516 Av Fall 81st
Their was a unique sort of Rhythm to holding down a career. Waking up at the same time each day, going to see the same people every morning and spending your day with them. It wasn’t family, no not even close but at the very least their was a sort of closeness to it. And there was stability within the walls of the cafe, Hwyn had only worked for a short while at the cafe but it was already beginning to feel like a place in which he could belong. Darnel never asked for anything too odd, he was quite happy as long as Hwyn was pleasant with their customers.
As far as customers went Hwyn was starting to become familiar with some of the faces and voices that were regulars at the cafe. Most of the cafe’s regulars were older for the most part, men and women who had enjoyed fairly successful if uneventful lives who now had the time and money to relax and drink tea in their morning hours. On some level Hywn resented them, the thoughtless way they lived their lives, day in and day out comfortably existing, Hwyn had hardly been able to sleep in the past days, the city was revealing itself to be much scarier than anything his mind had been able to imagine, and now that he’d seen slivers of the truth, he’d been having a hard time trusting anyone, too many mornings as he went to work he caught himself looking over his shoulder, too many days were spent looking out for soldiers as he briskly made his way to his home to try and sleep, only to break into a cold sweat whenever sleep tried to take him.
No, he was much less happy than he had been smiling faces had lost their charm and the thin smile he wore when he chatted with customers was wearing him out. He could settle into the regular motions that he was required to do, but he didn’t feel like the people he served at the cafe actually saw him when they looked at him, they just looked through him as if he was another part of the monotony they so happily settled into, not concerned that at any moment a dead body or monster might crop up, they all simply passed it off as Rhysol being their to protect them. Hwyn hadn’t seen any signs of the god since he’d arrived in the city, but he wondered how benevolent the guy could be all things considered. Shrugging off the negative thoughts as he planted a tray of eggs and muffins before a older couple and poured them tea, he smiled at the two before walking out to the terrace. The terrace was nice but barren he’d only seen it in fall but he liked the idea of it always being bit of a solemn location. Rolling his shoulders Hwyn composed himself and pulled a forced smile on, maybe he could find some sort of happiness if he delved for it, he didn’t enjoy being miserable and he didn’t want prying eyes seeing his own sadness.
“Alright Hwyn, let's face this morning in stride, can’t spend all of our time worrying”
Speaking softly to himself Hwyn sought out some motivation to get him through the day.
Credit to Shimoje, the bestest buddy