To See What Is (Rohka)

Shiress meets a fortune teller

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Shiress on September 20th, 2017, 1:05 am

15th day of Fall 517

Shiress stood on the dock, scowling, eyes trailing the ravosala as it pulled away from her. Sighing, she dropped the empty coin purse into her bag. Upon hearing the slave's explanation of not having any coin, having accidentally grabbed the wrong purse before leaving the house, the Ravosalaman had dropped her off at the nearest dock, ignoring her pleas for him to return her to where they had left. Glancing down, Shiress frowned, seeing the slaves brand on her wrist. No doubt, the Ravosalaman had seen it, too.

"Such is the life of one as I." She mumbled, flinging her bag around slim shoulders.

Turning, she took in her surrounding, only then realizing she had never been to this area before. It was...oddly quiet. Taking a step, Shiress crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly desperate to find another ravosala and friendlier ravosalaman, preferably one that would know her Mistress, and allow a free ride home.

Rounding to the front of a building, the corner of her eye caught sight of dark hair disappearing through a doorway. Crossing the distance, Shiress followed, pushing open the door. "Hello? Miss? Would you happen to know..." Words died in her throat as emerald eyes took in the room before her. It was unlike anything the slave had ever seen. An indistinct haze, like a thin, lingering fog greeted her. Tables and windows were draped in vivid colors and each table was adorned with things Shiress had no name for. It mesmerized the slave, her eyes wide, scrutinizing each item, as slow steps took her further into the room.

"Hello?" She called, letting her fingertips slide across the top of a silky table cloth. A smoking cauldron caught her eye, bending over, she breathed deep, taking in the aroma wafting from it and immediately choked and spluttered out a hacking cough. Quickly moving away from that, the slave called out again, this time a bit louder.

"Hello? Miss?"

OOCOK, I told you I was horrible at openers! Its your fault!
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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Rohka on September 22nd, 2017, 11:07 pm

OOCI said it before and I'll say it again: you're crazy. Absolutely loony :D <3 Hope you like the boring length of this one! :P

“None of what you said makes any sense.”

Rohka pouted at the Konti. She really thought she was being very clear: if her cards help people make sense of their past and of their future, then maybe every possibility of everything exists for everyone.

“It’s just a huge jump to make, Roh, I really don’t see it.”

The young sybil groaned and laid her chin on her folded hands atop Lelia’s cerulean, silk-covered table. The Divinist had indulged her in asking questions about the art and magic of fortune telling, not sure if Roh would ever stop pestering her to have conversations outside of their work. Lelia was a woman of fewer words than the dark-haired Ravokian; it was a wonder that the Konti had kept her around. The truth was that Lelia had never thought about the things Roh had thought about—so it both intrigued her, and frightened her. The fear of having their reality questioned was one that she’d encountered before, and one that she thought she’d overcome, but Rohka was beginning to drive her to an exasperated point of no return. How in the world would anyone have an answer to whether all their lives could be completely predetermined? It wasn’t something the Konti could wrap her head around, especially when her insights into the future were few and far between.

V’nessi would have the answer, she’d thought. Lelia mentioned the name of Mura’s leader to Roh before, hoping that a name to a resource would at least quell the little sibyl’s curiosity, but it only stirred her up even more. Especially when she’d found out that V’nessi was the champion of Avalis, the goddess of visions and divination. Rohka could not stop asking a web of question, and it had taken the Divinist three bells just to get through them all. The most important thing, to Roh, was that this V’nessi woman was one of the only few people who could speak to Avalis about the nature of potentials. None of the rest mattered so much, because it didn’t tell her if what she concluded was correct.

“I can’t see how the chavi expands, Roh. It’s beyond my capabilities. It’s why I use runes and tea leaves and cards, like you. Plus, why would you want to be right about that? Knowing how everything would be possible? That’d be stressful. And probably incredibly boring, now that I think about it…” Roh chuckled and groaned at once, her cheek still laying on her hands, her eyes closed.

