Commander Dral had not attained his rank and position by being a fool or overly flawed. He was in line to go through the deadly test of the Ebonstryfe known as the Crucible, and would soon be made a Paladin of Rhysol. Getting to the point he was currently at was not an easy task as few soldiers possessed the ability to command, much less walk the fine line between uncontrolled and controlled chaos. For all of his accomplishments though, Dral despised the Acolytes of the Black Sun. To him they were self-important, power-hungry idiots who used Rhysol as a means to greater power. Dral served the God for a sense of purpose and as a path to becoming something more than he could have ever been without the guidance of the Defiler. He hated being stuck so far from home in the middle of the wretched forest under the leadership of a fool like Calinthar. Thus it was this hatred that Nya's attempt at coercion was able to latch on to. Dral had turned to look in her direction to be sure she was not trying anything overly defiant when he met her gaze. Her words echoed in his mind and his face went blank for a moment as his affected subconscious struggled against his trained, conscious being. Though not having quite the effect Nya had hoped for, her tickling of his mind did put him off guard and she saw it. This gave her the chance she was hoping for. Unfortunately for her though, the poison that she had been given was still affecting her and as she took hold of the chain in an attempt to twist and loop it around Dral's neck, she felt her desire to harm him start to fade. The presence waiting in the shadows had followed Dral and Nya out of the tent. It watched closely all that was transpiring with eyes that saw everything as clear as day. It saw Dral's thoughts and knew the conflict within. The entity knew at that instant that the Commander was not worthy of life if a simple girl could affect him so. With a single thought, the watcher washed away the poison from Nya's system and with a smile, watched what happened next. Just as the poison began to affect her, Nya felt its affects vanish almost instantly. She felt her strength and determination return as she gave the chain a quick jerk with her wrists. It swung up and looped around Dral's neck, tearing him from his internal conflict. With all of her strength she began to pull and continued to wrap a few more loops of chain around the Commander's neck. Surprise was the first thing Dral felt as his mind came back to him but by that time, Nya had already worked herself behind him and was pulling hard on the chain; putting her weight and desperation behind it. Calinthar, several yards away in the hollowed-out remains of the ancient temple, was still busy drawing symbols and muttering various things in strange tongues as he worked some sort of ritual and was oblivious to what was transpiring but a short distance from him. As large and well armored as Commander Dral was, he had been taken completely by surprise and was quickly losing the contest. He did not seem to want to go down easily however and with one armored hand alternating between trying to grab hold of some part of Nya and trying to loosen the chain, his other hand took hold of the glass-shard mace at his side. Pulling it free, he began to swing it back over his shoulder in an added effort to save himself. Dropping down to one knee, Dral had little to no time left. Before the darkness could consume him though, one of his swings with the mace struck its target. Nya's eyes flew open and pain tore into her shoulder as one of the glass shards jutting out of the head of the mace sliced into her flesh and broke off. She lost her grip on the chains and fell backward. Dral too fell to the ground on his hands and knees, the chain still hanging from his neck. He was gasping for air and coughing up thick globs of blood. A cool whisper licked its way through Nya's ears and into her head. It was cold yet almost intoxicating. "Take the stone next to you and crack open his skull like an egg. The key to your collar is around his neck." ------------------------------------------------------------- Abashai, hidden behind the ruined stone, could hear more signals being called out. They all sounded similar in tone but were obviously signaling different things. Unfortunately it also sounded like there were now four separate sources with a two of them close by and two others a little further away. As he raised his head; his eyes following the tip of the arrow he had ready, he caught a tiny flash of movement and another arrow sang toward him. The tip embedded itself in the brittle stone just inches from his face. Although a close call and one that almost caused him to soil himself, Abashai knew now where the source of the deadly shots was. Up in a tree about 15 yards away, the brief but telling flash of movement allowed him to at least stand on equal ground with one of his opponents. A crunching sound in the underbrush however also let him know of a second threat but a few yards behind him. The light of day was almost gone, especially beneath the forest canopy. He had little time left to still see the location of the sniper yet the other threat behind him was so close. Whether either threat knew their locations had been revealed was still unknown but Abashai at least now had a chance to act and with direction. To his advantage, Abashai was surrounded by ruined stone walls of various heights and differing states of decay. There were low tree branches about seven feet from the ground located a few feet from where he lay and his position was shrouded by deep shadows. Just then, a soft, whiny whisper could be heard right next to him. With a glance to the side, Abashai saw Rencil's face two inches from his own. "Do you always find yourself in such exciting situations?" |