Timestamp: 16th of Summer, 517 A.V.
Trevor's hands chafed a bit, as he stacked the sticks together into a brown and green-ish teepee of kindling. The young man built the cooking fire slowly and dutifully out of the various branches and debris that he'd collected from the forest's edge's undergrowth.
The sticks that Trevor had collected quickly grew into a somewhat awkward looking, small tower of wood with a hollowed center big enough for a person's hand to fit inside it--this gap inside the teepee of wood would allow Trevor to put a bit of kindling under the sticks of the cooking fire to start their burning.
In all actuality, Trevor's construction was a bit odd looking and not quite the most efficient design. He had never built a fire before, but he knew that wood burned and that leaves caught fire quickly, so in his mind, the two being combined must lead to at least something like what the cooking fire that he wanted.
Trevor reached for his flint and steel, but not before first looking at the unlit fire that he'd built one last time--he hadn't given the fire too much fuel, surely things couldn't get too out of hand.
The young man's hands wrapped around his flint and steel and he grabbed the small piles of dead, dried leaves that he'd gathered along with the sticks he'd used to build his cooking fire.
Trevor slid the dried leaves into the open space below the collection of sticks that he'd stacked together, and then withdrew his hands. The young man then held his flint and still above the whole construction of wood that he'd stacked and made, but hesitated and instead brought it down closer to the kindling below the cooking fire's frame.
Trevor did his best to smash his flint and steel together, but only a minimal number of sparks were produced--none of which caught on the leaves which the man was trying to light.
Seasonal Wordcount: 2,916 + 321 = 3,237