It was true that Lelia couldn’t use her gift to see the future in the Chavena, which was why she couldn’t answer whether everyone’s chavis were already connected in ways that made any reality exist at any time. As far as the Divinist knew, there was only one reality, and only one river of time - not multiple. So wouldn’t it be impossible to have every possibility exist for everyone? She tried explaining this to the young sibyl and got nowhere.

“Roh, if you ever go to Mura, get yourself a meeting with the Grandmother’s Circle, and you can ask them yourself,” the divinist said, her glance forlorn. “Here,” she pushed a wooden mug in her direction. “Get me some water from the lake, please. I’m parched.”

Rohka sighed and got up from her seat, taking the mug with her in silence.

It was hard not to think about it all. Lelia said the chavena was connected to the divine realm, so maybe the gods controlled how the chavis moved? Or did the chavis move by themselves? From the way the Divinist explained it, all the chavis can bend and twist and weave around and through one another, and they seemed to do it on their own. Were they really doing it by themselves?

Roh walked to the edge of the platform and crouched down, submerging the mug in the lake. She took a few sips herself before filling it up again, and felt, at once, refreshed. Her multiple strings of thought had vanished in an instance. The sibyl stood up and swiftly walked back inside the Mystic Eye, as if nothing about the past three bells was of too much importance, and the only thing that mattered was listening to Lelia’s guidance.

As she walked in, she heard a call. A lovely, yet slightly disheveled young lady walked into the room, calling for attention. Roh turned around slowly, placing the mug on Lelia’s grand, chaotic table—cluttered with magical trinkets and enchanted baubles of all kinds; a golden crystal ball holding a swirling liquid within, lighted candles of various heights and colours, precious gemstones engraved with foreign symbols, the large plume of a quill dipped in an ink vial, decks of cards spread out face down, all shrouded in hazy mystery. The mug was certainly the only ordinary item in sight.

“Welcome, luv,” Lelia greeted, her tone low and smooth. A mischievous smile crept upon her lips as she gestured for the woman to come forward.

“Ah, troubled about coins?” The woman smirked, having read the distrustful, earthy aura of the girl. Lelia didn’t wait for an answer. “Roh, take her to your table. This slave shall serve as good practise for you.” Rohka nodded, brows raised at the quick discernment, then waved for the lady to follow her. It was clear that the Divinist’s mastery of auristics did 85% of the work for her, but it never stopped being surprising. Lelia lowered her head and continued with her paperwork.

If the slave followed—which she would, given the nature of Lelia’s inviting, smoky concoction—she would notice that Roh’s table was far simpler. It was covered in the same cerulean silk fabric, yet upon it stood just one lone, lighted candle, and her own deck of Lheroa cards, spread out face down. A simple wooden chair sat on either side, and Rohka gestured for the slave woman to take a seat.

Once they’d sat down, the sibyl gently cleared her throat and welcomed her new partner,

“I’m Rohka,” she paused, smiling into the slave’s deep emerald eyes. “And the Divinist up front is Lelia. I’m her apprentice, actually, and I’m learning the art of fortune telling. Is there any way I can help you today?”
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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Shiress on September 24th, 2017, 6:07 pm

The slave's now sleepy gaze followed the descending mug to the tabletop, then roamed the lot of peculiar items decorating it, each item demanding it's own scrutiny; the need to pick up each one and examine it until its purpose revealed itself was near overwhelming.

The large, clear ball, in particular, captured her gaze, it's center alive with a swirling mass of color. The slow dancing candle light reflecting off the circular mystery invited her gaze to linger, like a late night campfire might entice the vacant gaze of a weary and exhausted traveler, long in the saddle.

