I'm Penelope, but you can call me Pen! I am a 17 year old (Who is turning 18 in less than a week, but whatever) who loves to write! I'm excited to try forum style roleplaying for the first time, but, as this is my first time, I'm sure I'll make plenty of mistakes, so if you see any, please point them out so I can fix them!
Besides writing, I enjoy theater, reading, and cuddling my dog. Currently, I am in my school's performance of the musical Oklahoma as Ado Annie, which is very exciting to me, but totally irrelevant to this whole thing.
I must say that my character here is rather different than the characters that I usually make. Usually, I go for the super-strong, stoic type of character, or the villainous type of character. However, I've always been very frustrated by the lack of characters with disabilities pretty much everywhere. It used to not bother me, because I didn't even notice it, but then I became disabled myself and it started to bug me.
So, I gave Priscilla the same medical condition I'm stuck with. We'll have to see how it goes, as, right now, I am more than a bit wary . It's outside of my comfort zone as a writer, and outside of what most people want to roleplay with, based on my one experience with her elsewhere.
So, yeah. I think I covered all the basics. I want to roleplay with all of you so you should totally PM me or whatever if you are interested because I am too awkward to do it myself.