Timestamp: 41st of Winter, 516 AV
It had been a rough few seasons for the Vantha. She had been attacked and befriended, she had moved away and moved in, she had lost and found the Gods more than a few times, and she had learned quite a few new things. Everything around her came and went, and she felt stuck, standing still in the chaos.
Today was especially tumultuous for the young girl, as today was her birthday, and one of the first she would be spending alone. Her past birthdays had been with her family- Ma and Pa at least- or with a few friendly strangers at the bar. She couldn't afford any kind of party this year, and there were none she felt particularly comfortable inviting to sit with her, so she was left alone.
It wasn't so bad, though.
With her pole in the water and her line resting comfortably under her fingers she felt, in a way, at home with her family. Her father's chiding voice and mother's croaking songs accompanied her as she reeled the wiggling line across the water. She could almost pretend that the expensive lure she had splurged on earlier that morning was a gift, and had cost her nothing.
She finished reeling in the lure, and with the last jerking motion, she could hear the sound of her lonely coins bumping into each other in her hip bag. She winced at the sound.
Well, she could almost pretend.
Aladari picked up the lure and tossed it back out into the water as far as ahe could. Granted, that wasn't very far, but the fish that liked lures often stayed in holes in the shoreline. They were giant, fat fish; bulky with big mouths and squinty eyes. They would attack anything that came near their nests, and especially so if that thing looked like a shiny fish. That was tje purpose of the lure.
There was another technique for catching the aggresive, lurking fish called "noodling". The activity sounded dangerous to her, or at least uncomfortable, as it involved allowing the fish to bite down on your arm and wrestling them out. Aladari reasoned there was no sense trying it when more enjoyable methods were available.
No, Aladari was content to stay on the shore and bring the fish to her. She would let the lure take the brunt of it. Her only fight would be pulling the heavyweights in, but her arms were built for just such a challenge.
With just a few tools, Aladari was turned into a lean, mean, fish-killing machine. And machines didn't miss anyone- even on their birthday.
Ledger- 5 GM for Lure
(3 gm for pound of silver, 2 gm for smithing)
Word Count446
It had been a rough few seasons for the Vantha. She had been attacked and befriended, she had moved away and moved in, she had lost and found the Gods more than a few times, and she had learned quite a few new things. Everything around her came and went, and she felt stuck, standing still in the chaos.
Today was especially tumultuous for the young girl, as today was her birthday, and one of the first she would be spending alone. Her past birthdays had been with her family- Ma and Pa at least- or with a few friendly strangers at the bar. She couldn't afford any kind of party this year, and there were none she felt particularly comfortable inviting to sit with her, so she was left alone.
It wasn't so bad, though.
With her pole in the water and her line resting comfortably under her fingers she felt, in a way, at home with her family. Her father's chiding voice and mother's croaking songs accompanied her as she reeled the wiggling line across the water. She could almost pretend that the expensive lure she had splurged on earlier that morning was a gift, and had cost her nothing.
She finished reeling in the lure, and with the last jerking motion, she could hear the sound of her lonely coins bumping into each other in her hip bag. She winced at the sound.
Well, she could almost pretend.
Aladari picked up the lure and tossed it back out into the water as far as ahe could. Granted, that wasn't very far, but the fish that liked lures often stayed in holes in the shoreline. They were giant, fat fish; bulky with big mouths and squinty eyes. They would attack anything that came near their nests, and especially so if that thing looked like a shiny fish. That was tje purpose of the lure.
There was another technique for catching the aggresive, lurking fish called "noodling". The activity sounded dangerous to her, or at least uncomfortable, as it involved allowing the fish to bite down on your arm and wrestling them out. Aladari reasoned there was no sense trying it when more enjoyable methods were available.
No, Aladari was content to stay on the shore and bring the fish to her. She would let the lure take the brunt of it. Her only fight would be pulling the heavyweights in, but her arms were built for just such a challenge.
With just a few tools, Aladari was turned into a lean, mean, fish-killing machine. And machines didn't miss anyone- even on their birthday.
Ledger- 5 GM for Lure
(3 gm for pound of silver, 2 gm for smithing)
Word Count446