It wasn't until one of the women spoke that Shiress remembered she wasn't alone. Green eyes came alive, snapping up and over to the light haired woman, a responding smile forming on her lips, as she prepared to voice the reasoning for her intrusion into the odd shop, but the light haired woman spoke it first, leaving the slaves lips working, wordlessly.

Did she just call me a..slave? How the petch...?

Practice? Practice for what? she wondered, eyes widening in concern, beneath slowly ascending eyebrows.

Concerned or not, Shiress followed the woman's beckoning wave, casting the blonde a curious glance back over her shoulder, before obediently lowering herself in the chair indicated. Once seated the Slave's gaze took in this table's adornment's. which were much more mundane, save the cards spread out before her. Long working in a tavern, Shiress had never seen such cards, her fingers instantly itching to inspect them. Before she could scratch that itch, however, the woman cleared her throat with an introduction.

Te slave gave a slight nod of acknowledgement, before speaking. "I'm Shiress." she said, simply, mind still mulling over Leila. Rohka's follow up words made her focus sharpen, a frown forming. "Fortune telling?" The light of understanding dawned in the girl's features, "Oh, that's why all the," a thin finger lifted, swiveling around to indicate the table with the ball, "stuff." This still didn't explain the first woman and her...knowing things, though. Shiress fought the urge to cast another wary glance over her shoulder at her, just to make sure she was doing normal things behind her back.

As far as fortune telling, Shiress didn't believe in such things. No one could tell the future. If they could, Mizahar would be a different place all together, would it not? "You tell me, Rohka." she said, grinning with a tease in her tone. "I would absolutely love for you to tell my fortune, but, she lifted her hands, palms up, shrugging. "I have left my coin purse at home, sorry." She figured saying this, at least, would give the fortune teller an idea that in a better situation, she would indulge in hearing her future.

"I'm actually looking to see if you might know where the Ravosalaman gather to wait for passengers?"
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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Rohka on September 26th, 2017, 8:14 pm

Roh grinned at the woman’s dry playfulness, suppressing the urge to respond with bitter sarcasm. Right, yes, let me gladly tell you how I can help a slave for free. The sibyl reminded herself that this woman’s value was in her ability to provide Roh with an opportunity to train, and that Lelia supported her craft despite the slave’s lack of coins.

The candle flickered as Rohka gathered her spread of cards, beginning to shuffle them in her hands. She split the deck in two and fanned them, using her thumbs to draw the corners upwards and letting the cards fall, then pushing the interconnected cards back together. Squaring the deck, she tapped it against the table and paused—she wanted to leave? Already? Rohka closed her eyes for a tick to breathe in, exhaling with a sigh.

“Don’t worry about the coins, luv. Shiress, did you say?” Rohka lifted the top card from the deck, and placed it in front of the woman, face down. “There is a one-in-four chance of that being a water card. Stay if it is, leave if it’s not.” Rohka brought her elbow up onto the table and leaned into her free hand, a slight smirk on her lips. The slave was obviously free to leave at any time - but this little gambling game was Rohka’s guilty pleasure. She had faith in her cards.

But who knew if the gods were on her side?

“The Ravosalamen should be around the far right-hand corner, near Thorin’s Forge. Find them there if divinity decides that you should go.” Rohka grinned. “Deal?”

The sibyl lifted her head and brought the cards back into her hands, this time simply cutting them in sections and placing three stacks on the table.

“But Shiress,” she paused, her voice low, staring closely at the woman’s features, watching for signs of whatever she may be feeling. “Before you pick up the card, ask yourself this: what could you gain from a reading? What would you possibly desire to know, to understand, to reveal about your past, your present…” Rohka gently flashed her hands, palms facing the slave, fingers dancing in the air, the grin having never left her face.

“…and your future~”

OOCFeel free to decide if it turns out to be a different card, making Rohka lose her bet lol - or we could roll for it in the chat next time we're both in!
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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Shiress on September 27th, 2017, 4:24 pm

Shiress reaffirmed her name with a slight nod, eyes following the peculiar card to the tabletop before her, listening as the brunette explained her game. Rohka reminded the slave of a salesman at that moment, one who, for the life of you, wont let you leave their store without buying something, using one tactic after another to keep you in your place and looking at their wares.

