Name: Trigol Pholadros Sultros
Alias: Trigol Rhyshammer
Race: Isur
DOB: Autumn 54, 377
POB: Sultros
Skills: Gadgeteering: 68, Drawing: 72, Engineering: 49, Negotiation: 36, Intimidation: 61, Bodybuilding: 44, Mathematics: 54
Indentifiers: Short, super stocky, tattooed (tats on red arm are drawn), big beard
Description: A disgraced man, Trigol failed his clan many years ago when he wasted a ton of resources in a set of experiments that failed. The truth was simply that he lacked the skill to achieve his goals. The Sultros Clan is revered for its leadership and sound judgment. Even though many wished for their kooky cousin to stay, it was his own doing and Trigol accepted his fate. He used his craft to perform simple work which helped him out of the mountain kingdom. Once on the surface, the Isur used the same trade to work his way across Mizahar until he settled in a laketown called Ravok. Other Isurs had started businesses and made a decent living so he had a notion to do the same. He is rarely pleasant to folk unless they can speak nerd. Trigol seeks to improve himself constantly and will not tolerate people who don’t follow the same path. Gadgets, schematics, and math make sense to him but emotions and people don’t. Regardless of how one views him, the man has a passion for what he does and never stops trying new things. He is an inventor at heart and will never stop trying to come up with a better way to –everything.
One must show an aptitude for the engineering side of life. Skills similar to Trigol's are required (though not at the same proficiency) as is a single thread that shows the PC interacting on an intellectual level with the Isur. PM an ST for details.