18, Summer, 517
While watching the guards having at it with wooden weapons, Maria noted there was a considerable difference in skill level. Some of them were quite good, while others seemed to need directions to figure out which way the sword point should face. The next match that Maria watched was mildly amusing as one of the guards was trying a little too hard and easily defeated for his effort. Then things got interesting when Hogar pointed to another man, then Maria. While not expecting to take part in the match, she didn't have any objection. Her opponent was a fresh faced young man with short red hair that looked as though he might be in his late teens, barely.
Although well built he seemed more nervous than anything else. Wearing only trousers and boots the young man look a wooden longsword, while Maria took a pair of short swords. With a rather cavalier expression, Maria walked into the middle of the semicircle, held both swords underhand style, and sized up her opponent. The guard was holding the sword in front of him with both hands in a basic stance and took a deep breath.
“Are you serious?” Maria said.
“Of course I am,” the guard said.
“Not you,” Maria said, looking to Hogar. “Does he even know the pointed end is suppose to go into the enemy?”
“Hey, I'm a guard just like you,” the guard said. That statement seemed to trip something in Maria, and slowly turning her head in his direction, a single brow was raised visibly.
“Just... like... me?” Maria said. Dropping into a combat stance with one arm forward, and the other behind her, Maria rotated her head, then locked eyes with the young man, and charged. Attacking with immense speed and aggression the young man was taken aback by the onslaught, and tried to protect himself. After three strikes were blocked, Maria slammed the side of a sword into his stomach, then the back as the guard started to double over, and knocked him onto the ground.
“You are nothing like me!” Maria said.
“Geez lady, no need to get so worked up, this is just practice,” the guard said.
“And a good thing it is, otherwise you'd be dead right now,” Maria said, pointing the sword under the guard's chin as he started to rise. Now getting upset over this, the guard slapped the sword away, and Maria spun in a complete circle, connected the broadside of the other with his head. The young man way laid out on the ground after that, unconscious from the third blow.
“Never disregard your opponent, even in practice,” Maria said.
“Sage words for one so young,” Hogar said, stepping forward. “What say you to a rematch?” Rather than say anything, Maria walked over to the weapon rack, took the slightly oversized staff obviously meant for Hogar, and tossed it to the man.
“Let us see how the match goes when there aren't any rocks to trip over, shall we?” Hogar said.
“Let's shall,” Maria said.
Word Count: 507