by Artigan Crowley on June 13th, 2017, 11:54 pm
25th of summer, 517 a.v
It was finally happening. Artigan was practically skipping when he made his way out of the housing complex to flag down a ravosala, and it was noticed.
“Well someone just got laid,” was the first thing the ravosalaman said.
“Ha!” Artigan laughed. “Not today or yesterday, but I’ll take that as a compliment?”
“Ah, shame. Something else, then?”
“A boat!”
“Oh. Any boat in particular?”
“My boat. It has wheels.”
“Oh. Uh… alright. Where you going to?”
“Trigol’s Tools and Trade, if you please.”
“Aye, comin’ right up!”
The trip couldn’t end fast enough, but the ravosalaman was thankfully more amused than annoyed by the young gadgeteer’s constant fidgeting. He didn’t even try to hide his laugh when Artigan vaulted out of the canal and onto the stone path, hurling payment over his shoulder.
He nearly tripped and fell into the canal in his excitement to reach the shop, and he threw the door open the instant it was in arm’s reach.
From the back of the shop, he heard another laugh. “Well someone’s up and ready! You ready to put this shyke together?”
“You have no idea,” Artigan answered.
“Well come on back here and get this mess assembled and out of my way, Crowley!Show me your skills.” |