Taking note of the Ravosalamen's location, Shiress slid back her chair and began to rise, planning to ignore the card all together, but something in the reader's tone made her pause and listen to what final word she had to say in her attempt to keep her there.

As Rohka's words washed over her, Shiress' gaze fell to the card, and the obvious choice, still before her. What could she gain if it were real? For that matter, how would she know if it were real or a guess? Shiress' lower lip slid between her teeth as she contemplated the question. An understanding of her past was one thing, but thought of 'revealing' something of her past set a surprising apprehensive fear in her chest. Thanks to Karyk, one part had already been revealed; her parents lived, but what of her brother? Could this reader tell her if her brother lived? Where he was?

Her present life was pretty cut and dry, she was a slave and had a mistress, nothing to reveal there, right? But her future...could this pretty, dark-haired woman really see what was to become of her? What if she didn't like what she heard, could she takes steps to change the future and insure that what she didn't like didn't happen, or is it pretty much a sure thing? Like, if this woman told her she would marry an old and fat pig farmer, could she swear off pig farmers and change the future of her being married to one? What if it was all bullshyke, and she worried about something for seasons to come, for no reason.

Shiress took a deep breath, blowing it out through pursed lips - if it wasn't real, what would it hurt?

Lifting her arm, Shiress placed her fingertips onto the back of the card and slid it back across the table toward Rohka, her face set with resignation.

"I'll stay," she smiled, green eyes lifting to Rohka, "but please tell me I will marry a handsome and wealthy man one day."
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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Rohka on October 1st, 2017, 7:30 pm

Rohka bubbled with utter delight when the woman slid the card back to her. The possibilities of what this action meant could only be revealed if the sibyl chose to pick up the card. Just knowing that Shiress wished to stay without seeing the potential under her fingertips was enough to understand that this slave wouldn’t be easily swayed by the message of divinity. This type of person was Rohka’s favourite to deal with, because it meant that she would need to delve deeper to make her partner believe in the magic of her craft. One-time partners were useless to her. Roh needed to make this woman yearn to be back for more.

She nodded to the request and swiped the card she’d been given, flipping it over to see the face of it, away from her partner’s sight.

It wasn’t a water card.

Rohka stared at it for a tick too long, her smile seemingly glued to her lips before she let out a small giggle. It was a little disappointing to have her confidence broken, but the fortune clicked and spun the gears in her mind, making her realize that Shiress had chosen to stay despite the advice from the Gods. It could only mean trouble for what was to come. It meant that Shiress had chosen to see something that the Gods hoped she wouldn’t have to see.

Well, that was how Rohka chose to interpret it, anyways. She knew it wasn’t anything to worry about. They were in Rhysol’s safe and serene city, after all. Rohka had faith in the all that happens within his domain, and trusted that Shiress’s fate would be held in her patron God’s good hands.

The sibyl took in the symbols presented to her; it was a fire card, with a lady leaving a house, a dog and a sheep in front of her. This card would usually bring words like ‘vacation’ or ‘shopping’ or ‘duties’, but there was nothing in particular that grabbed Rohka’s attention in that moment. A vague whisper of the word ‘home’ played lightly at her tongue. There wasn’t much to base her reading off of, so she shrugged and stuffed the card back into her deck.

A squeak of scraping wood caught Roh by surprise. She looked up to see Lelia getting up from her seat, throwing her cloak over her shoulders as she turned to face the young sybil and her partner, looking as graceful as a bird about to take flight.

