by Ivan on January 8th, 2011, 4:23 am
Ye Olde To Do List.
[Bazaar]Making New Friends[Ivan, and company]
[bazaar] the fine art of jobhunting [Ivan :: open]
Water and Stone... (Yul'tua)
A long time ago (Ivan, flashback)
Half Ass’d Plans For Ivan That Might Not Happen:
build a fortress somewhere outside of a town.
populate it with my mercenaries.
actually pull togeather that mercenary thing.
aquire currency by hunting people.
finalize list of mercenaries that will be on miz often.
figure out the small buisness sheet so that i can post us in The Consortia at some point.
reply to all my threads....
figure out a better name for this section, because i really want this stuff to happen.
work out details about my numerous plots with people from the chat.
actually consider the slaving thing...
some how aquire useful skills...
(to be added, as of yet no request).
Well, i wont likely do another post like this but i Will edit it as i see fit. if you want news of me check this often, same as the match maker deal and things like that. i’ll reply to post as soon as i can and i’ll update this every few days if interesting stuff happens. please note the order of the list is not the order in which i will do things. The first non-immediate-thread-thing i want to do is finalize the bones and structure of the mercenary group. Until then, i’ll thread with anyone.
Beast, Man, Or God, I Know Of Nothing That Survives A Severed Head!
The RechaYomi