Right-o! Apologies for the lengthy delay. Here's my review.
General CommentsOverall, I really enjoyed the feel of this article, being both explanatory and easy to read. Although you do not skimp on the details, they are easy to absorb and understand due to the format you have written them in, i.e. story form. There is a good mix between 'scientific' and roleplay, and instead of just being a simple fish write-up, which would ordinarily have little to no impact on the game, your article and your creation adds history and story to multiple cities, races, and cultures. Well done!
A Point or TwoNow, in the section where you discuss Torvir Steelthroat and his wife, Iori Hammertoe... this is a simple one, but I believe you have spelt Terras the first time and then Terra the next.
Where you mention the knights traversing the river basins of Sylira. Mostly throughout this article the Syliran Shiner has been referred to as being in the sea. Therefore, is it only a saltwater species, or a freshwater species, or can it function well in both? If so, how/why? Linking on from this, how would a Syliran Shiner fare in captivity, for instance a tank? Can they be bred in captivity? How many exist in total/are they rare? (I have a feeling you might have mentioned that, but I can't seem to find it?)
Finally, what would be the typical sale price of shiner oil, and what would be it's availability outside of Syliras? What about shiner cosmetics?
Alvadas-Specific DiscussionIn relation to Alvadas, I cannot see much if anything
to discuss!

Ildoge's story is very fitting and inkeeping with the general culture of Alvadas. Kaleidoscope=approves.
ConclusionOverall, I'm very impressed with this. I feel you have done a good job, and would be happy to add this to the Alvadas linkmap and history once it has gone through the founder review process.