“Goodnight, ladies. Roh, lock up when you leave, and feel free to use what you need. I’ll see you tomorrow,” the Konti tied the cloak around her neck and began to step towards the door when she paused to look back.
“And you, slave,” she addressed the emerald eyed woman, continuing on without caring if she caught her gaze. “To live in Kihala’s graces is a blessing. Use it. Use your life. Use it wisely,” Lelia sent a knowing glance towards the young sibyl before departing out the door.

Rohka furrowed her brows for a tick at the unprompted piece of advice. It was rare for the Konti to bring up the Goddess of Life—a goddess of whom Roh had barely ever heard stories about nor had she cared to ponder, in truth. ‘Kihala’ was just a name to her. A name that meant ‘life’. But from the Konti’s words, it almost seemed as if the goddess was responsible for life. Was this true? The sibyl would have to wait until tomorrow to ask.

Turning her attention back to Shiress, Rohka lay the cards fanned out yet again on the table, faces down. She wasn’t sure how to segue from Lelia’s comment, so she simply cleared her throat and began from where they left off,

“Er right, marriage. Let’s see here,” Roh bent over to her side and opened the flap of her leather bag that sat on the floor next to her table. She shuffled around until she took out a piece of parchment, an ink vial, and her peacock quill, placing them all atop the cerulean silk. With the parchment, she folded it twice and then ripped off a quarter of the sheet, placing the scrap back into her bag.

“Okay, Shiress, here we are,” Roh returned to calmly pick up the quill and dipped it into the ink vial. In the middle and at the top of the sheet, she scribbled in her cursive handwriting,
The Mystic Eye:
A reading by Rohka

Q: Will I marry a handsome and wealthy man one day?

This was a practise that Rohka did for all of her new partners, ever since she’d started at the Mystic Eye. She wanted people to remember their first reading with her, and hoped that they would use it to recommend her services. The young sibyl looked back into the slave’s eyes and smiled,

“There’s your first question. Let’s give you your first answer,” Rohka hovered her hand over the deck, biting the inside of her lip as she scanned for cards to pick. She stopped above the middle of the deck and pulled out two that were side-by-side, flipping them over in front of Shiress.

The first was an earth card and the second was a water card.

It wasn’t too shocking. The woman had asked to see if her wish would be fulfilled, and the cards were trying to tell her to stay grounded, to look closer at her internal, emotional states. Rohka began to sketch the symbols she saw on the sheet, hiding what she was writing with her other hand. This reading was a partnership, and she needed the slave to immerse herself in the process.

“Shiress,” the sibyl looked up from her scribbles. “You can pick one more card. Flip it over. Then tell me what you see, if you see anything at all. I will help you, should you need it.”

OOCFeel free to go wild with whatever you see on the cards! :D I'll add and expand to it in my reply~
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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Shiress on October 2nd, 2017, 10:03 pm

Shiress stiffened at the word 'slave', but remained silent as the blond spoke to her, words to which left Shiress very confused.



Shiress knew very little about the Goddess of life, but the thought of her being in Kihala's Grace almost made the slave laugh aloud; how could someone such as herself be in the Goddess of life's grace when she had cheated death so many times on her own? If Shiress thought about it she could see that Kihala may have sustained or even protected her life, but Shiress refused to see it any other way but self-preservation and a very strong will to survive, more so than anything Kihala could provide. If Kihala graced her then why allow such peril to threaten her precious gift of life, that she is supposed to use wisely, to begin with?

Ignorance is bliss.

This blonde headed woman was obviously crazy.

The sound of cards being splayed out before her called the slave's gaze back from watching the crazy woman depart. As her eyes caught Rohka's she arched thin brows in a pitying 'I'm sorry you have to work with her every day' look, but the Reader missed the glance, rummaging around within her bag. Shiress watched with mild curiosity as paper, quill, and ink jar were arranged on the table.

As the woman began to write, Shiress awkwardly craned her neck around, attempting to read what was being written, but the words were strangely inked in a looping, connected pattern that Shiress had never learned to read. She gave up and decided to wait patiently for the woman to explain, green eyes roaming the brunette's face as she plucked two cards up and began to examine them.


