46 Winter 516
Sitting in his room, Clyde peered down at his empty left hand with a level of scrutiny perhaps odd for a limb attached to ones body.
Of course, as Clyde was a mage many seemingly odd things he did were for a purpose, more so since he was a morpher if albeit a unskilled one.
Cha resting in his right hand Clyde opened and closed the empty spare limb, watching the hand move and the bones shift and protrude in odd ways at the joints through the motion. Something so small and simple, and yet able to work in concert for amazing shows of dexterity.
So far the furthest Clyde had gone into altering his hands was to try some simple cat claws. He'd also seen in Ravok one morpher try to imitate a dog's paw, though it hadn't quite worked out. Clyde could only assume the failure had more to do with them not anticipating the differences in bone order and shape in the morphing.
Clyde however had an idea for something that would be less of a change, more or less keeping the human structure and size in regards to bones. A zith paw.
He'd have to add fur, and large claws on each finger, and change the shape somewhat, but it would be a much less dramatic change than turning his hand into a dog's paw.
Sitting on his bed Clyde focused on the memory of a Zith, something he'd met on various occasions. He'd first met a group on a journey from Ravok to the Suvan. His group had been attacked by a large pack of them, and he'd nearly had one claw off his face, and end he'd only been saved from by his staff at the time and his magic. If that wasn't a close enough look he didn't know what was. He doubted he'd be forgetting what a Zith's hand looked like after that.
But he'd also run into the race on a few other occasions, mainly in Ravok itself, including a member of the Ebonstryfe of the race.
Focusing on the memories, Clyde closed his eyes, continuing to open and close his left hand. He pictured in his mind the hand being replaced by that of a Zith, imagingin the differences melting away and the clawed zith paw emerging from within his human hand.
So far he'd only tried to morph in small bits at a time, one trait at a time, but today he wanted to try and do it all at once, along with the new attempted model of the hand.
Breathing deeply, Clyde calmed himself, focusing on the mental image in his mind, delving into the memory and mentally overlaying the zith paw over his hand, interchanging them. Opening his eyes he let out a breath, and sticking Cha under the crook of his right arm began to push at his left hand with his right, trying to shift and mold the flesh into the shape he saw in his mind.