Alira led him to one corner of the shop, where the sun blazed through the windows and lit up the blank space so brilliantly that Artigan could see the dust floating in the air.
“Right here,” the seamstress said. “This is where the display will be. The light is perfect for most of the day, and a large portion of my customers come in expecting to see examples of my work a rotating collection of mannequins will certainly draw attention.”
“That’s what this is about then? Attention?”
“Attention is good for business. I spoke to a Nitrozian and heard about that table they’d acquired and just knew I needed one for myself; the Nitrozians aren’t likely to show off that little prize, so anyone who wants to see something like it will come here. The more people step into the shop, even to stare at a strange display, the more people will want to buy.” She flashed him a winning smile. “You know. Business.”
“And who knows? You might find yourself with more orders before the season is out.”
“That wouldn’t hurt.”
“Oh, there it is again - that little trace of bitterness. I’m sorry if good business disappoints you, Mister Crowley.”
Artigan chuckled and shook his head. “No, it’s not that. I’m sorry if I seem poor company. I’ve found myself more distracted since the… egg.”
“Yes,” she murmured, eyeing the black markings around his mouth. “I noticed the… effects the moment I heard your voice.”
“Not unpleasant, I hope?”
“Quite on the contrary, Mister Crowley, it is most… pleasant, indeed. But I’ll stop myself here before I say anything less proper.”
Artigan laughed. “You must do as you wish, Miss Wickham. I won’t tell.”
She rolled her eyes, smiling slightly. “On to your job, Mister Crowley. That’s what you are here for.”
“Of course. I apologize for my indiscretion.”
Artigan dipped his head and returned to his pile of knick knacks, gathering the basics of the support platform. Alira had returned to her work with the cloth, where she hummed softly and threw the occasional glance his way.
The base was a simple wooden square large enough to hold the display’s weight without falling over. Each corner had a hub for a support, which Artigan found and assembled with minimal effort. Unlike the
Nitrozian job, he actually had the sense to keep his components organized.