Here's round two of answers. Those are three very important points Sayana, and honestly the last thing I want is to accidentally slip into ancient Egyptian. It's quite a big pitfall considering just how much I
love ancient Egypt, but I'll do my best.
A side-note about the city name: Kaipur is a nice name, but a quick google brings up Jaipur, which is a rather pretty, famous city in India. I'm not adverse to name suggestions, but I've grown pretty comfortable with Kaiphen, myself. Obviously, if people absolutely hate it, please please let me know!
Also, I will read your reply as soon as I can. Methinks we're gearing up for a discussion about slavery.
Social StructureWho are the leaders?-Kaiphen has a long history of pressorahs/pressors before the Valterrian. These were descended through bloodlines. However, the Valterrian shook everything up, including rulership. Throughout time, there have been a group of respected individuals who have formed a kind of council that advise the ruler. During the Valterrian, this council took over completely, but when the Eypharians emerged once more, a new system of rulership was established. This means that now, there is a body of people (well-respected merchants, patrons of the arts, Architects (more to come about them) etc.) who make up the council. This council then chooses a ruling family, with one particular member of that family to act as queen/king/Sayana's fabulous name that I've temporarily forgotten. The ruling family holds power for the lifetime of that king/queen, but as soon as they die/step down, the council picks a new ruling family. Those families are usually the most successful in the city, which is why there is such an emphasis placed on being the best of the best, both IC and OOC. Being the best of the best could lead you to great glories!
What groups/organizations have a large amount of power?-There are 3 rough bodies that have the most power and authority in the city. The first is the council, who are obviously really quite wealthy, influential, and VIPs. The second is the ruling family, because they are tasked with organising the council and making sure the city runs as it should. The third (so far) is the Architects. These are the people that uncover the city's lost past and return it to glory- they are the people who do the archaeology. They are important because their job probably takes the most amount of money and time and they are very influential, having people in the council etc. There are probably other groups with a lot of power, but again I haven't hashed out all of the government yet.
Who makes the laws and dolls out the laws?-A combination of the ruler and the council. The people who enforce the laws are the Kiats.
Is political power granted by lineage or by ambition/social character? Or is some of it one kind, and some the other kind?-As all Eypharians are considered to be descended from divine blood, every Eypharian has a chance at being the ruler, if they work hard enough. It isn't a question, on paper, of who has the
most divine blood, although that usually does play a part. Lineage is obviously tracked throughout the years, and so if you have mixed blood you would be less appealing as a ruler. But overall, it is down to your own personal ambition.
Are there different classes? Who makes up what class and can they change classes? Can slaves ever change into one of the non-slave classes?-Yes, there are different classes, based on wealth and race. It is supposedly easy to change class if you work hard, however due to prejudice it can be difficult for people to actually do this. So, the rich, famous, and successful make up the higher classes. The average Eypharian working a basic job and supporting a family lies in the middle class, and foreigners and those who are poor, injured so as to make them unfit for work, and those who are not considered clever enough for a good job are placed in the lowest class. Slaves, unless under very exceptional circumstances, cannot change class.
Are there any people so poor that they live on the streets?-Undoubtedly. Eypharians take care of their streets though, and so beggars and the poor are usually shunned, threatened or physically dragged away. There is a band of poor people however, that live on little mud-type huts raised just above the surface of the river like little islands. These are favoured by the poor, because they can be built however they like, and are not subject to strict laws that you'd get in the city proper.
How do people show their status? Jewelry, homes, slaves, profession, clothes, social connections, mannerisms, level of education, facial make-up, spouse, political influence?-Hah! All of the above.
Military/Law EnforcementWho is part of the military?-There is no overall military.
What is this madness?!, you might be thinking. Well, don't worry. What there is instead is are household guards. You might think that these would only protect families, but they also serve as protection for the city. Should Kaiphen desire it, all of the household guards can be called upon and amass as one military.
Who/what does the military fight against? Who/what does it primarily protect? If there wasn’t a military force, would other desert dwellers use the city’s water supply?-The royal household guard are responsible for protecting the city as a whole, and would normally fight off wild animals that might threaten the outskirts. Household guards act as protection against criminals, and those that would cause harm to their family. Sometimes, the kiats would call upon the household guards to put down a riot in troubled times, or if they were needed for a particular raid or something similar. If there wasn't a military force, other desert dwellers would
not be a problem, simply because it is extremely difficult for other desert dwellers to survive without an established city to support them. Also, the water source is a river, so in actuality if anyone tried to 'take' it, the royal household guard might ride upriver and disrupt whatever camp was there.
What are their typical weapons / tactics? Do they use horses? Chariots? Do they wear armor? Are their weapons iron and steel based or wooden based or bronze based? Is archery common or is there not enough wood for arrows? Do they ever use elephants? Are there elephants?-My favourite question so far, because it features elephants.
Typical weapons: allsorts. Diversity makes you stronger. One typical feature would be duel-wielding though, due to the multi-armed nature of the Eypharian race. Tactics: Unsure... Horses: Yes, they do have horses- the Eyktolian desertbred in particular. Armour: Yes, but again styles vary and go through phases. It is usually light armour, mostly leather with metal being utilised at higher skill level and prestige. Weapons: Whatever they can get their hands on. Archery: Is perhaps not as common as in other places, but still available. There is a little woodland nearish to the city where they get the majority of their wood, and it is managed so that a small percentage of it is given over to weapons yearly. Elephants: I haven't developed flora/fauna yet, but my gut instinct is to say no. Or at least, if there were any elephants they'd be pretty rare.
