23rd of Winter, 516 AV
Truly settling into Drykas life had turned out to be one tiresome trial after another for Sloane. Initially her issues had focused solely on finding a place within the Firelash Pavilion and simply making her way from day to day. Employment, however, had proved to be a whole other battle, with few bowyers and weapon-smiths interested in taking on a walahk that spoke poor Pavi. Cobb, to his credit, was a patient and fair employer, generally understanding and accepting of the walahk, but the language barrier left much to be desired. Though Hana had kept her word and was doing her best to help teach Sloane, even her Common had its limits, and only so much could be learnt in such a short period of time.
Understandably, this was leading to a fair share of misunderstandings and miscommunications between employer and employee and it was something Sloane was still attempting to deal with. “Bow?” She asked, quirking a brow at the man. He’d once again forgotten that her Pavi was so poor, and had babbled off instructions so quickly that Sloane had only been able to catch a few words here and there. “Type? Long, short?” She trailed off, scouring her mind for the Pavi word for compound or recurve. After a brief moment of confusion, Cobb seemed to realise his mistake, and he twisted to point at an already completed bow leaning in the corner of the tent. “Long bow.” He paused now, seemingly attempting to gather his own limited Common. “By this afternoon. And arrows.” Sloane nodded her understanding. So a longbow to be ready for pickup this afternoon. She surmised in her mind. And a standard set of 20 arrows, I assume. Cobb turned to go, but seemed to remember something and whirled back to face her suddenly, hand upheld to stop her from leaving. “And new tree!” He exclaimed, pointing across the tent at the old, worn tillering tree for emphasis. Sloane hummed her understanding, nodding vigorously, it was about time the old tree was replaced, the notches were so old and worn that they barely held the bowstrings anymore.
Sloane decide it made the most sense to start on the tillering tree first, as she could use it later when she moved on to constructing the bow itself. She made her way out of the tent as Cobb wandered over to tend to a customer, and made her way around the back to where the raw wood was kept to be made into bows, arrows and everything in between. Picking her way through, Odessa took her time seeking out the perfect piece of wood for her needs, using her booted foot to turn over this piece or that, and kick smaller one’s out of the way. Finally she came across a long, sturdy branch. It was dry, but not old or sun damaged enough that the wood had begun to split or crack, and looked to her to be some type of oak. It was smooth along its length, nearing two meters, and when she kicked it over she could see that the centre was thick and intact, not hollowed by birds or bugs.
Satisfied, Sloane pulled her gloves from her pocket and tugged them on, bending to take up the end of the branch and pull it away to the side. It was heavy, and she had to put her back into it to drag it over the other piles of wood, before letting it roll the rest of the way to the side on its own.
Common ~ Pavi ~ Thoughts