The Alvadas Mods have been thinking for a while now what we can do differently from the other cities with their calenders. We came up with "We wont do a calender at all

". Instead we are going to give you, the player, a broad theme for each season. This theme can be incorporated into threads, and used however the player wishes.

You come up with the events this season, and you come up with how the theme will effect your character.
Without further to do I, DS Fallacy, present to you, my wonderful players, the Seasonal Theme for Summer 512:
Winter WonderlandYaaaay *cheers on the mod team*
Also the thread goals are up along with the theme. Please try to have fun with the thread goals. Dont treat it like a checklist. They are there to help you guys form and come up with interesting stories and adventures, not just a random something to do.