OOC Info Grade Request Thread

Here is where finished threads go to be graded.

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Grade Request Thread

Postby Prophet on September 25th, 2016, 2:45 am

Grade Request Thread

This is the thread where all others go to be graded. There are a few rules and simple steps to follow.
  1. Only one request can be made per post
  2. Please use the given form
  3. Threads must be graded in order
  4. Grading placeholders are to be reported if left unattended for more than 48 hours
  5. Any issues with a grade are to be taken up with the Grader
  6. Any unresolved conflicts are to be directed to an ST
  7. Hunters must specify job threads since they yield no rewards
  8. Information on the selling of meat and trophies for non-job threads can be found here
  9. Please update your request status once a grade has been given

Request Form

Code: Select all
[u]Thread Title: [/u][url=]XYZ[/url]
[u]PCs Involved: [/u]
[u]Skills Requested: [/u]
[u]Lores Requested: [/u]
[u]Additional Info: [/u]
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Grade Request Thread

Postby Rufio on January 7th, 2018, 10:55 pm

Thread: Windswept Children
PCs: Rufio and Naiya
Skills Requested: Running, wrestling, foraging, weaving, cosmetology or camouflage or disguise, brawling, sneaking, wilderness survival
Lores Requested: Wilderness survival (making shelter & finding the best place for shelter out of the elements), lores about each other.
Notes: A flashback to when Naiya & Rufio were wee! It's been so long, I'd like to turn it in, in the spirit of wrapping up old threads.

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Grade Request Thread

Postby Rufio on January 27th, 2018, 5:39 pm

Thread: Flora Fiends
PCs: Rufio and Naiya
Skills Requested: Socialization, botany, foraging, herbalism
Lores Requested: Botany/herbalism lores
Notes: An old thread which meandered a bit (my fault), and which I'd like to turn in in the spirit of cleaning up old threads (and Naiya has been away for a while).

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Grade Request Thread

Postby Ashka Windrunner on January 31st, 2018, 8:13 am

Thread: Watchers, Groupies and Partygoers
PCs involved: Ramona and Ashka
Skills requested: Not too sure but there is some Socialization, a bit of Riding and whatever else you see.
Lores requested: Lores about each other, about the Triathlon and maybe Drykas culture, whatever else you see.
Additional Info: Unfinished thread but it's quite old now and we've both kinda lost the inspiration for it, so we're turning it in anyway. Hope you like the scene and thanks for grading!

GRADED, Thanks Taurina!
Last edited by Ashka Windrunner on March 27th, 2018, 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Grade Request Thread

Postby Rufio on February 3rd, 2018, 11:27 pm

Thread: Sayohat
PCs: Rufio, Taurina, Jasmine and Azmere (who's gone)
Skills Requested: Riding, socialization, rhetoric
Lores Requested: Lores of the drykas Sayohat ritual, lores about each other
Notes: A re-connection between pavilion members to set the scene for other threads (just 1 post a PC!). Azmere is on indefinite hiatus so need not be graded.

GRADED / Self-graded
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Grade Request Thread

Postby Rufio on February 10th, 2018, 1:33 pm

Thread: See A Man About A Horse
PCs: Rufio (solo)
Skills Requested: Negotiation or persuasion, horsemanship, intimidation or tactics, mathematics, riding
Lores Requested: Negotiation or persuasion, intimidation or tactics, horsemanship
Notes: A quick 3 post solo in which Rufio haggles aggressively & buys a seme horse.

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Grade Request Thread

Postby Rufio on February 26th, 2018, 7:10 am

Thread: Monstrous Surprises II
PCs: Khida & Rufio
Skills Requested: Investigation, tracking, stealth, planning/tactics, weapons, anything else your keen eyes see!
Lores Requested: Lores on each other, teamwork, Yukmen & whatever else you see.
Notes: A Calendar Quest! Part ii of Monstrous Surprises from a way back in Fall 516AV.

Graded / Self-graded
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Grade Request Thread

Postby Rufio on February 26th, 2018, 7:15 am

Thread: Ashka's Seeking
PCs: Ashka & Rufio
Skills Requested: Fortune-telling, rhetoric, whatever else your keen eyes see!
Lores Requested: Lores of each other, Ashka's reading, & whatever else you see.
Notes: A job-thread for Rufio.

self graded
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Grade Request Thread

Postby Rufio on February 27th, 2018, 9:57 pm

Thread: Charred Bones
PCs: Rufio
Skills Requested: Fortune-telling, rhetoric, scavenging, whatever else you see!
Lores Requested: Not sure there's much here, whatever you see!
Notes: A job-thread for Rufio, with an awkwardly snappy ending because I didn't know where I was going with this solo, and impending city close. Thanks for grading!

self graded
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Grade Request Thread

Postby Taurina on February 28th, 2018, 3:18 am

Thread Title: The First of Many

Graded. Thanks Proph!

Last edited by Taurina on April 13th, 2018, 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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