Hi! I go by Kesh on this site.
Just wanted to express how happy I am to find a site like this. Back in the early 2000's I used to be on sites like this all the time and enjoyed them greatly. I never had the friends to play dungeons and dragons, so I had to search the Internet for sites much like this.
Being able to create stories with others, getting to read and interact with other people who have the same interest is exciting to me.
I am a fantasy genre fan, I began with the Dragonlance novels such as Dragons of Autumn Twilight and Forgotten Realms' The Dark Elf Trilogy then read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I have since moved on to science fiction novels such as The Expanse Series. But fantasy has always been my favourite.
Other genres I enjoy are horror, mystery and suspense.
I can't wait to join you guys!
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