Hello my wonderful Alvadas!!
This is a post to inform you all of my absence coming up. You see I have a month long internship down on Dauphin Island starting this saturday and going until August 17th. While I am down there I will try and find some wifi hotspots, and use some of the computers down there to do some posting, but depending on what I find I may or may not be heard from for the next few weeks (posting wise). I am still answering PM's and doing modly stuff behind the scenes, but my posting will be effected for the next few weeks. Worst comes to worst I will find a McDonalds with free wifi and post for you all while snacking on a big mac XD.
For those of you who do not know Dauphin Island is a very very tiny island off the coast of Alabama. Its home to one awesome Sea Lab, and that is where I am headed

. Ill be sure to bring back souvenirs

Miss you already!