5th of Fall, 516AV
The streets were aglow with colourful hues as per usual in the city of illusion, only a few clouds in the sky cast their shadows across the bustling streets below. Despite the changing of the seasons, the city maintained its warm, temperate climate, which was due to Ionu's influence- or so Kawari had been told that morning by Winona, at the Watering Hole; Winona, who had offered no further explanation before moving off to help prepare food. Left with more questions and half a day of free time, Kawari had decided to see for herself if this was true, though how, she was not sure, and so she soon found herself wandering aimlessly through the streets of Alvadas.
Ionu's city was far from boring; a fact that was reaffirmed every time the tanuki stepped outside. What had been a stone street in front of the Cave was now a thick blanket of lush grasses that extended until the next corner, where it was cut off by what looked like sand.
Twenty chimes and countless streets later, Kawari found herself by the Bizarre, which she first recognized by the multitude of smells emanating from the large building. People, animals, food, goods of all kinds- all of these had their own smells, like a signature, that overlapped and mingled with one another in a nearly overpowering swirl of scents. She was tempted to enter the ever-lit building in pursuit of the unknown odours and aromas until she notice the building which sat beside it.
Large, perhaps even bigger than the Bizarre, sat a stone building covered in moss and ornate designs, which she couldn't help but trace with her eyes. The stone appeared weathered and old; dust and dirt filled some of the lines for some added definition, while many of the edges had been worn smooth. Nevertheless, the lines and edges connected and merged, and soon the potter felt as though her eyes were playing tricks on her, as time after time, they seemed to return to the same spot.
Drawn to the intricate etchings in the stone, Kawari had unconsciously begun to wander towards the vast building, until she caught herself nearly walking into a young woman with many arms, and paused in her tracks. "S-sorry," she apologized as she gazed at the woman's arms with awestruck wide eyes; she had never seen a person with so many arms!
Just as the word left her mouth, the sound of a bell rung out nearby and the kelvic's eyes flickered towards the sound, only to notice that the ornate stone building was no longer there.
'Illusion?' she wondered, before turning her attention back to the woman with many limbs... perhaps they were an illusion too?
"You have... many arms?" she said cautiously. The comment was in part a statement, but questioning at the same time.
Kawa: Common
oocSorry! This was long overdue >.<'
The streets were aglow with colourful hues as per usual in the city of illusion, only a few clouds in the sky cast their shadows across the bustling streets below. Despite the changing of the seasons, the city maintained its warm, temperate climate, which was due to Ionu's influence- or so Kawari had been told that morning by Winona, at the Watering Hole; Winona, who had offered no further explanation before moving off to help prepare food. Left with more questions and half a day of free time, Kawari had decided to see for herself if this was true, though how, she was not sure, and so she soon found herself wandering aimlessly through the streets of Alvadas.
Ionu's city was far from boring; a fact that was reaffirmed every time the tanuki stepped outside. What had been a stone street in front of the Cave was now a thick blanket of lush grasses that extended until the next corner, where it was cut off by what looked like sand.
Twenty chimes and countless streets later, Kawari found herself by the Bizarre, which she first recognized by the multitude of smells emanating from the large building. People, animals, food, goods of all kinds- all of these had their own smells, like a signature, that overlapped and mingled with one another in a nearly overpowering swirl of scents. She was tempted to enter the ever-lit building in pursuit of the unknown odours and aromas until she notice the building which sat beside it.
Large, perhaps even bigger than the Bizarre, sat a stone building covered in moss and ornate designs, which she couldn't help but trace with her eyes. The stone appeared weathered and old; dust and dirt filled some of the lines for some added definition, while many of the edges had been worn smooth. Nevertheless, the lines and edges connected and merged, and soon the potter felt as though her eyes were playing tricks on her, as time after time, they seemed to return to the same spot.
Drawn to the intricate etchings in the stone, Kawari had unconsciously begun to wander towards the vast building, until she caught herself nearly walking into a young woman with many arms, and paused in her tracks. "S-sorry," she apologized as she gazed at the woman's arms with awestruck wide eyes; she had never seen a person with so many arms!
Just as the word left her mouth, the sound of a bell rung out nearby and the kelvic's eyes flickered towards the sound, only to notice that the ornate stone building was no longer there.
'Illusion?' she wondered, before turning her attention back to the woman with many limbs... perhaps they were an illusion too?
"You have... many arms?" she said cautiously. The comment was in part a statement, but questioning at the same time.
Kawa: Common
oocSorry! This was long overdue >.<'