Registry-Summer 517
I have always gravitated towards a registry that gives me information about the characters in my city. This season, I am doing things a little differently. I set up the character registry so that we can all gain some insight into the characters around us. Please fill this out from your character's perspective as opposed to yours as a writer. Hopefully, this will make finding thread partners easier and encourage more collaboration.
Character Name:
Type of Residence: Citizen, Non-citizen Resident, Visitor, Slave
Profession: What does your PC do for money?
Briefly Describe Your Character: Give us a line or two about you.
Need Moderator’s Assistance: Yes or No. If yes, please explain.
Writer Goals:
Briefly explain your PC's basic perception of Ravok. Take a few sentences to explain the city to me as if I had never heard of it. Answer from an IC perspective.
How does your PC define Revenge? Answer from an IC perspective.
What is your PC's main goal(s) this season? Answer from an IC perspective.
What is your PC's main goal(s) in life? Answer from an IC perspective.
What is one location(in Ravok) your PC would like to visit this season and why? Answer from an IC perspective.
What would your PC do if he/she found a thousand gold Mizas? Answer from an IC perspective.
You may ask one question of your ST. You may NOT ask for plot or development spoilers.
- Code: Select all
[u]Character Name:[/u]
[u]Type of Residence:[/u] Citizen, Non-citizen Resident, Visitor, Slave
[u]Profession:[/u] What does your PC do for money?
[u]Briefly Describe Your Character:[/u] Give us a line or two about you.
[u]Need Moderator’s Assistance:[/u] Yes or No. If yes, please explain.
[u]Writer Goals:[/u][list][*]
[*] [/list]
[u]Briefly explain your PC's basic perception of Ravok.[/u] Take a few sentences to explain the city to me as if I had never heard of it. Answer from an IC perspective.
[u]How does your character define Revenge?[/u] Answer from an IC perspective.
[u]What is your PC's main goal(s) this season?[/u] Answer from an IC perspective.
[u]What is your PC's main goal(s) in life?[/u] Answer from an IC perspective.
[u]What is one location(in Ravok) your PC would like to visit this season and why?[/u] Answer from an IC perspective.
[u]What would your PC do if he/she found a thousand gold Mizas?[/u] Answer from an IC perspective.
[u]You may ask one question of your ST.[/u] You may NOT ask for plot or development spoilers.