The Reader's large, brown eyes followed the inked progress, as the quill danced across the parchment. Her slender hands were smooth and, Shiress noted with a tinge of jealousy, unmarked and flawless. Hands that had never worked a field, or fended off the lash of a whip. Shiress let her eyes trail up to the Readers face. A slim face, with lineless, tanned skin, long eyelashes, and perfectly arched eyebrows. The slaves lips puckered in mild irritation, seeing no flaw there either.

Suddenly, the woman called out her name and their gazes met. Shiress gave a bit of a jump, head straightening, eyes darting away, thinking she had just been caught staring, but the woman continued on, not noticing the slaves obvious diversion, or not caring to react to it. Shiress cleared her throat, planting a loose chestnut lock behind an ear.

"Any card?" she ask, hand hovering uncertain above the fan of cards. Shrugging, Shiress pulled a card from the deck and turned it over, her eyes immediately going wide. "It looks like a burning tower," she said, after a tick of silent inspection, "There's flame bursting out of the windows and the tower looks like it's crumbling down." Squinting, she brought the card closer, struggling to see minute detail, her words sounding slightly distracted."There's a man, or someone, on top of the tower, wrapped in chains," she hesitated, staring at the card. "They are getting struck by lightening and," her green gaze lifted, meeting the woman's brown, a thin line of worry forming between her brows, an edge of concern born in her tone. She handed the card over the table to Rohka, suddenly uneasy, "they're falling backwards off the tower."

Unbeknownst to Shiress, a second card clung unseen to the back of her own that she now handed to Rohka. A Reader would know that this card was meant for her eyes, the Reader's eyes only, and that this foretelling was their own.

But, this black faced card was no fortune, or foretelling, but a promise of a dark omen to come.

OOCYour interpretation awaits, my dear fortune teller. The second card is completely black. :D
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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Rohka on October 10th, 2017, 4:25 am

When Rohka was absorbed in her craft, she’d care for nothing else. Her focus would always be on the relationship between her cards and her partner, with the sibyl being the third wheel, attempting to aid the bond. She wanted nothing more than for the slave to enjoy the process. When she caught the emerald eyes shifting away, she’d continued on in the hopes that Shiress would bring her attention back, accepting her invitation to engage and play.

If only the cards played nicely.

Rohka clicked her teeth, her face hardening—the chosen card was amongst the ones with the deepest significance, the ones that were the hardest to read, since they filled her mind with countless strings of possibilities. The sibyl received the Tower card and noticed its reversed position before placing it next to the other two. When she lifted her fingers, the corner of a second card peeked out from the bottom. Roh froze for a tick when she noticed the solid colour. She quickly seized it, but she knew it was too late. It was a rookie mistake. She should’ve checked to see if the slave had picked up more than one card.

The blank blackness wasn’t meant for Shiress. Any plain coloured card in the deck was meant for Roh and Roh alone.

There was no way to recover other than placing the surprise next to the three on the table. If she had done her job correctly, the card would’ve been swiped with a sleight of hand, unseen by her partner. Instead, she would need to discreetly bring it into play.

The sibyl clasped her hands above the table and shut her eyes,

“Thank you, Shiress,” she said softly, without looking. “You’ve chosen well, and there’s nothing to fear,” Roh always said that, especially when the symbols on a card may seem ominous. “Allow me a moment no longer than a chime to gather your message.”

There was a lot to sort through, and the sibyl needed time to centre and separate from her stream of thoughts. She needed to watch the flowing words and images being formed, from an unattached point above the stream, carefully selecting the ones she would need to use for the reading. Rohka sat in meditative silence, her awareness occasionally drifting away before gently re-centering herself over the stream. She’d had to practise this process over and over again with Lelia. Before her training, her mind was like a spastic puppy—she’d chase after every single sensation that popped up in her field of inner vision. Whatever she chose to pluck from the stream was based more on what she liked or what popped up first, rather than what would’ve actually been relevant.

