OOC Info [Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Kuvarakh on July 18th, 2012, 6:45 am

Do these thrillers have to take place during the current season? No flashbacks?

Can they be in conjunction with completing the seasonal stuff?


7) Follow footprints that randomally appear in the snow with no known source. (btw, you misspelled 'randomly' :p )

11) Go on a stroll in Alvadas with a friend and figure out a mystery. So then, on the issue of multiple PC's in a single [STC] thread....It's ok, but they split the prize?
ALCHEMY.....When evolution is just too slow.

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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Fallacy on July 18th, 2012, 9:01 am

1) Yes you can make it in conjunction with the thread goals. Just, as always, make note of what thread goals you did in the quest for the mods to look for as they are grading.

2) All players in the same winning [STC] thread will get the same prize.

IE- If your thread, with happens to be with 3 other people, wins second prize then all of you will get 100 GM added to your ledger.

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Mirage on July 18th, 2012, 6:31 pm

Hello my wonderful Alvadas!!

This is a post to inform you all of my absence coming up. You see I have a month long internship down on Dauphin Island starting this saturday and going until August 17th. While I am down there I will try and find some wifi hotspots, and use some of the computers down there to do some posting, but depending on what I find I may or may not be heard from for the next few weeks (posting wise). I am still answering PM's and doing modly stuff behind the scenes, but my posting will be effected for the next few weeks. Worst comes to worst I will find a McDonalds with free wifi and post for you all while snacking on a big mac XD.

For those of you who do not know Dauphin Island is a very very tiny island off the coast of Alabama. Its home to one awesome Sea Lab, and that is where I am headed :D. Ill be sure to bring back souvenirs :)

Miss you already!
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Corbin on July 19th, 2012, 4:32 pm

^ That sounds interesting, I hope you have fun.
I was wondering if anyone wanted to rp. My guy needs some general experience, so he is open for anything really.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Nas on July 23rd, 2012, 2:12 pm

If people are interested to do a psychological thriller pm me.
Just know that i am not 100% sure i got ideas for one ;) .......just saying.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Glyciera Litiiva on July 25th, 2012, 4:21 am

Just joined the fantastic world of Mizahar and wanted to drop in and say hello to where I hope Glyciera will be staying for quite a long time.
It saddens me a little bit to see that there is a psychological thriller contest right now. I could do so much with Glycie but I don't want it exactly happening this soon. I suppose I will resign myself to reading anyone else's, for now at least.
Glyciera :: Glyciera thoughts :: Ditria::Warrin::Vessaj :: Anyone using hypnosis

Glyciera will be gone for the foreseeable future due to severe migraine problems. If you have anything you absolutely need to tell/ask her or have any suggestions or advice pertaining to migraines please send them to Wart. Also please don't worry too much, hopefully we'll have her back on her feet soon enough.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Mirage on July 25th, 2012, 5:56 pm

Welcome to Alvadas! Hello my awesome folks of this wonderful city! I think you will all be happy to know that I do have SOME internet while I am down here, yay! When I say some I mean like 2 hours on a library computure, like I am doing now, but though it is only a little it is still something right?

I miss you all already, but it is a blast down here. There sun, beach and tons of fishies! I shall be popping in now and again to check on things. <3 you all XD

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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Mirage on July 25th, 2012, 10:53 pm

Those of you who are waiting for Sanity Center posts I will be getting to those shortly. Hope you have a great day :)
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Fallacy on July 26th, 2012, 2:00 pm

The initial changes to the Alvadas government have been made:

  • The only two departments which fall under the Triad are the ones for Illusion and Health.
  • Payscales have been reset and fixed
  • Gov NPCs are in the process of being remade and edited to still be part of the government, but not necessarily part of the deleted departments.

Other changes to look out for:

  • Alvadas Flora page is just about done. Needs formatting and plant pictures.
  • Architectrix Quest is going to start soon. It will be open to people who join, but I will close it once I think we have enough to party. The quest will revolve around the hidden manor of the renown animator Andres Towers, who is responsible for the creation of Towers Idol Slanderer.
  • Upon a Star Seasonal Quest is going to finish up pretty soon. Most of the players have fallen inactive/left the site, but its been needing finishing up for a while now.
  • Alvadas needs cool monster ideas for the Underground. If you have any desire to help in that department then feel free to stretch your mental muscle and come up with something amazing. Lets talk about your ideas. Feel free to PM me. :)
  • Those pending things in the Creation Center, I will get to you shortly, thank you for holding tight for me.

Thats about it for now. Other things will be getting done, but nothing to announce quite yet.

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Nas on July 26th, 2012, 2:18 pm

Yay sounds nice (now to write a few monsters :P). eheheheheh.
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