18 Fall 516

Phira blew a sigh of irritation as she laced up her dress to get ready for her shift at work. Of all the days she had to work it had to be today. Nothing about today made her want to go outside. It was dreary, cold, and everyone was being loud celebrating the passing of the curse. It was something to celebrate for sure, at least for the survivors, but she just couldn't stand all the noise and cheering, and the spontaneous fights that broke out. It was the perfect night for her to stay in, but not to Merv. Merv wanted her working and making him money, and Merv was the boss.
She grabbed her cloak and opened the door immediately being pushed back into her room by a drunken couple barreling through the hallway. "Watch it!" She yelled at the couple earning a snicker from the both of them. "Sloppy, drunken, idiotic, stupid..." she mumbled under her breath adding a word with every step she took until she got outside and found the streets stuffed with men and women celebrating. Her eye twitched, tonight was going to be a long, long night for her.
She blew another sigh and pulled her cloak around her body and began on her way to the The Pig's Foot. If this was what the outside of the tavern's looked like what did the inside of the tavern look like?
Pushing through a crowd at the entrance of her workplace she began growling softly. It was packed! Completely packed! There was barely any room to walk. She began pushing her way to the bar, keeping her temper in check with every pinch to her backside or accidental grope to her chest. She finally made it, she handed her cloak to the bartender to stash behind there and handed her a tray full of mugs and the table they belonged to.
She breathed in heavily, took the tray, and began towards the table, "Ok you lot! Out of the way! Coming through!" she yelled. Only a small path was made, but luckily it was enough to squeeze through. She put on a smile at the table and set the drinks down, chatted them up for a few seconds before heading towards the table next to it, and the one next to that one. She could already feel her voice getting hoarse from all the yelling.
The next table just sat down and the other waitress was on the other side of the room flirting with the bartender. She could bite her head off if she could only reach her, but there were too many people in the way."What would you like?" she asked the table.
"What's good dove?" the one with scars all over his face asked.
She sucked in a breath and counted to 3, "Two berry cider, ale, cheese and bread plates, stew. Everything is good here. she advertised.
As they talked it over she was being pushed and shoved into the table,"Could you hurry a bit. My hips are getting bruised, and not in a good way." she flirted trying not to sound too rushed.
The group of men laughed and smiled wickedly at her, "5 ciders and a bread and cheese plate." The man with the scars said.
She nodded and headed back to the bar to place the orders. Apparently the other waitress was territorial and thought she was trying to snag the bartender for the night, because before she knew it a hand met her cheek.
Word Count588
She grabbed her cloak and opened the door immediately being pushed back into her room by a drunken couple barreling through the hallway. "Watch it!" She yelled at the couple earning a snicker from the both of them. "Sloppy, drunken, idiotic, stupid..." she mumbled under her breath adding a word with every step she took until she got outside and found the streets stuffed with men and women celebrating. Her eye twitched, tonight was going to be a long, long night for her.
She blew another sigh and pulled her cloak around her body and began on her way to the The Pig's Foot. If this was what the outside of the tavern's looked like what did the inside of the tavern look like?
Pushing through a crowd at the entrance of her workplace she began growling softly. It was packed! Completely packed! There was barely any room to walk. She began pushing her way to the bar, keeping her temper in check with every pinch to her backside or accidental grope to her chest. She finally made it, she handed her cloak to the bartender to stash behind there and handed her a tray full of mugs and the table they belonged to.
She breathed in heavily, took the tray, and began towards the table, "Ok you lot! Out of the way! Coming through!" she yelled. Only a small path was made, but luckily it was enough to squeeze through. She put on a smile at the table and set the drinks down, chatted them up for a few seconds before heading towards the table next to it, and the one next to that one. She could already feel her voice getting hoarse from all the yelling.
The next table just sat down and the other waitress was on the other side of the room flirting with the bartender. She could bite her head off if she could only reach her, but there were too many people in the way."What would you like?" she asked the table.
"What's good dove?" the one with scars all over his face asked.
She sucked in a breath and counted to 3, "Two berry cider, ale, cheese and bread plates, stew. Everything is good here. she advertised.
As they talked it over she was being pushed and shoved into the table,"Could you hurry a bit. My hips are getting bruised, and not in a good way." she flirted trying not to sound too rushed.
The group of men laughed and smiled wickedly at her, "5 ciders and a bread and cheese plate." The man with the scars said.
She nodded and headed back to the bar to place the orders. Apparently the other waitress was territorial and thought she was trying to snag the bartender for the night, because before she knew it a hand met her cheek.
Word Count588