❖ Overview Of The Events of Summer 517
The Story So Far...
The man who was not exactly a man wasn’t done with Riverfall yet. He’d tried his best to instigate his way into the people, yet at every turn he’d been denied. It might have been that Riverfall’s protectors – Wyser and Akajia – were always about. But he didn’t think so. It could also have been the numerous towers that rose to the sky and advertised the city as a godly place, fully welcoming the divine. It was, after all, why she’d come. And since she was here, he too was here, always following, always observing, hoping for his chance.
He’d given the Rivarians gifts. He’d given the Rivarians curses. He’d done all he could besides shout out his presence. And really, who did he want to know that he now lived here and called himself the secret lord of the city? No one, save maybe, for her.
Some females, it seemed, were destined to take a while to get a message or even a hint that something was afoot. She was more stubborn than most but he was more than willing to keep trying. After all, they had eternity didn’t they? At least they did until something changed. And truly, nothing ever changed in the realms of the divine. There were wars, deaths, births, and rebirths. And though his powers were newly born, he’d yet to fully stretch his wings and try them.
And so in the dark of night he bowed his head in the center of the city in a park where no one dwelled. He pulled forth the magic that was in him and threw his hands out wide. The magic poured from him, tapped from some sacred well inside. It washed from him in waves, concentric circles of forms finding themselves suddenly thrown into existence.
The Sakel were vaguely humanoid. Nameless, shapeless, faceless… they were the rawest form of his power. Once summoned he sent them from him, wave after wave, pushing them to go forth, mingle among the people, and be birthed into their final forms.
He addressed them as they came into existence. He told them, for thus birthed they did not know, what exactly they were. “My children… my Sakel…. Go forth. Find living sentient creatures to attach yourselves too. Find company. Feed on their emotions, their hopes, their fears, their dreams… take form. Be anything they shape you to be. Be of your own mind though. Take not their desires as your own. Haunt them, feed on their emotions, and bring what you reap back to me. It is a power, and I will grow stronger from it… and she will be forced, finally, in the end to acknowledge I am and what I can be!” The figure drew his hands even higher and made flinging notions. The forms sped out, into the night, and broke up… the mob became crowds, and the crowd became small groupings and finally individuals until the Sakel fanned out and picked victims to attach themselves too, to feed off of, and to retrieve for their Master the power He needed to finally see his Godhood realized.
❖ What is this Season’s Theme in Riverfall?
Just like last season’s theme was Renewal. This season’s theme will be The Sakel. Each and every PC will have a Sakel attached to them. This Sakel can take any form (or multiple forms for various threads) that feed on the internal issues a PC has. Only the PC can see it unless it WANTS to be seen by others. Daddy issues? Your PC will have a carbon copy of their father following them around. Did they murder someone in the past? Odds are they are about to see them again. Missing memories? They will crop up in the course of this season. Sakels are epic monsters that are thought form projections. That means they appear based on what the PC is thinking, doing, feeling, and if they have skeletons in their closet, these skeletons will come to visit. Multiple Sakel can attach as well. These are not physical creatures though they can manifest as physical forms in the shape of anything. They can appear to be killed, but they are immortal. The more your PC reacts around them, fights them, and gives them attention the more they feed. That means your PC will get worn down over the course of the season.
❖ So what does this mean for Players?
It means you write. You write all about The Sakel haunting you. We started this new type of Season last season and frankly had a poor turnout in player base. I made some mistakes and planned a rather large reveal at the end. That reveal flopped and wasn’t allowed to work because it was going to be based on a player driven initiative that could only work with the cooperation of the whole pbase of Riverfall. And that cooperation depended upon at least a half dozen players participating. We did not get that number nor those added results. In fact when I opened nominations up for people to nominate thread winners and stand out PCs with the understanding people could nominate themselves, I got 5 replies and every single reply almost to every answer nominated themselves for EVERY awards. It was disappointing. So I decided to scratch the next phase until Fall because it’s absolutely designed to be player driven, and try one more season of active participation under a very wide open theme anyone can get involved with.
There will be a host of prizes offered at the end there will be a little voting contest and a grand prize will be awarded the player with the most interesting Sakel activity. That's the challenge. Potential prizes and rewards will be listed in a separate post at the end of this thread. I will help you with any and all scenarios you might need assistance or approval for. Just drop me a pm and I'll let you know what we can do to get started. Otherwise start for yourself.
If your thread has a Sakel in it or has a Sakel theme, you must begin your threads with the tag [The Sakel] at the start of the title.