Samir walked down the street, or more trying to move down the street without josling any of the groups of people enjoying the fine weather and the sights and sounds of the street. After all street vendors had appeared hoping to cash in on hungry people or those who would impulse buy some trinket or the other for whoever else might be with them. She had managed to find herself a spot on the street corner, not in the main traffic, the regulars had managed to lay claim to those spaces long ago. It did not matter to much to Sarria at least for the moment. She was interested in getting enough credits to get her out of town. That was the problem with travel it took more money than she tended to have on hand.
Therein was the problem. She may have ran afoul of the wrong group of people, although she would claim it was not her fault. After all, how was she supposed to know that rejecting the son of some high placed whatever would earn her a few well placed annoyances if not enemies. Although, she had to admit to herself the look on his face when the drink had hit it, had nearly been worth it even if in hindsight she might have over reacted just a little. Overreaction or no, she had the feeling there were people in town who might decide to make her life difficult if they were so inclined.
Keeping this in mind she was people watching among other things. She was looking for a mark of sorts. She wasn't a con artist exactly, or rather she was not a well practiced con artist. But, in this situation she was in need of someone who could either get her a ticket out of town or someone who might have enough resources to allow her to lay low at least for a little while, either one of these seemed like a good idea to her. All she would have to be was patient and someone would appear.
Or at least she hoped so. If not, well there were other nights that she could try to snag someone useful to her. The problem was finding someone who would be willing to be useful to her but without being so stupid that they were useless, it was a fine line that she was straddling. The other being finding someone who while being useful would not get her into a worse mess than she was already in.