Timestamp, 52nd day of Fall, 509AV
Location: Syliras -Silven’s residence.
Thread Type: Self-mod Training - Glyphing/Reimancy
The home of Silven was located in one of the better off but quieter areas of the city - some distance away from the bustle of the city taverns and the lively trading district. A perfect location for the retirement of a moderately wealthy old man. Although, as Guido Faragas now knew only too well, Silven was no ordinary old citizen. The grey-bearded human certainly looked frail and, on occasion, he could be forgetful; yet, he still had a logical and inquiring brain, a sharp tongue and enormous appetite for decent food and ale. Unfortunately, his consumption of the latter tended to make the aged fellow rather sleepy, a state of mind which rapidly induced loud and prolonged snoring.
It was the sound of snoring that emanated from behind the closed door to Silven’s study as Guido made his way down the long hallway that traversed the centre of the small suite of rooms within which the old man lived. I should have come for my lesson before lunchtime. He’s bound to have downed a mug or two of that brew I brought back from the Stallion. He paused before the door, reluctant to disturb his mentor. Yet, he had missed his sessions with Silven for a few days, having been out of the city on one of his father’s regular scavenging trips. The memory of the trip still made him grimace and he was sure he still stank of the fetid, swampy water where he had been forced to dig. Since his bedraggled return, he had avoided visiting his father, furious at the waste of time and effort involved in the expedition. Indeed, he wasn’t even sure if his father had returned.
Making a firm decision, he slowly and quietly opened the door. However, his attempt at a cautious entry met with little success, for he promptly tripped over an empty mug that had rolled across the floor to booby-trap the entrance to the room. Arms flailed, feet slid from under his body and he ended up in a tangled heap on the floor. The snoring stopped. The floored youth peered upwards from his indelicate position. A beady eye and a raised eyebrow regarded him with condescending amusement. “Practicing our stealthy movement skills are we, Guido? Or, is it some new art form that involves intertwining one’s limbs in haphazard fashion. Oh no! You must be inspecting the detailed pattern of the floor rug. I always thought you might have a penchant for weaving and the like. Perhaps more suited to you than the magical arts?”
The old man stirred from his chair, stroking his long but well-kept beard and then twirling the end around one long finger. “I wasn’t asleep, you know,” Silven confided to his visitor, as the long-legged youth clambered to his feet. “Just resting my eyes. Contemplating. Medidating. Preparing your lesson. I take it that is why you are here.”
“Oh, er, yes,” stammered a red-faced Guido. “Glyphing..er.. runes and er...”
“Well, shall we commence, or would you rather stammer for a few bells?” The wizard’s words snapped like a whip, suddenly business-like and to the point.