90th of Fall, 516 AV
20th Bell
Sanity Center
20th Bell
Sanity Center
It was a particularly slow day today for jobs inside or even outside Alvadas for Dex. In fact, ever since the expedition into the Unforgiving ended there had been a distinct lack of work for the Symenestra to do. Though the same woman was still submitting papers to protect her from a giant beetle Dex was just as happy to ignore it now as he has been since he saw it on his first day of work. So instead Dex resigned himself to helping out Serenity around The Center until a more relevant job decided to make its way onto his lap.
So here he was, sorting through documents in another part of The Center organizing a stack of papers. Serenity had asked Dex to sort them alphabetically first and then also by color, though something inside told him she was just poking fun at him another part made her seem completely serious. The Disappearance of Duncan Dresdon was the next paper at the top of the stack. Apparently this man had up and vanished some 6 years ago and nobody knew where he went and he probably was never found either, considering all things Alvadas that is.
Dex merely sighed as he placed the paper in the appropriate alphabetical pile, he would separate them by color later should he actually have to. So he continued on and on and on sorting ridiculous papers until he could barely keep his eyes open. Rubbing his eyes while shuffling through the small room Dex made his way to a less cluttered spot int between a few boxes and plopped down on the floor. He heard Serenity talking to a few visitors in the main room and hoped she would wake him before she decided to leave. Never before in his life had the Symenestra literally been bored out of his mind. Hopefully something or somebody would pop in soon and give his mind something to focus on other than the alphabet.
In her office Serenity had just finished the sale of a home to the newest pair of Alvads, for that moment at least. She was genuinely curious as to what was taking the Symenestra so long with a simple task of separating a few papers. She managed hundreds of papers a day so surely he could handle just a few dozen, right? "Dex!" Serenity hollered in the direction she had sent the man a mere 10 chimes earlier. With no obvious response she resorted to simply yelling his name louder, her expression grew rather annoyed and her brow furrowed slightly. "Maybe he drowned in the papers and died..." Serenity pondered her own words for a moment before coming to the conclusion that Dex had better not have died. If he did then she would have to clean his corpse up off her floor, and that did not seem very thrilling. A small thump could be heard from the room Dex was working in just as another guest was opening the door. "Don't people know it's getting late?" Serenity went back to working on the papers on her desk until the stranger approached.