Infilia’s belongings joined Nemori’s and she adjusted her own slightly, not wanting to obscure too much space accidentally. It helped that neither of them owned very many things here. They was space for Alex to store some things, although not the mountain of weaponry.
“The bed is fine. Thank you“ Nemori stated, almost absentmindedly. The lock that she was fiddling with looked fairly simple and she found herself trying to raise it slightly, in order to obtain enough light to look through the keyhole. They were small metal bits inside that looked move upwards and downwards, she wondered what part they played in the mechanism. She heard Alex apologising for his cruel joke as she fiddled and Infilia asking what the plan was.
Nemori puzzled over this question. She had not really planned for today. The idea of learning some more common, maintaining her linguistically capability across language was appealing. They could possibly spar? Or practice their stances. The room was slightly bigger and would be easier to fight in without risking damaging anything. The sofa in the middle was a slight hindrance to this but she supposed having something to work around made sense. The real world was not flat and void of obstacles.
“We could fight? More space. I have none plans” Nemori looked other at the other two, gesturing around the room.
“The bed is fine. Thank you“ Nemori stated, almost absentmindedly. The lock that she was fiddling with looked fairly simple and she found herself trying to raise it slightly, in order to obtain enough light to look through the keyhole. They were small metal bits inside that looked move upwards and downwards, she wondered what part they played in the mechanism. She heard Alex apologising for his cruel joke as she fiddled and Infilia asking what the plan was.
Nemori puzzled over this question. She had not really planned for today. The idea of learning some more common, maintaining her linguistically capability across language was appealing. They could possibly spar? Or practice their stances. The room was slightly bigger and would be easier to fight in without risking damaging anything. The sofa in the middle was a slight hindrance to this but she supposed having something to work around made sense. The real world was not flat and void of obstacles.
“We could fight? More space. I have none plans” Nemori looked other at the other two, gesturing around the room.
Languages :