Now, she sat, observing. The earth card had shown mizas falling away from a pair of hands, and the water card had shown twisting pair of snakes looking into each other’s eyes. In her stream were flashes of a child’s laughter; the feeling of a familial love; the taste of acid; the smell of freshly cut wood… and the face of a beastly creature, ready to attack.

“Goodness, luv,” Rohka slowly opened her eyes and blinked a couple times. She put on a sly, teasing smile as she leaned forward, as if to spill a secret. “What kind of risky relationships are you getting yourself into?” The sibyl chuckled quietly, shaking her head, hoping to make it clear that she was only joking. Kind of.

She picked up her bluegreen quill once more and dipped it in the ink.

“I’ll write as I speak, and then I’ll give this sheet to you to keep, so that you can remember your first reading at the Mystic Eye. Do look it over once I’m done, and let me know if there’s anything there that you want me to clarify,” Roh took a breath and exhaled any remnant of anxiety before continuing. Every once in a while, she would look up from her writing to check the slave’s gaze, making sure that she was following,

“You will indeed marry, as the snakes coming out of the two cups here indicate. He or she will be a harmonic match, and your union of honour and respect will be passionately balanced. However, the dynamic of your relationship will be characterized by selfishness and/or stinginess, as shown by the falling mizas. One of you will be unwilling to support the other at times, either mentally or materially, and it will take some reflection on intentions for the both of you to stay in harmony. Now, the question is, what role do you play in this potential marriage? From the card you picked, it seems you’re either delaying some form disaster, or you’re terribly afraid to suffer—which you will, perhaps even to the point of near death—so you’re avoiding this type of relationship at all costs. Ask yourself what you’re afraid of. What beast from your past is still attacking you? Why should you let this beast stop you from the joys of a child, from the freedom of growth? There is potential in the woods, you may find love there - either new love, or long lost love. And finally,” Rohka glanced at the black card.

“Um. Avoid toxicity.,” she smirked. “That goes for the both of us. Any questions?”

The sibyl pushed the finished sheet across the table; the parchment was covered, front and back, scribbled all over with shorthand notes of the reading and little sketches of the symbols on the cards.

She let it lay waiting between them.

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To See What Is (Rohka)

Postby Rohka on November 3rd, 2019, 11:49 pm


    Interrogation +1
    Intelligence +1
    Psychology +1
    Seduction +1

    Rohka: A fortune telling apprentice
    Lelia: The Divinist
    The Mystic Eye: A Fortune Telling Business
    Kihala: The Goddess responsible for Life

Additional Notes:

+1 sheet of parchment with a fortune by Rohka!

Thank you for writing with me, it was so lovely to meet Shiress for the very first time! The coolest thing about this is seeing little fortune telling plot seeds blossom into stories, and I'm so excited for the future of Shiress and her family :) Let me know if I missed anything!


    Philosophy +1
    Fortune Telling +2
    Gambling +1
    Persuasion +1
    Tactics +2
    Acting +1
    Writing +2
    Drawing +2
    Meditation +1
    Observation +1
    Business +1

    V’nessi: Mura’s leader, Champion of Avalis
    V’nessi: Can speak about the nature of potentials
    Avalis: The Goddess of Visions and Divination
    Philosophy: The River of Time
    Lelia: Is unable to see the future in the Chavena
    Chavena: Connected to the Divine realm
    Chavi: Bends, twists, weaves around and through one another
    Kihala: The Goddess responsible for Life
    Shiress' Q: Will I marry a handsome and wealthy man one day?
Additional Notes:

If you have any concerns over this grade, don't hesitate to send me a message on either Discord or Miz. Also, please be sure to EDIT any posts in the grading queue to 'Graded'. Enjoy!
-Rohka ❤
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