Faradae took Sayana’s dagger and began to sharpen her own stick, careful not to nick her fingers with the blade’s edges. She had to pour most of her concentration into the task at hand, unskilled as she was in working with wood. She shaved off strips and slices more slowly than absolutely necessary, but the result looked very much like Sayana’s own stick. Satisfied, Fara used the same knife to cut fox meat from fox bone, fumbled it onto her stick’s tip and held it above the flame as she’d been shown. Clyde returned with a filled waterskin, and Faradae was temporarily distracted by the questions he asked. “Faradae,” she said without much thought. A name was easily forgotten. “‘Fara’ for short will do.” Then he inquired after her lack of clothing and means of travel. Inaudibly, a coin dropped. Her nature, it seemed, was not quite as obvious as she had considered it to be. She had confronted Sayana with her shift quite suddenly, but the woman had picked up on her nature almost immediately. As a result, Fara had assumed that Clyde would be equally fast to deduce. The corners of her mouth turned upward as she could not help but grin at the unintended strangeness of the comments she had made on her diet. She felt a little sorry for the man, and since there was no reason to keep her nature secret, she quickly explained. “I’m Kelvic. An eagle, specifically. That’s how I travel, and it’s also what occasionally puts me in the unfortunate position of lacking the required clothes to suit social conventions.” While speaking, she had subconsciously lowered her stick precariously close to the flame, and when she remembered it, only a very swift raise of her hand, accompanied by the hurried turning of the meat, kept her piece of fox from turning into coal. It was a little charred now, but looked edible still. While the meal cooked from the other side, her thoughts returned to a comment Clyde had made earlier when she’d asked about his sight. How does one look without their eyes? Her first thought went towards different senses. She knew that some animals who lacked one sense had their other ones improved. Perhaps the man had bad eyesight, but even so, no other sense could help one see a falling object. A different idea struck her mind. In Nyka, she’d heard about a magic once that told you things about ‘auras’... At the time, the concept had seemed too unfamiliar to grasp and she had not put much thought into it. She was not sure whether this was the same thing, precisely, but the memory told her that apparently, there were other ways of gaining information apart from just using your senses, she simply had no idea how it was done. She chose to keep the question silent. For one day, she'd asked enough. Instead, she focused on cooking, pulling first few slices of meat off her stick when she deemed them finished and roasting the next few in silence. |