time as of now.

What does your character have to offer Syka? Malediction bonuses! Everyone can use a little stat boost. You need all the help you can get when you're building everything from scratch.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Yes! Please bring it! Kame lives for the blood.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? I dont think I'd mind it. Though I'm not sure Kame could have much romance with a non-Myrian.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? She is a follower of Myri but other than that, nah.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Not really, especially with Kame. Shes not much of a socialite.

What does your character want to learn this season? Some botany.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Shimoje :D

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? I really want to see her in the nitty gritty of gore. I want to see her diving head first into the bowels of a hunted animal, looking for the perfect item for malediction.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? Out of all the open cities right now, Syka is the only one that can moderately fit Kame.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? A fantastic hunt for a fantastic beast!

Additional Comments:

Kame is in need of dead things. I will be hiring hunters and accompanying them on their hunts to kill a certain animal and gather supplies. PM me if you are a hunter who wants a little extra gold!
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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Theo Popcampio on September 29th, 2016, 7:08 pm



Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Theo Popcampio
Age, Sex, Race? What is this, to catch a predator? 26, male, human
Describe your character in a short abstract? Oh, just your usual comedic death-dealer. Lost soul wandering through the darkness of Mizahar without a clue of who he is.
How long are you planning to stay? I dunno.
What does your character have to offer Syka? Funtimes, fires, a strong blade arm, and a group of people trying to kill me!
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Oh, it's only my favorite thing ever.
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Just drop a line and we can make it happen.
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? No, but I know some people that would say otherwise.
Do you like social threads? Why or why not? I do parties and weddings but it comes at 7 GM hourly fee.
What does your character want to learn this season? How to make bigger fireballs and kill stronger stuff. Getting some answers about these headaches would be nice too.
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? I haven't searched through the registry, do you think you can tickle my fancy?
Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Kill things, kill more things, run that bar I posted, make people mad, and just be incredulous.
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? Seems like cool place, has magic and things.
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Just do you b.

Additional Comments: Oh, this is going to be fun.

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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Evangeline on October 2nd, 2016, 7:26 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias'
Evangeline. Eva for short.

Age, Sex, Race?
4 years old. Yes please. Kelvic.

Describe your character in a short abstract?
Eva is a quiet, compassionate individual searching for purpose who wants to use her powers of understanding to make the world a better place. Also, being a cat really breaks the ice at parties.

How long are you planning to stay?

What does your character have to offer Syka?
An active imagination, an ability to help people and a heart for others. She is a competent doctor and is nearing competence with her herbalism.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not?
Sure, when it's appropriate. Not arbitrary violence, but violence for a plot. In fact, I tend to almost kill my PCs a fair amount. It's fun!

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not?
Absolutely. Anything that cultivates depth.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members?
Unfortunately no. Maybe I should start one.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not?
I adore social threads! So long as again, they aren't arbitrary. Everything with purpose!

What does your character want to learn this season?
How to survive in the jungle. How to build a business with her own bare hands. How to put up with other people's shit.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting?
Everyone. No, really. Everyone.

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season?
Overcome challenges in pursuit of her goal. Encounter unexpected plot twists and deal with them. I want to see the in-thread influence her inspiration has on the characters around her and whether or not it helps them.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka?
Because it is ripe with possibilities to build something scratch with the other players of this site. Also, because it is a tropical paradise. Yes please.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be?
Something where you put me through my paces, where we're both having a lot of fun.

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Fall Character Registry for Syka - 516 A.V.

Postby Mercer Stormhand on October 10th, 2016, 2:59 am

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Mercer Stormhand - Merc - Cer (S-air)

Age, Sex, Race? 29 - Male - Svefra

Describe your character in a short abstract? Wise elderly-young Svefra man, looking to make a place in the world for himself. He also wants a big ship, 'cause that casinor ain't cuttin' it.

How long are you planning to stay? Indefinitely.

What does your character have to offer Syka? (Hopefully) a cool and collected blue-eyed captain. A refreshing presence. And a sea lion Tavan.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Yes, violence is an awesome part of any story. Life wouldn't be life without a little fighting.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Read above.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Not yet.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Sure, they can be fun. If they're not just a boring back and forth conversation about the weather.

What does your character want to learn this season? How to be a better captain. Possibly some Water Reimancy.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? All of the Svefra. (And everyone else, too.)

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Anything and everything possible.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? No clue.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Job acquisition thread, that's about it.

Additional Comments: My PMs are always open if any of you ever want to thread. If everything goes through, Mercer won't be in Syka all season, so keep that in mind.
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