Are there any military tactics that have mimicked from pre-valterrian records but fail to meet the true potential? Like a single battle elephant that is mostly for show, but does very little, yet would intimidate any opposition of Ahnatep due to the way things are currently.-Hmm, not so much. I haven't thought of tactics, so that's a good one to consider.
Who are the law enforcers?-The kiats are the law enforcers. They're already written up. Not sure why I picked that as the first one to write up, but there you have it.
How can you tell that they are the law enforcers?-You mean like uniforms or something? I... actually hadn't given that thought. It would be because you would go to the kiater and ask for help with a crime, and so you would see who they are then. I guess.
Is crime on the streets a problem? Or are fraud, scandal and white collar crimes more common? Are there established lawyers? Or is crime resolved in a simpler way? Or is non-violent crime resolved with various negotiations and deals between families?-Crime on the street can be a problem, especially with theft from vendors. However, violence can be an issue too. Another aspect of Eypharian culture which I am going to write up is an aspect that I haven't given a name to yet, but is something like a faction that wants to create it's own future. So, instead of the general norm of reconstructing buildings to be exactly how it was, these renegades want to create their own, newer culture, new ideas... and in doing so wish to destroy the old. That's considered a crime, and so those people are a problem. The kiats are policemen and lawyers all in one, so crime is solved all in one. Non-violent crime can indeed be solved between families, if they do not want to bring it to the attention of the kiats. Even violent crime can sometimes be dealt with in this way, depending on who was involved.
SlavesWhat race(s) are the most common for slavery?-Probably human, or mixed race, as this is the most plentiful.
What type of work is commonly done?-Manual labour, carrying water, etc. A range, which I mentioned in the previous post somewhere.
Would a poor family still have a slave? How many slaves would middle class have? What about upper class?-Most families would have a slave, as having slaves is a symbol that you can afford to get someone else to do the work. They are, so to speak, a luxury item, and as most people want to do well in the world, the purchase of a slave would be an achievement. A poor family might not have a slave, but if they did it would likely only have one slave. A middle class family might have two-three, and from then on the upper classes would accrue more and more, depending on their status and level of wealth.
What keeps the slaves from rising up or revolting against their masters?-Ah, now this is a difficult issue that I'm not sure how to resolve. Indeed, I am flirting with the idea of having a somewhat iffy way of keeping slaves from revolting, to induce a cool plot down the line. However, it's a risky strategy. I'll get back to you on this one.
Is magic ever used to keep slaves in their place? (hypnotism, reimancy, projection)-Perhaps... see above.
Have Grand Oaths ever be used on high up slaves?-Perhaps... see above.
Where do the slaves come from? Or are there enough of them to have their own children? Why would a slave ever want to raise their children in slavery? Or are they the result of rape?-Obviously they can't just come from thin air. There is a tradition in Mizahar of some places having and owning slaves, most notably Kenash. Where do these people come from? Kenash seems to have a way to capture foreigners and make them slaves if they don't become an established part of Kenash. Kaiphen... well, there could be a similar strategy. However, it is quite disruptive to just take people off the streets, even if they are foreigners. It would look quite unsightly to have all these little disputes happening in pockets across the city. So instead, I had planned to have a slaving headquarters, where a group of people go out and try to capture people in the wilderness to take back as slaves. But again, there aren't going to be huge numbers of people wandering around without combat skills in the wilds of Mizahar. So instead, I think I need to think up some reason how slaves might want to have children, even if they were to become slaves. Hmm...
History (again)What were some of the defining pre-valterrian attributes of Eypharian life that current day Eypharians are trying to mimic?They want to mimic pretty much everything. They want to be masters of Mizahar, they want to be properly powerful again. They want to have a topnotch culture, they want to revive old dances, old songs, old fashion. They want to bring back their excellent writers, artists... they want the city to look as it once did, they want to have prowess in trading. Etc etc...
Which of those aspects did they get completely wrong and are mimicking something that didn’t exist or they are going about it in the wrong way?-Again, good question! I'm going to list down all the questions separately which I can't answer properly yet. This is one of them.
Which of those aspects are solely for the purpose of propaganda to solidify the standing of the current leader?-This is another one.
What information did they manage to save from the Valterrian? What has been corrupted? (through time or intention)-Probably too much to list. They have retained a fair deal, but a lot lot lot of it is corrupted. So, they might have found a book detailing a food preservation, but they can only replicate the first stage. Or, they use the wrong ingredients in the right way or something. They are in constant development.
Do all Eypharians have a high regard for the past grandeur of the city? What might make some of them skeptical?-A lot of Eypharians have a *very* high regard for the past. A growing number of people, still small amounts though, are beginning to grow tired of always trying to replicate the past, and wish to make their own future.
Does the city have an ‘old’ section and a ‘new’ section? How is that conveyed by people, shops, and status?-The middle of the city is the oldest part, as it was rebuilt first. As you get further and further to the outskirts, it gets newer and newer. So for instance, some of the very wealthy might prefer the inner city because the houses are most established, there is a definite sense of community there, and it is where the palace/government/everything like that is. Some other rich people might prefer the outskirts, because the houses are more cutting edge, they are more accurate, they can have some kind of influence over which bits get built first (eg. they are rich and want a bathhouse rebuilt before houses, they can bribe the Architects to rebuild the bathhouse first).
What kind of technology can the see examples of (eg depicted in old artwork) but cannot replicate?-Again, this is another one I can't answer right now!