- Greetings people of Mizahar c: As you can probably tell I'm a newbie just wanting to introduce myself and apologise in advance for any rooky errors I am bound to make in the near future cx Anywho I'm Alouette, or at least my character will be when she is eventually created (still trying to rack my brain for a unique concept haha). I usually go by jay :) I have done a bit of rp'ing before in the past but nothing too serious, and was feeling like picking it up again when I stumbled across this fabulous place. I haven't even begun and already I'm loving this atmosphere, especially how complex the Mizahar world is, and I simply cannot wait to just jump right in and join you all :D I am a researcher at heart so it may take a bit for me to do some general reading and such and develop Alouette but hopefully that won't take too long.
Anywho, nice to meet you all. Also, if you have any handy hints that would help me get started, or even any character ideas for an Inarta gal you may have had bottled up in or something (its a long shot I know aha) I would very much appreciate them! Doesn't even have to be that actually. Anyone speaking to me in general would make me super stoked (is it just me or does that sound kind of desperate?)
Ok well I think that's enough rambling for one day. Alouette out!