Alright. Been getting this question a lot.
For you guys who left Alvadas, for whatever reason, can still be paid
for the time you were here. However, I am still holding you guys to the same standard as the rest of Alvadas. 2 Job threads need to be completed in order to get full seasonal pay. 1 Job thread will result in half pay.
Examples of what Im talking about!
Johnney is in Alvadas for 24 days. Johnney is a mercenary who gets paid 4 GM a day. Johnney isnt good at his job because he is only novice in longsword and reimancy, but he still tries and does 2 Job Threads. At the end of the season Johnney turns in job threads to Fallacy, and Fallacy is all too happy to award him miza.
Since Johnney is still a novice he gets novice pay 4 GM. Since Johnney was only here for 24 days he gets 24 days (A full seasons) pay.
4*24=96 GM
Since Johnney did both of his job threads he gets to keep the full 96, and the 96 is awarded to him.
Now, lets look at Amanda. She is a chief, a masterful chief at that, but she only stayed in the city for 24 days as well. Amanda and Johnney are buddies and went out to travel the world together. Johnney would be crazy to leave such a talented chief behind, and so she joined him because she wants adventure too. Plus its a great time to look for rare herbs and spices for her dishes. Anyways, Amanda get paid 3 GM a day as a chief.
Since Amanda has mastered cooking she gets master level pay.
3/2=1.5 <-- round answer down and add to three
3+1=4 <--- Competent pay
4*2=8 <--- Expert Pay
8*2=16 <--- Master pay
Amanda gets paid 16 GM a day for her services, but Amanda was only here 24 days, and she only did one job thread

16*24= 384 GM
Since she only did one job thread her pay gets cut in half making Amanda a sad Player.
384/2= 192 GM
Amanda gets paid 192 GM for the season.
Fallacy likes to award his players money, but his players have to show him the effort too. Its your choice how many job threads you do, zero, one, or two (If you do none, then of course you get paid nothing).
Again, please read the news updates posted last night. They are as important, if not more so, than this announcement. Any more questions will be answered here as well

Lay them on me!
Happy gaming,